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Top 10 Questions I'd like to see Hillary be asked


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a friend of mine sent this to me......


10 questons you'll never hear asked to Hillary Clinton......



1. In May of 2002, you went on the floor of the U.S. Senate and held up a copy of the New York Post, which had the headline "Bush Knew," implying that President Bush had advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, but did nothing to stop it. Was this a responsible thing for a U.S. senator to do, implying that the president allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen?



2. In 1991, you praised Anita Hill, saying she had "changed history with her courageous testimony." Do you really believe that Anita Hill was sexually harassed by Clarence Thomas? And if so, what is your opinion of powerful men who use the power of their positions to sexually harass younger, vulnerable women?



3. In 2001, you accused the Bush administration of adding arsenic to the nation’s drinking supply. (You said, "How can the Bush administration justify wanting Americans to ingest more, not less, arsenic?") Can you explain to the American people why you think president Bush would want to add a poisonous element to our drinking supply?



4. In October of 2002, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, you stated that Saddam Hussein had "given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaida members." Are you willing to provide documentation of this, especially given the fact that you’ve said President Bush used "faulty evidence" to justify going into Iraq?



5. Your husband is making millions of dollars from speeches, as well as serving on several corporate boards. How will you guarantee that there will be no conflict of interest between his "outside interests" and your administration?



6. Ken Starr replaced Robert Fiske as the independent counsel. Robert Ray eventually replaced Ken Starr. Fiske has recently said about Starr’s Whitewater investigation, "Everything I would have done, Ken Starr did." Robert Ray stated that your testimony in the White House Travel Office investigation was "factually inaccurate." Is it still your contention that Ken Starr and the independent counsel engaged in a "vast, right-wing conspiracy" against you and your husband?



7. Republican Rep. Dennis Hastert has stated that during a discussion of health care reform you told him: "People are basically greedy and won’t make the tough decisions. They won’t take their kid to the hospital when he needs to go because they want to keep the money for themselves." Is the former speaker of the House lying? If he’s not lying, why do you have such a low opinion of parents in this country?



8. Back in the early ’90s, Bob Woodward quoted you as saying, "I believe in evil and I think that there are evil people in the world." Instead of talking about Islamic terrorists, you were referring to people who were opposed to your health care reform plan. Having seen actual evil at work, do you still believe that people who are against health care reform are evil?



9. Woodward’s Watergate partner, Carl Bernstein, has a biography about you. In it he quotes numerous Democrats, both on and off the record, speaking of your temper. Considering the fact that so many Democrats have spoken about your temper and poor judgment, do you think you posses the proper temperament and good judgment to be president of the United States?



10. Arkansas businesswoman Juanita Broaddrick has accused your husband of sexual assault. She’s also said that just weeks after the rape, you approached her and gave her a message that she, Juanita, "was to keep her mouth shut" about the rape. Is Juanita Broaddrick lying?

Edited by juddling
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When have you ever heard anyone in the MSM TV world ask ANY candidate ANY question that was even close to this challenging? They just don't do it.


There are still real news outlets out there, and there are still real journalists. But they aren't the ones on network TV.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 22, 2007 -> 06:38 PM)
When have you ever heard anyone in the MSM TV world ask ANY candidate ANY question that was even close to this challenging? They just don't do it.


There are still real news outlets out there, and there are still real journalists. But they aren't the ones on network TV.


Exactly. It would be their last interview or the last time they're pointed at for a question.




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and here's what her answers (in a perfect world) should be...


1. In May of 2002, you went on the floor of the U.S. Senate and held up a copy of the New York Post, which had the headline "Bush Knew," implying that President Bush had advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, but did nothing to stop it. Was this a responsible thing for a U.S. senator to do, implying that the president allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen? It is clear as night and day that this President did know about a pending attack prior to 9-11 and didn't do a thing about it. When there was potential airplane related terrorist attacks under my President's campaign one of the first things he did was to alert the airlines and airports to this risk so they could increase security. The first thing this President did was go on vacation to Texas and leave the report on his desk in the Oval Office.



2. In 1991, you praised Anita Hill, saying she had "changed history with her courageous testimony." Do you really believe that Anita Hill was sexually harassed by Clarence Thomas? And if so, what is your opinion of powerful men who use the power of their positions to sexually harass younger, vulnerable women? Yes, I do believe Anita Hill. As for those in positions of power who sexually harass younger individuals, it needs to be judged on a case-by-case basis. You simply can't compare Congressman Foley's harassment of children to my husband's harassment of a consenting adult.


3. In 2001, you accused the Bush administration of adding arsenic to the nation’s drinking supply. (You said, "How can the Bush administration justify wanting Americans to ingest more, not less, arsenic?") Can you explain to the American people why you think president Bush would want to add a poisonous element to our drinking supply? I think that this question itself is flawed. The President wants to reduce EPA guidelines and standards that are imposed on corporations and municipalities for the general public. He feels that it is more important for these entities to avoid costs than it is for individuals to have increased safety.


4. In October of 2002, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, you stated that Saddam Hussein had "given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al-Qaida members." Are you willing to provide documentation of this, especially given the fact that you’ve said President Bush used "faulty evidence" to justify going into Iraq? One of the comments that I've echoed throughout my campaign is that faulty evidence was provided for many years for many Presidents. The main issue here is whether to provide any check/balance in your usage of this information. Some of the same information that my husband had, President Bush had. While Bill was wise enough to doubt some of the information, this President believed every piece that was given to him. Thus we were wise enough to not remove Sadaam during GHW Bush and Bill's Presidency and not so wise today.



5. Your husband is making millions of dollars from speeches, as well as serving on several corporate boards. How will you guarantee that there will be no conflict of interest between his "outside interests" and your administration? It is very common for ex-Presidents to serve on corporate boards and give speeches. As it is for other administration members such as Colin Powell or Madeline Albright. As President, I would ask my husband to resign from these boards and table paid speeches during my Administration.


6. Ken Starr replaced Robert Fiske as the independent counsel. Robert Ray eventually replaced Ken Starr. Fiske has recently said about Starr’s Whitewater investigation, "Everything I would have done, Ken Starr did." Robert Ray stated that your testimony in the White House Travel Office investigation was "factually inaccurate." Is it still your contention that Ken Starr and the independent counsel engaged in a "vast, right-wing conspiracy" against you and your husband? Absolutely.



7. Republican Rep. Dennis Hastert has stated that during a discussion of health care reform you told him: "People are basically greedy and won’t make the tough decisions. They won’t take their kid to the hospital when he needs to go because they want to keep the money for themselves." Is the former speaker of the House lying? If he’s not lying, why do you have such a low opinion of parents in this country? You're kidding me right... Dennis Hastert. Next question.


8. Back in the early ’90s, Bob Woodward quoted you as saying, "I believe in evil and I think that there are evil people in the world." Instead of talking about Islamic terrorists, you were referring to people who were opposed to your health care reform plan. Having seen actual evil at work, do you still believe that people who are against health care reform are evil? There are different forms of evil. And yes, those who purposely stand in the way of Health Care reform for personal financial gain do represent a form of evil.


9. Woodward’s Watergate partner, Carl Bernstein, has a biography about you. In it he quotes numerous Democrats, both on and off the record, speaking of your temper. Considering the fact that so many Democrats have spoken about your temper and poor judgment, do you think you posses the proper temperament and good judgment to be president of the United States? I do.



10. Arkansas businesswoman Juanita Broaddrick has accused your husband of sexual assault. She’s also said that just weeks after the rape, you approached her and gave her a message that she, Juanita, "was to keep her mouth shut" about the rape. Is Juanita Broaddrick lying? Of course she is. Every day, numerous individuals trying to obtain financial gain accuse high profile individuals of sexual assault, rape and fathering children. Just ask Chris Rock.

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I would retort some of this, but of course it would be a COMPLETE waste of time.


However, one I will comment on. The "knowing about 9/11 before it happened" bit is just pure bulls***. I get so tired of seeing how Bush knew about 9/11 and it's a conspiracy and he allowed it to happen, yet read in the next sentence about how stupid Bush is. You can't have it both ways, and it just feeds the hate mongering that goes on every single day in this country.


Thanks for playing, and have a nice day.


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QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 03:45 PM)
you're correct. He didn't "allow it" to happen. At the same point, playing Monday morning QB and comparing it to the actions of prior Presidents with similar threats, he did not go as far as he should of with taking the threat seriously.

Agreed. All of the prior presidents allowed this to blossom into what it did, starting with Jimmy Carter ALL THE WAY through 9/11, yes, including one Ronald Reagan (remember Beruit?).


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 10:42 AM)
I would retort some of this, but of course it would be a COMPLETE waste of time.


However, one I will comment on. The "knowing about 9/11 before it happened" bit is just pure bulls***. I get so tired of seeing how Bush knew about 9/11 and it's a conspiracy and he allowed it to happen, yet read in the next sentence about how stupid Bush is. You can't have it both ways, and it just feeds the hate mongering that goes on every single day in this country.


Thanks for playing, and have a nice day.


Of course President Clinton should have known and stopped Binny years before. Ahhh, how we protect "our players"


Thanks for playing . . . :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 09:26 AM)
Of course President Clinton should have known and stopped Binny years before. Ahhh, how we protect "our players"


Thanks for playing . . . :lolhitting

Well, to be fair...in hindsight, based on what we know from the 9/11 commission report...I think that both the Clinton and Bush admins made serious mistakes in not going after UBL before 9/11 based on the evidence they had at the time. I mean, it sure sounds like guys like Clarke were screaming for about 2-3 years that we needed a genuine effort to do something about Afghanistan before it really hurt us, and all we got was a few tomahawks in 98.


I really would like to know how history would have turned out if Mr. Clinton had kept his pants on.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 04:26 PM)
Of course President Clinton should have known and stopped Binny years before. Ahhh, how we protect "our players"


Thanks for playing . . . :lolhitting

Hey jackass, :lolhitting


read the rest of the thread. :D


Seriously, there's plenty of blame to go around... all the way back to 1978/1979 or so, maybe even further back if you want to look past Jimmy Carter.


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QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 04:26 PM)
imho i also think that Bush over-reacted when it came to Iraq primarily because he felt blindsided by what happened in 9-11. It was a wake up call to him.

And I agree with that as well. And to be fair, I think they also looked at it as a chance to change course in the Middle East. I, however, do not think that the full story has played out yet, and that we should just leave at this point in time.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 10:42 AM)
I would retort some of this, but of course it would be a COMPLETE waste of time.


However, one I will comment on. The "knowing about 9/11 before it happened" bit is just pure bulls***. I get so tired of seeing how Bush knew about 9/11 and it's a conspiracy and he allowed it to happen, yet read in the next sentence about how stupid Bush is. You can't have it both ways, and it just feeds the hate mongering that goes on every single day in this country.


Thanks for playing, and have a nice day.


The "Bush Knew" aticle in the post and Hillary's appearance in the Senate weren't charges that he was involved with it or conspired. Try again. I specifically googled for the article to make sure.


Some of these questions are all right. Some of them are bulls***. I'll get into it later.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 06:36 PM)
The "Bush Knew" aticle in the post and Hillary's appearance in the Senate weren't charges that he was involved with it or conspired. Try again. I specifically googled for the article to make sure.


Some of these questions are all right. Some of them are bulls***. I'll get into it later.

And you surely don't think that the picture of her holding that picture/article was to support Bush, do you? I don't give a s*** what she said, the picture was what would last, and she knew it.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 02:22 PM)
And you surely don't think that the picture of her holding that picture/article was to support Bush, do you? I don't give a s*** what she said, the picture was what would last, and she knew it.


Right right right, she was pandering to the illiterate conspiracy theorists...


...but which ones?


That email is, for the most part, dishonest, and whoever wrote it knew that the initial anger of "WHY WON'T PEOPLE ASK THESE QUESTIONS!"!!!!!!1 would be what would last, and they knew it.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 07:27 PM)
Right right right, she was pandering to the illiterate conspiracy theorists...


...but which ones?


That email is, for the most part, dishonest, and whoever wrote it knew that the initial anger of "WHY WON'T PEOPLE ASK THESE QUESTIONS!"!!!!!!1 would be what would last, and they knew it.

OMFG. Greg, come on, you're not this stupid.


A stupid little email going around on the internet, versus a United States Senator, on the floor of a Senate, holding up a newspaper with headlines on it saying "Bush knew"... which is going to last for the duration of time? It's only in the record of the senate.


Yes, the email is stupid. Hilliary is not.


Now let's stop with the pettiness, shall we?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 02:33 PM)
OMFG. Greg, come on, you're not this stupid.


A stupid little email going around on the internet, versus a United States Senator, on the floor of a Senate, holding up a newspaper with headlines on it saying "Bush knew"... which is going to last for the duration of time? It's only in the record of the senate.


Yes, the email is stupid. Hilliary is not.


Now let's stop with the pettiness, shall we?


I think that the emails that get forwarded around along with the bulls*** water cooler talk that goes along with it has more to do with who gets elected President than the facts on the news and all that. One man gets an email saying that there are spiders laying eggs in people's cheeks and before you know it, everybody's checking themselves to make sure that Mitt Romeny doesn't want to eat their babies.


Nobody gives a s*** what is or isn't in the record of the Senate or what the context is. Everybody cares about the silly convictions they pick up from their friends, family and by extension, emails.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 07:36 PM)
I think that the emails that get forwarded around along with the bulls*** water cooler talk that goes along with it has more to do with who gets elected President than the facts on the news and all that. One man gets an email saying that there are spiders laying eggs in people's cheeks and before you know it, everybody's checking themselves to make sure that Mitt Romeny doesn't want to eat their babies.


Nobody gives a s*** what is or isn't in the record of the Senate or what the context is. Everybody cares about the silly convictions they pick up from their friends, family and by extension, emails.

You give way too much credit to that, then.



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My favorite part of Jas-er, Hiliary's response:

You simply can't compare Congressman Foley's harassment of children to my husband's harassment of a consenting adult



doesn't harassment imply some sort of non-consention? So...we CAN in fact compare the two.




oh baby, keep harassing me. you know how I like it...all harassed and what not!

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 02:33 PM)
OMFG. Greg, come on, you're not this stupid.


A stupid little email going around on the internet, versus a United States Senator, on the floor of a Senate, holding up a newspaper with headlines on it saying "Bush knew"... which is going to last for the duration of time? It's only in the record of the senate.


Yes, the email is stupid. Hilliary is not.


Now let's stop with the pettiness, shall we?


Which gets your attention? Something on the Senate floor or an email in your box from a friend?


Which is more important, OJs being found not guilty or the public perception?


And Balta, you are correct. Had President Clinton kept his pants on he could have done more. At that point in time if he had made a big case about Binny, I could hear all the GOPerheads, led by Rush, hollering tail wagging the dog. His immoral actions costed us dearly.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 09:14 PM)
Which gets your attention? Something on the Senate floor or an email in your box from a friend?


Which is more important, OJs being found not guilty or the public perception?


And Balta, you are correct. Had President Clinton kept his pants on he could have done more. At that point in time if he had made a big case about Binny, I could hear all the GOPerheads, led by Rush, hollering tail wagging the dog. His immoral actions costed us dearly.

You people crack me the hell up. That "picture" was a political stunt and is still talked about all over the place (which is what led it to being in a stupid email circulating around the internet in the first place), but now, it's nothing - it didn't mean anything or really ever happen. Whatever. "As long as it supports your gal".





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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 01:31 PM)
Hey jackass, :lolhitting


read the rest of the thread. :D


Seriously, there's plenty of blame to go around... all the way back to 1978/1979 or so, maybe even further back if you want to look past Jimmy Carter.


Actually, if you want to go waaaay back, you can certainly point out that not intervening in the Suez Crisis in 1956 planted the seeds in the Arab mindset that the US wouldn't be willing to stand up for its friends, allies and interests. You can certainly make a case that if we had joined with the Brits and smacked Nasser hard, we would have looked stronger in thew eyes of a lot of people in the Middle East.


But life is complicated, especially when dealing with that part of the world.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 23, 2007 -> 05:24 PM)
You people crack me the hell up. That "picture" was a political stunt and is still talked about all over the place (which is what led it to being in a stupid email circulating around the internet in the first place), but now, it's nothing - it didn't mean anything or really ever happen. Whatever. "As long as it supports your gal".



woahhhhhh....."You people" ?!?!?!?!




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