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Rickrolling in Gmail or Lotus Notes

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In 2007, an internet phenomenon known as "Rickrolling" began to spread rapidly. Its origins can be traced to 4chan, where there existed previously a fad called "duckrolling": claiming a link has something interesting or amusing in its target thread (on 4chan) but which turns out to be a thread with an initial "duckroll" image; thus, the user has been duped, or "duckrolled", much like a snipe hunt on the Internet. "Rickrolling" consists of the same thing, but routed to Astley's video of "Never Gonna Give You Up".[2] Notable examples of this meme entering the mainstream are Carson Daly's attempt to Rickroll his audience [1] and a performance of the song in the Family Guy episode "Meet the Quagmires." One hyperlink frequently used is a classic MTV version of "Never Gonna Give You Up" posted on YouTube on November 27, 2006. As of August 8, 2007, the YouTube video had been viewed 2 million times.







My question is this...how do i get this to work in gmail or on lotus notes. I would want a message to say click here, and it be directly linked to a youtube video link.?

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