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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 3, 2008 -> 11:02 PM)
just any straight up gin and tonic (or GNT's as we call them) will mess you up, doesn't even have to be Tanqueray

One of my worst nights ever came drinking gin and tonics. I guess I was puking by 10:30, but don't remember it. What I do remember is waking up the next morning and puking 4 times in about an hour before I had to go DJ at the campus radio station. Haven't touched a gin and tonic since, but I think I could be up for one again...

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People need to stop coming here when they're sober. Nothing is worse than hearing an asshole recount what he drank last night. Do you honestly think anyone cares how "f***ed up" you were? If you were so "f***ed up" tell me what happened. Tell me something funny, interesting. Not how many beers you had. Your drinking tolerance doesn't impress anyone.


This thread has severely lost its luster.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Aug 3, 2008 -> 11:24 PM)
One of my worst nights ever came drinking gin and tonics. I guess I was puking by 10:30, but don't remember it. What I do remember is waking up the next morning and puking 4 times in about an hour before I had to go DJ at the campus radio station. Haven't touched a gin and tonic since, but I think I could be up for one again...


yeah I had a buddy who had a night like that. We were the only two from our frat at another mixer, and so we just got a bottle of some kind of 80 proof Ron D Superior...we finished the bottle in an hour, and he had probably 2/3 of it...needless to say he didn't even remember going home, which was like a 2 block walk in icy conditions, let alone the next 3 hours where he was puking/passed out in a bathroom stall.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Aug 3, 2008 -> 11:26 PM)
People need to stop coming here when they're sober. Nothing is worse than hearing an asshole recount what he drank last night. Do you honestly think anyone cares how "f***ed up" you were? If you were so "f***ed up" tell me what happened. Tell me something funny, interesting. Not how many beers you had. Your drinking tolerance doesn't impress anyone.


This thread has severely lost its luster.

Give it 2-3 more weeks until people get out of their summer jobs and head back to school...

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Aug 3, 2008 -> 11:26 PM)
People need to stop coming here when they're sober. Nothing is worse than hearing an asshole recount what he drank last night. Do you honestly think anyone cares how "f***ed up" you were? If you were so "f***ed up" tell me what happened. Tell me something funny, interesting. Not how many beers you had. Your drinking tolerance doesn't impress anyone.


This thread has severely lost its luster.


I'll try sometime this week. I always just come on here and start talking actual baseball s*** which is probably what I should be avoiding, though I make my point all the same.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Aug 3, 2008 -> 10:26 PM)
People need to stop coming here when they're sober. Nothing is worse than hearing an asshole recount what he drank last night. Do you honestly think anyone cares how "f***ed up" you were? If you were so "f***ed up" tell me what happened. Tell me something funny, interesting. Not how many beers you had. Your drinking tolerance doesn't impress anyone.


This thread has severely lost its luster.


Every time I see this thread, I get excited to see someone's drunken postings. It always fails me.

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Ok so my weekend was one big f##ked up rollercoaster.


I am meant to be in Las Vegas right now. Instead, because the stoo-pid New York weather, here I am at work. No other flights to Vegas with Jet Blue until this morning, and I'm not spending just 2 days in Vegas, need more than that.


So what did I do instead. Drowned my sorrows in booze. Saturday afternoon was spent drinking on a boat on a pier which swayed from side to side a bit, that was pretty cool. Then outs to a few bars, and seeing one of my good buddies fall asleep while trying to take a dump in the toilet, pretty funny stuff. And 1 girl lost her bag with her passport etc. in there, and someone else lost their wallet, so it got messy.


Yesterday I did Brunch at a place called the Sunburnt Cow. But this isn't your usual Brunch. $15 gets you any meal, AND, as much beer as you can drink. And I give Fosters a bad rap (as Southsider would attest to), but yesterday I drank it, and drank it and drank it. Probably around 15 glasses of Fosters I ended up having.


Then I have absolutely no recollection of what happened after that. Somehow I think one of my mates dragged me into this party in some hotel for a while, after drinking some more at some other places. Then I proceeded to dance in my room to Daft Punk at 2 in the morning, so I am just majorly hungover this morning, and you don't know how hard it has been to just write this.

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I took the loml to Applebys to have a few drinks. I had a few/many tall Blue moons and she had asome Main Street RITAS. i had to watch the restart of a Cus game. i have mt laptop on a stand and the letters are up, which looks cool, but sucks totype. I hjave to sleep. fiuck y'all who like the Sox in 2nd and I lobe y'all who hayte trhe Sox in 2nd. and whem is Jim goimg tp send me home brew????

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 4, 2008 -> 11:34 PM)
I took the loml to Applebys to have a few drinks. I had a few/many tall Blue moons and she had asome Main Street RITAS. i had to watch the restart of a Cus game. i have mt laptop on a stand and the letters are up, which looks cool, but sucks totype. I hjave to sleep. fiuck y'all who like the Sox in 2nd and I lobe y'all who hayte trhe Sox in 2nd. and whem is Jim goimg tp send me home brew????


Tex comes up clutch!

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 4, 2008 -> 10:34 PM)
I took the loml to Applebys to have a few drinks. I had a few/many tall Blue moons and she had asome Main Street RITAS. i had to watch the restart of a Cus game. i have mt laptop on a stand and the letters are up, which looks cool, but sucks totype. I hjave to sleep. fiuck y'all who like the Sox in 2nd and I lobe y'all who hayte trhe Sox in 2nd. and whem is Jim goimg tp send me home brew????


Never would have suspected you..



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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 5, 2008 -> 12:34 AM)
I took the loml to Applebys to have a few drinks. I had a few/many tall Blue moons and she had asome Main Street RITAS. i had to watch the restart of a Cus game. i have mt laptop on a stand and the letters are up, which looks cool, but sucks totype. I hjave to sleep. fiuck y'all who like the Sox in 2nd and I lobe y'all who hayte trhe Sox in 2nd. and whem is Jim goimg tp send me home brew????


Jim will have to send you mai tais instead, as he is on a big time tiki kick. Must be life in the subtropics that makes rum one of life's necessities.

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so i'm sitting here eating kraft easy mac and i cant help but thin k itd be a good idea to post int eh drunk thread 'casue i haven't seen much here recently and quite franky, int he worlds of stephen a smith, i think there should be much more of this now that poeple are back at school. And what the f***'s up with tis Julia Child was a spyu s***? Ridiculous. Oh, and how dare the Sox lose otnight. I mean, I stopped watchign the game after the 2nd inning to go drink a ton before i went out nad then proceded to go to a prty that was over before i even knew it due to some damn fight that broke out, and i come back to find out we lost after going up 3-0 int he 1st . Completey unacceptable. How dare the Sox lose this game...

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Well I had a fun weekend.


Basically I was up with 20 people in upstate NY and we rented this huge house for the weekend, only cost about $90 to rent for each person.


It had a hot tub and a huge outdoor patio area. Basically one of the guys got absolutely wasted. He dove into the hot tub about 20 times on the Friday Night (with about 10 people already in there), and then he leant againt the railing on the patio and proceeded to fall off and onto the grass about a story below. I don't know how he didn't hurt himself more seriously, but he proceed to come running back up the stairs and jumped back into the hot tub.


Later on he started calling himself the Calcium Kid, and poured about a gallon milk all over himself, wearing nothing but one of the girls' underwear.


Oh and Svedka Vodka is one of the best I've ever had.

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 10:44 AM)
Well I had a fun weekend.


Basically I was up with 20 people in upstate NY and we rented this huge house for the weekend, only cost about $90 to rent for each person.


It had a hot tub and a huge outdoor patio area. Basically one of the guys got absolutely wasted. He dove into the hot tub about 20 times on the Friday Night (with about 10 people already in there), and then he leant againt the railing on the patio and proceeded to fall off and onto the grass about a story below. I don't know how he didn't hurt himself more seriously, but he proceed to come running back up the stairs and jumped back into the hot tub.


Later on he started calling himself the Calcium Kid, and poured about a gallon milk all over himself, wearing nothing but one of the girls' underwear.


Oh and Svedka Vodka is one of the best I've ever had.


Did you rent vans?

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