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Why does everyone hate this guy? He has made one bad trade and for some reason that overshadows the good moves that he has made. I love his agressive nature and his willingness to attempt to improve this team. He has also done a good job in little deals that involve minor leaguers. Today he has sent a message to the rest of baseball that the Sox are going to contend. In the end the only thing that matters is making the playoffs and I think these trades just made the Sox the favorites to win the Central. Once the playoffs start anything can happen. The Angels weren't the most talented team last year, but they were hot at the right time and thats all you need to win it all. You wouldn't trade a few prospects for a chance to make a serious ran at the playoffs. Imagine if the Sox can somehow make it to the WS and how that would effect this organization. I hate to give up prospects, but you have to realize that they are unproven potential. You are trading guys who you don't know what they are going to do in the majors from proven comidoties. There was an article last year about how prospects traded at the deadline rarely live up to their potential. Even though Cotts and Ring are top prospects they are anything for sure things. I like these trades and applaud KW.

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I was thinking the same thing. He had 1 bad trade-- give him a break. He got marte for nothing; Colon was a great deal and now Alomar and Everett. Also didnt he also do the Olivo trade. He has guts which Schuler didn't. Good job Kenny!! What a day-- and the Cubs lose and Lowell isn't coming to them. Could the Sox take over this town soon??

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I was thinking the same thing.  He had 1 bad trade-- give him a break.  He got marte for nothing; Colon was a great deal and now Alomar and Everett.  Also didnt he also do the Olivo trade.  He has guts which Schuler didn't.  Good job Kenny!!  What a day--  and the Cubs lose and Lowell isn't coming to them.  Could the Sox take over this town soon??

1??????? geez us where ya been the past couple of seasons.... i can think of many more than just 1

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Please inform me on other trades that were clearly bad(I am refering to the Ritchie trade)? The Durham trade is the only other trade that comes to mind, but there was no chance of keeping him so getting something in return is good. I also believe the fear of strike, which if you remember correctly was a hot topic at the time, also forced the trade of Durham. Please point out any other obvious bad trades? The fact is that you can't. One bad trade and you don't like anything else he does no matter how much it improves the team. That is a poor way or looking at things and you really need to reconsider your view of him. Its like you are holding a grudge on a boyfriend/girlfriend that broke up with you 10 years ago.

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I think KW is an idiot.

Let's hope this trade works out.

Kenny Lofton didn't do squat as a veteran presence.

Ritchie, Royce C.


Let's hope this one works out and these guys hit.

But you gotta wait and see.

Alomar's batting average sucks this season!!!

And Everett is not a guaranteed stud.

Let's wait and see again.

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I think KW is an idiot.

Let's hope this trade works out.

Kenny Lofton didn't do squat as a veteran presence.

Ritchie, Royce C.


Let's hope this one works out and these guys hit.

But you gotta wait and see.

Alomar's batting average sucks this season!!!

And Everett is not a guaranteed stud.

Let's wait and see again.

Im not waiting for s***. THe only chance the sox had was to make some moves, and they were good ones.

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I think KW is an idiot.

Let's hope this trade works out.

Kenny Lofton didn't do squat as a veteran presence.

Ritchie, Royce C.


Let's hope this one works out and these guys hit.

But you gotta wait and see.

Alomar's batting average sucks this season!!!

And Everett is not a guaranteed stud.

Let's wait and see again.

Im not waiting for s***. THe only chance the sox had was to make some moves, and they were good ones.

Not sure how good they were, but I'm hoping..... as always..... for the best.


Contrary to "insider" reports here, it looks like KW is very much GM'ing this team.

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David Wells was NOT KW's fault. In fact, we should have kept Wells for the next year.....see what he did last year and this year.


He had injury issues here, but his talent was not in doubt.


Again, in a town where the Tribune and Bill Wirtz do NOTHING to improve their teams and try to win the big prize, Jerry has constantly supported it (Bulls and Sox)


KW wants to win.....and he does it for the Sox fans. I swear I better see >30K every game going forward now for the stretch run when we take over the division.


We needed potency at every position to be a force when we play Seattle, Yanks or Bo Sox pitching in the playoffs. KW just gave us that.

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clayton trade killed the team for 2 years..his attitude and sexual escapades with a certian EX of our superstar really messed this team up...


durham trade was horrible...he got absolutely nothing for a two time all star..if we kept durham till the end we would have gotten two sandwich picks..plus , looking at the off season since we traded foulke we could have traded him for a young CF of starting pitcher that wasnt arbitration eliagable yet , let ,marte or gordon close and use the money saved that we gave botch to resign durham...


the baldwin trade..no major league innings for any of the 3 prospects we got..not to mention he traded for the wrong guy


jimenez trade..we traded the only legit CF prospect in alex fernandez (if you dont count borchard who is really a corner outfielder) for a clubhouse cancer similiar to clayton..btw on both deals(this one and clayton) other GM's or baseball execs warned williams not to trade for either of these guys...


herbert perry for corey lee....lee never will pitch in the majors


foulke for billy botch..this trade already goes down as a huge loser..


how about the trade he didnt make??...howry to the dodgers for eric gagne...that trade was done until kenny williams decided gagne wasnt enough for howry and demanded a prospect to go with gagne...danny evans then nixed the deal...gagne saved 52 last season...


he's had some trades that were ok for both teams

bradford - olivo

glover - eyre


his big winner imo was marte for gurrier..marte should be our closer and gurrier is now just a fringe prospect...


as for colon..hard to give him alot of credit there...mlb runs the expos and forced omar minaya to go public with his payroll and trades..plus fopr some reason the sox had the right to see the expos trades and offer up a better deal if they choosed to..(probably some kind of payback from selig to his buddy reinsdorf :lol: )


as for the latest moves...this has eddie einhorn signature on the moves..not saying he made them..but since his return to the front office this organization has looked and acted much more professional...im sure he has a much more watchful eye over KW then reinsdorf did..


anyways..question was asked what other trades did williams make that were messed up..there ya go

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David Wells was NOT KW's fault. In fact, we should have kept Wells for the next year.....see what he did last year and this year.


He had injury issues here, but his talent was not in doubt.


Again, in a town where the Tribune and Bill Wirtz do NOTHING to improve their teams and try to win the big prize, Jerry has constantly supported it (Bulls and Sox)


KW wants to win.....and he does it for the Sox fans. I swear I better see >30K every game going forward now for the stretch run when we take over the division.


We needed potency at every position to be a force when we play Seattle, Yanks or Bo Sox pitching in the playoffs. KW just gave us that.

the biggest mistake in not picking up wells option was it led to the ritchie trade..no way that trade was made if david wells came back

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KW wants to win.....and he does it for the Sox fans. I swear I better see >30K every game going forward now for the stretch run when we take over the division.

Looks like you'll be going to at least 38 more home games then huh :o ?

If I was living in Chicago, I would be there for at least 20 of the remaining home games. Unfortunately, I live far away on the "Wet" Coast. But I just told my spouse that we should think about going down in Oct to Chi town to watch the Sox in the playoffs

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KW wants to win.....and he does it for the Sox fans. I swear I better see >30K every game going forward now for the stretch run when we take over the division.

Looks like you'll be going to at least 38 more home games then huh :o ?

If I was living in Chicago, I would be there for at least 20 of the remaining home games. Unfortunately, I live far away on the "Wet" Coast. But I just told my spouse that we should think about going down in Oct to Chi town to watch the Sox in the playoffs

Unfortunately, for the vast majority of posters here, you don't have to post for us to go to the games. We already do. What the casual fans do is really of no concern to us although EVERYONE here would like to see a sell-out at The Cell at least 81 games a year. So when it comes to attending games, you're preaching to the choir here.

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KW wants to win.....and he does it for the Sox fans. I swear I better see >30K every game going forward now for the stretch run when we take over the division.

Looks like you'll be going to at least 38 more home games then huh :o ?

If I was living in Chicago, I would be there for at least 20 of the remaining home games. Unfortunately, I live far away on the "Wet" Coast. But I just told my spouse that we should think about going down in Oct to Chi town to watch the Sox in the playoffs

Unfortunately, for the vast majority of posters here, you don't have to post for us to go to the games. We already do. What the casual fans do is really of no concern to us although EVERYONE here would like to see a sell-out at The Cell at least 81 games a year. So when it comes to attending games, you're preaching to the choir here.

I know almost everyone here is die hard....and when I post about the crowd, it is not meant to take a jab at anyone here. It is simply a way for me to vent my frustrations regarding it. I strongly believe we Sox fans are very loyal.....I would like to see us prove that by supporting our team when they have shown before (Colon, Gordon) and during (Everett, Alomar) the season that they reallly really want to win


If we show up, it will help KW re-sign Colon and extend Maggs and Buerhle after this year

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clayton trade killed the team for 2 years..his attitude and sexual escapades with a certian EX of our superstar really messed this team up...


durham trade was horrible...he got absolutely nothing for a two time all star..if we kept durham till the end we would have gotten two sandwich picks..plus , looking at the off season since we traded foulke we could have traded him for a young CF of starting pitcher that wasnt arbitration eliagable yet , let ,marte or gordon close and use the money saved that we gave botch to resign durham...


the baldwin trade..no major league innings for any of the 3 prospects we got..not to mention he traded for the wrong guy


jimenez trade..we traded the only legit CF prospect in alex fernandez (if you dont count borchard who is really a corner outfielder) for a clubhouse cancer similiar to clayton..btw on both deals(this one and clayton) other GM's or baseball execs warned williams not to trade for either of these guys...


herbert perry for corey lee....lee never will pitch in the majors


foulke for billy botch..this trade already goes down as a huge loser..


how about the trade he didnt make??...howry to the dodgers for eric gagne...that trade was done until kenny williams decided gagne wasnt enough for howry and demanded a prospect to go with gagne...danny evans then nixed the deal...gagne saved 52 last season...


he's had some trades that were ok for both teams

bradford - olivo

glover - eyre


his big winner imo was marte for gurrier..marte should be our closer and gurrier is now just a fringe prospect...


as for colon..hard to give him alot of credit there...mlb runs the expos and forced omar minaya to go public with his payroll and trades..plus fopr some reason the sox had the right to see the expos trades and offer up a better deal if they choosed to..(probably  some kind of payback from selig to his buddy reinsdorf  :lol: )


as for the latest moves...this has eddie einhorn signature on the moves..not saying he made them..but since his return to the front office this organization has looked and acted much more professional...im sure he has a much more watchful eye over KW then reinsdorf did..


anyways..question was asked what other trades did williams make that were messed up..there ya go

I take each of your trades one at a time.


1) Did the Sox not need a defensive improvement at SS after 2000? Most Sox fans saw that as a weakness and rightfully so with Valentin making 30+ errors there. The Sox got lucky that most of those errors didn't cost them games, but that is a chance you don't take again. So what does KW do. He gets one of the top defensive SS in the game and gives up next to nothing to get him. I am sorry but that isn't a bad trade. Next.


2) I already mentioned that the strike that was looming probably played a HUGE role in the Durham trade. It was his best move, but he wanted to get something for a player that he know wasn't going to be on the team next year(its JR's fault for not resigning him). If there was a strike then the Sox would have been stuck with nothing to show for Durham. No compensaiton. Not a good trade, but not entirely KW's fault. Next.


3) The Baldwin trade was addition by subtraction. Have you taken a look at the numbers that he has put up since leaving the Sox? He has been one of the worst starting pitchers in the game since the trade. Finding a team to take him was a good thing let alone getting some prospects in return. By the way the best prospect that the Sox got was Majewski and he has put up some solid numbers since the trade and is only 23. He could be pitching out of the pen as early as next year. Getting rid of one of the worst pitchers in baseball was a win no matter waht, but the fact that one of the prospects has a decent shot of making the pen next year is an added bonus. The name mix up wasn't a huge deal and more of a laughing matter then serious considering neither of the 2 guys were any good. I am sorry but you are wrong on this one. Next.


4) You don't follow the minors do you? Fernandez isn't a good prospect. At BEST he will be a 4th outfielder, but in all likelyhood he won't ever step foot onto a major league field. Besides CF in the minors has become a strength with the last 3 drafts that have netted the Sox Webster, Reed, Anderson, and the 14th pick this year(cant remember his name). Its funny how no one was complaining about Jimenez when he was the only one hitting on this team. Jimenez has the chance to be a solid everyday player, while the 2 players that the Sox gave up were nothing but career minor leaguers. Thats was a win for the Sox any way you slice it. Next.


5) Where is Perry now? Riding the bench. Neither guy is an everyday player in the majors so that trade isn't a bad trade. Besides it opened up 3rd for Crede. You are really reaching on this one. Next.


6) What about Cotts? If he wasn't traded today he is considered one of the best lefty handed starters in the minors and could be a future star in the rotation. If he was traded then helped land Everett. Either way the trade consisted of more then Foulke for Koch and is still way to early to tell which team got the better deal. Once again I specificly said name a trade that was clearly bad and you have yet to do so. Next.


7) That Gange for Howry trade was BS. Apparently you didn't get the memo that later said that it was a trade made up by the papers. There was not one reliable source that said a trade like that was on the table. I realize that you are reaching for stuff to through out there, but please stick to the facts. Next.


Typical. Its all KW fault when he makes a bad trade, but he shouldn't get credit for making a good trade. Why don't you come back and argue when your negative bias doesn't cloud your thought process? You have yet to name one trade that was clearly bad for the Sox. All of the above trades are bad IN YOUR OPINION, but unbias fans/experts/scouts/ect would probably disagree with you in most cases. Anything else. Have a nice day.

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I know that chisox fan. I was just stating that in the last 3 drafts the Sox have gotten some good CF prospects that include Anderson, Reed, Webster, Nanina(was the 14th rounder this year that I was thinking who is off to a great start), and you can even add Spidale to that list. My point is that CF has become a strength in the minors with the drafts the last 3 years and the lose of a career minor leaguer in the making like Fernandez is anything but heartbreaking. If I remember correctly the guy had something like 4 walks in over 200 AB's before getting traded. That is some of the worst plate disipline that I have ever seen and if you think he will ever make it to the majors like that then you are in for a rude awakening. Any time you get a solid major leaguer(which Jimenez has proven to be to some extent) for 2 career minor leaguers it is a good trade. For some reason that guy doesn't get the point. I guess when you don't like someone(like his dislike for KW) you tend to put a negative spin on everything no matter who good it is.

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clayton trade killed the team for 2 years..his attitude and sexual escapades with a certian EX of our superstar really messed this team up...


durham trade was horrible...he got absolutely nothing for a two time all star..if we kept durham till the end we would have gotten two sandwich picks..plus , looking at the off season since we traded foulke we could have traded him for a young CF of starting pitcher that wasnt arbitration eliagable yet , let ,marte or gordon close and use the money saved that we gave botch to resign durham...


the baldwin trade..no major league innings for any of the 3 prospects we got..not to mention he traded for the wrong guy


jimenez trade..we traded the only legit CF prospect in alex fernandez (if you dont count borchard who is really a corner outfielder) for a clubhouse cancer similiar to clayton..btw on both deals(this one and clayton) other GM's or baseball execs warned williams not to trade for either of these guys...


herbert perry for corey lee....lee never will pitch in the majors


foulke for billy botch..this trade already goes down as a huge loser..


how about the trade he didnt make??...howry to the dodgers for eric gagne...that trade was done until kenny williams decided gagne wasnt enough for howry and demanded a prospect to go with gagne...danny evans then nixed the deal...gagne saved 52 last season...


he's had some trades that were ok for both teams

bradford - olivo

glover - eyre


his big winner imo was marte for gurrier..marte should be our closer and gurrier is now just a fringe prospect...


as for colon..hard to give him alot of credit there...mlb runs the expos and forced omar minaya to go public with his payroll and trades..plus fopr some reason the sox had the right to see the expos trades and offer up a better deal if they choosed to..(probably  some kind of payback from selig to his buddy reinsdorf  :lol: )


as for the latest moves...this has eddie einhorn signature on the moves..not saying he made them..but since his return to the front office this organization has looked and acted much more professional...im sure he has a much more watchful eye over KW then reinsdorf did..


anyways..question was asked what other trades did williams make that were messed up..there ya go

I take each of your trades one at a time.


1) Did the Sox not need a defensive improvement at SS after 2000? Most Sox fans saw that as a weakness and rightfully so with Valentin making 30+ errors there. The Sox got lucky that most of those errors didn't cost them games, but that is a chance you don't take again. So what does KW do. He gets one of the top defensive SS in the game and gives up next to nothing to get him. I am sorry but that isn't a bad trade. Next.


2) I already mentioned that the strike that was looming probably played a HUGE role in the Durham trade. It was his best move, but he wanted to get something for a player that he know wasn't going to be on the team next year(its JR's fault for not resigning him). If there was a strike then the Sox would have been stuck with nothing to show for Durham. No compensaiton. Not a good trade, but not entirely KW's fault. Next.


3) The Baldwin trade was addition by subtraction. Have you taken a look at the numbers that he has put up since leaving the Sox? He has been one of the worst starting pitchers in the game since the trade. Finding a team to take him was a good thing let alone getting some prospects in return. By the way the best prospect that the Sox got was Majewski and he has put up some solid numbers since the trade and is only 23. He could be pitching out of the pen as early as next year. Getting rid of one of the worst pitchers in baseball was a win no matter waht, but the fact that one of the prospects has a decent shot of making the pen next year is an added bonus. The name mix up wasn't a huge deal and more of a laughing matter then serious considering neither of the 2 guys were any good. I am sorry but you are wrong on this one. Next.


4) You don't follow the minors do you? Fernandez isn't a good prospect. At BEST he will be a 4th outfielder, but in all likelyhood he won't ever step foot onto a major league field. Besides CF in the minors has become a strength with the last 3 drafts that have netted the Sox Webster, Reed, Anderson, and the 14th pick this year(cant remember his name). Its funny how no one was complaining about Jimenez when he was the only one hitting on this team. Jimenez has the chance to be a solid everyday player, while the 2 players that the Sox gave up were nothing but career minor leaguers. Thats was a win for the Sox any way you slice it. Next.


5) Where is Perry now? Riding the bench. Neither guy is an everyday player in the majors so that trade isn't a bad trade. Besides it opened up 3rd for Crede. You are really reaching on this one. Next.


6) What about Cotts? If he wasn't traded today he is considered one of the best lefty handed starters in the minors and could be a future star in the rotation. If he was traded then helped land Everett. Either way the trade consisted of more then Foulke for Koch and is still way to early to tell which team got the better deal. Once again I specificly said name a trade that was clearly bad and you have yet to do so. Next.


7) That Gange for Howry trade was BS. Apparently you didn't get the memo that later said that it was a trade made up by the papers. There was not one reliable source that said a trade like that was on the table. I realize that you are reaching for stuff to through out there, but please stick to the facts. Next.


Typical. Its all KW fault when he makes a bad trade, but he shouldn't get credit for making a good trade. Why don't you come back and argue when your negative bias doesn't cloud your thought process? You have yet to name one trade that was clearly bad for the Sox. All of the above trades are bad IN YOUR OPINION, but unbias fans/experts/scouts/ect would probably disagree with you in most cases. Anything else. Have a nice day.

in response to your responses :)


1...no, the sox did not need a defensive upgrade at SS..jose valentin always was ans still is a fine defensive SS..there is alot more to defense than just errors...look at how many errors nomar makes??...does he stink too???...valentin's range and arm are twice that of clayton's..since '00 the sox play about 600 baseball with jose on SS...we won with hinm on SS in '00..2 years of clayton on SS and the sox were mediocre at best..now that val is back on SS were are making moves to win again...coincidence??


2...if we kept durham and they changed the rules on compensation so we wouldnt have gotten anything for durham then we would be in the same boat we are in now..cause that bum we got for durham will never pitch in the majors...look what we got for lofton a week later??....a number 4 prospect in diaz...durham is a better player than lofton at this point in kenny's career...we should have gotten atleast a top 5 prospect for durham or just kept him..


3...it doesnt matter what baldwin has done since he left the sox..at the time of the trade baldwin had won 4 starts in a row and LA was desperate for starting pitching...the guy we got in the trade...onan masaoka was supposed to( in williams own words) have a fastball that would make us all forget about baldwin...then in spring training williams releases masaoka and says he didnt have a major league curveball...great job there kenny...plus williams says that baldwin was just a bridge to the future and that he was now expandable because the bridge was complete (meaning the starting pitchers from the minors were ready to step up..then in the next offseason he trades for ritchie and says that the same starting pitching was ready so he had to trade away these guys for a legit starter..these two trades more than any showed kenny had no set plan in place...


4..you need to re-read what i said..i never said fernandez was a good prospect..i said he was are only legit (probably should have used the word "true") CF prospect at the time in the organization..i know fernandez is on no ones "A" list..but the sox have no true CF prospect in the org except for the guy they drafted this year and anthony webster whos been given a due date of '07...as for 2nd baseman..we had harris , hummell and miles who were all closer to the majors than fernandez..so trading the only CF form a bum like jimenez when we had 3 other prospects just as good if not better was not a smart move...


5...again it doesnt matter what perry is doing now..eventhough last year he had a good year for texas...he was a major leaguer and we traded him for a guy that has virtually no chance to make the majors...releasing perry would have had the same effect...i didnt except the rangers best prospect for perry but i did expect someone who would spend atleast a little time in the majors...besides...aftyer sticking us with clayton you would think texas would have felt bad enough about that to gives us atleast a guy that had a chance :D


6...two years ago corwin malone was given that same award...look where he is now...cotts has done nothing for this team this year..as far as him being traded for everett..if it wasnt cotts it would have been someone else..i dont care about the future...our future is now...cotts is 2 years away minimum...had the foulke botch trade not been made this team would be much better NOW...in a year we are trying to win it all...this trade could end up being the worst one of all if we miss the playoffs by like one or two games because billy botch's fastball couldnt break a balsa wood anymore...


7..kenny williams himself on the score said there was a trade being talked about with the dodgers for gagne...of course yopu might be right because he definately isnt a reliable source :lol:


i named 6 trades that i clearly believe are bad..others agree with me...then there are other that dont...but you are the one who asked why people dont like kenny williams..i named off 6 trades why...just because you dont agree doesnt mean the rest of us can have a different opinion...so saying i have yet to name one bad trade and then typing "next" is bulls***.....i named 6 bad ones imo...just because you refuse to even consider anyone elses opinion doesnt make you right...just closed minded...

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Baggs.... More cannon fodder for you on the Durham deal.


Look at what we gave up to acquire a 35 year old 2B today as compared with what we received for a younger and still proven effective All Star caliber 2B lasy year.

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