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Southwest Flight Attendant Tries to Boot Hooters Waitress From Plane Over Clothing

Friday, September 07, 2007


Kyla Ebbert

A 23-year-old college student claimed Friday that Southwest Airlines singled her out after a male flight attendant told her that her white denim miniskirt, high-heel sandals and sweater over a tank top was too "revealing."


Southwest Airlines stands behind that flight attendant's decision two months ago to confront Kyla Ebbert, who also works as Hooters waitress in downtown San Diego, after complaints from another employee about Ebbert's choice of clothing.


"He told me my outfit was too provocative, too revealing for a family airline," Ebbert told FOX News, appearing in the same outfit she wore on the flight."He told me that I needed to go to the gift shop and buy a new outfit and change and get on a later flight."


Ebbert then pulled down her skirt, tightened her sweater over her tank top and wrapped up in a blanket in her seat.


"I was humiliated," Ebbert said.


Southwest defended the employee's decision.


"We don't feel like our employee was in the wrong," Chris Mainz, a spokesman for Southwest Airlines, told FOXNews.com. "Our employee addressed the situation with the customer and they were able to find a compromise."


Mainz said another employee approached the flight attendant with objections to Ebbert's outfit. The flight attendant then brought those concerns to Ebbert and asked her to adjust her clothes to be less revealing.




A photo of what Ebbert was wearing appeared in a column in the San Diego Union-Tribune.


"Based on reports by employees, it was very similar," Mainz said about the clothing worn by Ebbert in the photo. "It does seem to fit the description."


Ebbert said she was lightly dressed after a same-day trip to Tucson, Ariz., and back for a doctor's appointment. The weather forecast called for temperatures between 100 and 110 that day.


"I was dressed appropriately for the middle of the summer," Ebbert said.







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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 7, 2007 -> 08:50 PM)
Ebbert said she was lightly dressed after a same-day trip to Tucson, Ariz., and back for a doctor's appointment.


Did y'all catch this? She's hopping on plane flights for appointments with her "doctor", lol.


Is Hooters fronting the dough for these out-of-state boob jobs and subsequent check-ups, or is daddy just a tad too stupid to bring children into this world? Don't answer the first question; I was just kidding.


EDIT: Btw, that s***'s just poorly worded. She flew to Tucson for a doctor's appointment, and then she was trying to come back. I ain't no English professor, but surely, there has to be a better way to get this point across.

Edited by hammerhead johnson
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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 7, 2007 -> 05:10 PM)
I saw her on the Today Show this morning as I was getting ready. They made her standup, and show the camera what she was wearing. As she sat back down, they had to blur out her crotch for 4 or 5 seconds..... :lol:


Shows what you know.


Turns out she was going to the doctor about her very advanced case of blurry crotch disease ("BCD").


(And before you all continue to object to the choice of the short skirt she was wearing on the flight, I'll have you know that was doctor's orders because if you don't let it breath you can't cure the BCD.


:unsure: :unsure:

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2007 -> 09:53 PM)
Turns out she was going to the doctor about her very advanced case of blurry crotch disease ("BCD").


It never occured to me that it might have been some crotch disease, blurry or otherwise. :D


Good crotch specialists are so hard to find these days. Southern California is a barren wasteland for gifted crotch doctors. But Tucson? That's where it's at.

Edited by hammerhead johnson
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A 23-year-old college student claimed Friday that Southwest Airlines singled her out after a male flight attendant told her that her white denim miniskirt, high-heel sandals and sweater over a tank top was too "revealing."


In the great words of Zapp Brannigan "What are you gay?"

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To be perfectly honest, it makes me relatively sick that this is what a major airline chooses to do. Living in a world where terrorism is around and we have airline employees making it seem stuff like this is a big deal. I mean, did anybody really care what this girl was wearing? Im glad to know that I can fly on an airline where they have to be politically correct on things like racial profiling but theyll single out people like this. I wouldnt fly Southwest Airlines for any reason as it is but after BS like this I absolutely wouldnt want to give them my business.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 09:48 PM)
I'd be proud of my kids if they worked, went to college, looked good, and were featured on national TV too.


Haha, that was supposed to be in green, right? :lol:


Hell, the only reason that she's not doing porn as of yet is because mommy and daddy are enablers. As TheBigHurt would say, that is a fact. :D

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 04:48 PM)
I'd be proud of my kids if they worked, went to college, looked good, and were featured on national TV too.


In her bra and panties demonstrating her favorite manual stimulation with two of her buddies?

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