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i don't expect illinois to win but i do think it will be a relatively close game. i think the illini have overachieved this year and maybe some fans are overestimating where the program is in the course of its overall development.


beating penn state and wisconsin at home is an impressive accomplishment for the team, primarily given our lack of recent historical success against both. however, those wins do not mean the team has arrived or is ready to challenge for a league title yet. there are still plenty of holes on the roster (agree on the lack of defensive speed) and those types of things were exposed last week and probably will be in coming weeks against michigan and osu (the two best teams in the league by far, imo).


don't get me wrong, i'm really encouraged by what i've seen this year and i think this season is already a resounding success. my biggest worry this year is the team would fall on its face and zook's recruiting momentum would be totally blunted. now he gets to head into another recruiting season with yet more evidence that this program is on the rise and he's on the right track. that's going to lead to better recruits and will probably position the team to better face the league's best in the coming years.

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Perhaps I need to remove my orange glasses, but who exactly has Michigan beaten? I know they've lost to a I-AA team, at HOME. They've beaten a 1-6 Notre Dame team. They barely beat a team that lost to DUKE of all teams. Ah yes, they beat a completely overrated Purdue (who also had not beaten anyone of note before being outed by Ohio State) and that oh so difficult match up with Easern Michigan. So that leaves Penn St, whom they barely beat at the big house, and who Illinois also beat.


Illinois 30

Michigan 17



Book it.






(and that's not an unrealistic view of Illinois' development, it's a realistic view on Michigans talent)

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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The SEC is a superior league due to the low academic standards leaguewide at the schools, and the Big 10 has it's problems due to the high academic standards leaguewide at the schools. I thought everybody knew this, they don't call the SEC "skip every class" for nothing, and it's a known fact that Big 10 schools are pretty good academically for the most part. The SEC just has a lot more kids to choose from than the Big 10 due to academic things.

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Hes running spread option.


Not many Big 10 teams run that.


And Michigan has a lot of talent, plenty of talent.


If Illinois wants to win, they are going to need to throw the ball. There is only one top tier Big 10 team that you could beat never throwing the ball, and that is Wisconsin, because they just cant tackle anyone and they refuse to stack the box.


Not a great position for Illinois to be in, because now it seems they are supposed to win this game, and they are going up against a more talented team.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 02:57 PM)
The SEC is a superior league due to the low academic standards leaguewide at the schools, and the Big 10 has it's problems due to the high academic standards leaguewide at the schools. I thought everybody knew this, they don't call the SEC "skip every class" for nothing, and it's a known fact that Big 10 schools are pretty good academically for the most part. The SEC just has a lot more kids to choose from than the Big 10 due to academic things.


Let's not forget an immensely larger talent pool to draw from in the Southeast. The state of Florida alone provides as much D-I talent as most of the midwest.


Football is a way of life in the South, much more so than up north. I've lived in both. People choose a wedding date by their team's schedule in the fall. Not just trying to avoid the rival game, but to have it on an off week so they don't miss ANY game. Women are into football here like I have never seen before. It is just part of the identity of the South. The kids are bred into it and the best athletes play football in the South, not basketball.


I'm not discounting the academic issue, just adding to it.

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 02:49 PM)
Perhaps I need to remove my orange glasses, but who exactly has Michigan beaten? I know they've lost to a I-AA team, at HOME. They've beaten a 1-6 Notre Dame team. They barely beat a team that lost to DUKE of all teams. Ah yes, they beat a completely overrated Purdue (who also had not beaten anyone of note before being outed by Ohio State) and that oh so difficult match up with Easern Michigan. So that leaves Penn St, whom they barely beat at the big house, and who Illinois also beat.


Illinois 30

Michigan 17

Book it.

(and that's not an unrealistic view of Illinois' development, it's a realistic view on Michigans talent)


This is expected from someone that doesn't follow a team in detail. I'm sure Illinois has issues that I don't know. But Michigan's talent level is far from lacking. Their performance thus far has not lived up to said talent. A few notes on Michigan's season you might not know:


1. Their starting CB from the first two games was kicked off the team (failed drug test is the word). Not suspended, just flat out kicked off.

2. Michigan is now starting a true freshman at CB. Obviously, it takes time for a true frosh to develop. Illini fans should know this as they have several talented freshmen that have played in the past two years. They don't turn into stars overnight.

3. QB Chad Henne missed 3 games (2 full, 2 halves) and is just now getting back to 100%.

4. RB Mike Hart did not play for almost two full quarters against Appy St with a deep thigh bruise. Said bruise lingered for several weeks, even with the success he has had.

5. Michigan's best DE and sack leader barely played the first two weeks while sitting in the doghouse. Reserve DT Marques Slocum who was to provide depth also was in the doghouse the first 4 games. The lack of depth up front and Brandon Graham's time in the doghouse (DE) cause them to use their best LB Shawn Crable as a DE.

6. Two other starting LB's have missed 2 games with injuries.

7. Michigan's top THREE RG's are all injured, causing their RT to shift to G, a position he has never played before, not to mention he is a RS Frosh starting his first season at T.

8. Kick Returner and RB Carlos Brown broke his hand before the season started. He missed Appy St and played with a cast the next few weeks. He fumbled twice in his first few carries with the cast, so they had to keep him on the bench stunting his role and development.

9. Mario Manningham and Brandon Minor both missed a game for breaking team rules.

10. Both backup LB's were hurt and did not play against Appy St. Jonas Mouton, expected to play 3rd downs because he can cover has yet to recover fully and has had minimal PT.

11. They have had as many as six starters out at the same time. Nine if you count the backups to the injured starters.

12. There have also been some team unity type issues. Not sure what is going on, but more players have had disciplinary problems than in recent years. Not sure if you have some younger players not following the lead of the vets or what, but it certainly has affected things.


Look I know these are excuses and that every team has such issues. However, I doubt many teams have had as many problems. It is definitely fair to say their early season play has been affected by all of this. They seem to have most of their problems ironed out other than at RG. Judging Michigan by what they have done so far is not going to give you an accurate portrayal of what they can do. I have seen the signs each week that this team is ready to bust loose and become the team that everyone rated highly before the season. It may not happen and they definitely won't make it as high in the rankings, but that's okay. I am very confident they will finish the season strong. That is, as long as they don't take Illinois lightly this weekend. The combination of a night game on the road with a hungry, talented, young team coming off of a loss scares me. If they handle business this weekend, watch them finish VERY strong.



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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 03:57 PM)
The SEC is a superior league due to the low academic standards leaguewide at the schools, and the Big 10 has it's problems due to the high academic standards leaguewide at the schools. I thought everybody knew this, they don't call the SEC "skip every class" for nothing, and it's a known fact that Big 10 schools are pretty good academically for the most part. The SEC just has a lot more kids to choose from than the Big 10 due to academic things.


Yep, that MUST be it....it has nothing at all to do with the sheer amount of talent in the southeast region at all....just us southerners being uneducated and going to school because of football alone....

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QUOTE(Capn12 @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 04:59 PM)
Yep, that MUST be it....it has nothing at all to do with the sheer amount of talent in the southeast region at all....just us southerners being uneducated and going to school because of football alone....


Wow, don't go on and put words in anybodys mouth or anything. The warm climate and year round training players get in the south certainly helps the talent level (as well as passion for the game) in the region, but the fact is that SEC football programs let a lot of kids in with college resumes the Big 10 would laugh at, and thus the SEC has a larger talent pool to draw from.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 04:56 PM)
This is expected from someone that doesn't follow a team in detail. I'm sure Illinois has issues that I don't know. But Michigan's talent level is far from lacking. Their performance thus far has not lived up to said talent. A few notes on Michigan's season you might not know:


1. Their starting CB from the first two games was kicked off the team (failed drug test is the word). Not suspended, just flat out kicked off.

2. Michigan is now starting a true freshman at CB. Obviously, it takes time for a true frosh to develop. Illini fans should know this as they have several talented freshmen that have played in the past two years. They don't turn into stars overnight.

3. QB Chad Henne missed 3 games (2 full, 2 halves) and is just now getting back to 100%.

4. RB Mike Hart did not play for almost two full quarters against Appy St with a deep thigh bruise. Said bruise lingered for several weeks, even with the success he has had.

5. Michigan's best DE and sack leader barely played the first two weeks while sitting in the doghouse. Reserve DT Marques Slocum who was to provide depth also was in the doghouse the first 4 games. The lack of depth up front and Brandon Graham's time in the doghouse (DE) cause them to use their best LB Shawn Crable as a DE.

6. Two other starting LB's have missed 2 games with injuries.

7. Michigan's top THREE RG's are all injured, causing their RT to shift to G, a position he has never played before, not to mention he is a RS Frosh starting his first season at T.

8. Kick Returner and RB Carlos Brown broke his hand before the season started. He missed Appy St and played with a cast the next few weeks. He fumbled twice in his first few carries with the cast, so they had to keep him on the bench stunting his role and development.

9. Mario Manningham and Brandon Minor both missed a game for breaking team rules.

10. Both backup LB's were hurt and did not play against Appy St. Jonas Mouton, expected to play 3rd downs because he can cover has yet to recover fully and has had minimal PT.

11. They have had as many as six starters out at the same time. Nine if you count the backups to the injured starters.

12. There have also been some team unity type issues. Not sure what is going on, but more players have had disciplinary problems than in recent years. Not sure if you have some younger players not following the lead of the vets or what, but it certainly has affected things.


Look I know these are excuses and that every team has such issues. However, I doubt many teams have had as many problems. It is definitely fair to say their early season play has been affected by all of this. They seem to have most of their problems ironed out other than at RG. Judging Michigan by what they have done so far is not going to give you an accurate portrayal of what they can do. I have seen the signs each week that this team is ready to bust loose and become the team that everyone rated highly before the season. It may not happen and they definitely won't make it as high in the rankings, but that's okay. I am very confident they will finish the season strong. That is, as long as they don't take Illinois lightly this weekend. The combination of a night game on the road with a hungry, talented, young team coming off of a loss scares me. If they handle business this weekend, watch them finish VERY strong.



Fair enough, but everyteam has issues, injuries and distractions. All I'm saying is if you look at whats happened on the field I don't see why Michigan is a sure bet to win, or why Michigan is all of a sudden "back" in the Big Ten Title race, especially when they still have some difficult games ahead and a lot of lingering issues with their team.


At the same time though, with logic like mine (who have you played and beaten lately) you'd go crazy, especially with this years college football season. I'm sticking with my pick, and my opinion of Michigan, and we'll see what happens Saturday night.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 02:57 PM)
The SEC is a superior league due to the low academic standards leaguewide at the schools, and the Big 10 has it's problems due to the high academic standards leaguewide at the schools. I thought everybody knew this, they don't call the SEC "skip every class" for nothing, and it's a known fact that Big 10 schools are pretty good academically for the most part. The SEC just has a lot more kids to choose from than the Big 10 due to academic things.

Superior league how? Have you checked the Big Ten record against them?


* The Big Ten was 2-1 vs. the SEC in this past season's bowl games.

* The Big Ten is 8-6 vs. the SEC in bowl games over the last five years

* The Big Ten is 13-13 vs. the SEC in bowl games over the last decade.

* Over the last nine years of Bowl Championship Series games, the Big Ten leads all conferences with 15 berths while ranking second with eight victories. The SEC tops all leagues with nine wins and ranks second to the Big Ten with 13 appearances.

* In the last 10 years the Big Ten has produced two national champions compared to three for the SEC.

* In the last 15 years the Big Ten has produced five Heisman Trophy winners, more than any other conference. Over that same time span, the SEC has claimed one Heisman.

* While the SEC ranked first among various recruiting rankings, the Big Ten ranked second or third nationally with four to five programs rated among the top 25 recruiting classes.

* The Big Ten has a history of developing players - the most recent Heisman Trophy winner, Troy Smith, was one of the last players to receive a scholarship from Ohio State.

* The Big Ten has slightly less than 300 players in the NFL while the SEC has slightly more than 300; Sixteen former Big Ten players earned Super Bowl rings with the Indianapolis Colts earlier this month.


I have yet to find out why everyone is brainwashed that the SEC is this great football conference. The only people who believe that are fans of the SEC.

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You have to compare top to bottom. This year...LSU, Kentucky and South Carolina are all 6-1. Ohio State could give SC and Kentucky a game of it. Maybe Michigan could beat SC and Illinois isn't close to beating any of those teams yet. Kentucky is MUCH better and as long as the Ol' Ball Coach is at SC, they are dangerous.


Alright, now let's go to the bottom. Compare Minnesota, Iowa, MSU and Purdue to Vandy, Ole Miss, Arkansas and Miss. State.


Minnesota and Iowa and Miss. State and Ole Miss knock each other out. So that leaves MSU and Purdue to Ark and Vandy. After seeing Arkansas and Vandy play...I'd give them the edge over MSU and Purdue, but not by much.


Personally I think the SEC is much better at the top of the league but only slightly better at the bottom. Obviously, this anyone could win on any given Saturday, but I'd take most SEC teams over most Big Ten teams.


And I'm a Big Ten homer...




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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 06:38 PM)
Superior league how? Have you checked the Big Ten record against them?


* The Big Ten was 2-1 vs. the SEC in this past season's bowl games.

* The Big Ten is 8-6 vs. the SEC in bowl games over the last five years

* The Big Ten is 13-13 vs. the SEC in bowl games over the last decade.

* Over the last nine years of Bowl Championship Series games, the Big Ten leads all conferences with 15 berths while ranking second with eight victories. The SEC tops all leagues with nine wins and ranks second to the Big Ten with 13 appearances.

* In the last 10 years the Big Ten has produced two national champions compared to three for the SEC.

* In the last 15 years the Big Ten has produced five Heisman Trophy winners, more than any other conference. Over that same time span, the SEC has claimed one Heisman.

* While the SEC ranked first among various recruiting rankings, the Big Ten ranked second or third nationally with four to five programs rated among the top 25 recruiting classes.

* The Big Ten has a history of developing players - the most recent Heisman Trophy winner, Troy Smith, was one of the last players to receive a scholarship from Ohio State.

* The Big Ten has slightly less than 300 players in the NFL while the SEC has slightly more than 300; Sixteen former Big Ten players earned Super Bowl rings with the Indianapolis Colts earlier this month.


I have yet to find out why everyone is brainwashed that the SEC is this great football conference. The only people who believe that are fans of the SEC.


I'm a huge Big Ten fan and I will say with no doubt whatsoever that the SEC, top to bottom, is the best football conference in the country. Their depth is second to none, whether they have a team competing for the NC or not.


So there's one dissenter

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 07:29 PM)
All I'm saying is if you look at whats happened on the field I don't see why Michigan is a sure bet to win, or why Michigan is all of a sudden "back" in the Big Ten Title race, especially when they still have some difficult games ahead and a lot of lingering issues with their team.


Back in the Big Ten race? Aren't they undefeated in conference play...?

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 09:05 PM)
I'm a huge Big Ten fan and I will say with no doubt whatsoever that the SEC, top to bottom, is the best football conference in the country. Their depth is second to none, whether they have a team competing for the NC or not.


So there's one dissenter

Im not saying they arent better right now. But this SEC hype is complete bulls***. They are not the end all be all football conference.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 16, 2007 -> 11:33 PM)
Im not saying they arent better right now. But this SEC hype is complete bulls***. They are not the end all be all football conference.


I'll agree the hype is a bit much. Unfortunately, the egg your Buckeyes laid in the big game last year hasn't helped. The gap between them and other conferences is not that great. But there is a gap.


Funny thing is down here, they don't think they get enough credit, which I just find to be completely idiotic.

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Oct 17, 2007 -> 06:39 AM)
I'll agree the hype is a bit much. Unfortunately, the egg your Buckeyes laid in the big game last year hasn't helped. The gap between them and other conferences is not that great. But there is a gap.


Funny thing is down here, they don't think they get enough credit, which I just find to be completely idiotic.


Well, that's the thing about all the major conferences. Here in Texas, people thing the Big 12 is the end all-be all. F'rinstance, Texas is down? Yeah, but Kansas is undefeated. Uhhhh...yeah, who have they beaten...Kansas State and that's it. So, they all think that which is part of what makes college football fun.

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