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What are issues you are concerned with most?


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With the Presidential campaign in full swing lets hear what 3 issues concern you the most and why. You can also try adding who you think can address those issues most effectively.




1 - The Environment


There are so many benefits to a cleaner, greener economy. With cleaner air and water we can live healthier lives. In theory, our children and grandchildren should have fewer health problems because of this. Carbon fuels such as coal and oil are a plague. We need to find clean, renewable energies and incorporate them into industry. We only have one chance with our planet so lets not mess it up. I'd also love to get rid of factory farming. Not only is it immoral but it provides more CO2 emissions than vehicles. LINK Not to mention the land and water needed to sustain factory farming is not going to be feasible at the rate of growth in this industry. I'm really surprised factory farming isn't mentioned much by the global warming thought leaders.


2 - Health Care


If all the things addressed in my first choice are addressed I think people would lead healthier lives to begin with. The cost of health care should go down with a healthier populace. Preventative care should become the backbone of the health care industry. How that is accomplished I don't know but it could solve so many problems that are currently being addressed via pills being forced down our throats by big pharm.


3 - Education


A smarter population has better opportunities to better a society. By giving children equal chances to succeed in school we create a better workforce. We need a stronger pool of scientists and engineers. Let the 3rd world countries do the manufacturing. We need to innovate.


The candidates I would vote for (in order):





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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 09:57 AM)
Thought about that but decided not to. Think it would work better in that format?

Maybe. You could make a list of all the issues, and people can pick their top 3. Then people can post any details they want to about candidates. or, have a second question - which candidate best handles these three issues.


I can make up a poll if you'd like.


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Federal Budget


Undecided, still sorting out candidates with an open mind.


Issue by issue I disagree with both parties. Briefly



Dems will preserve it, but not let me use.

GOP will let me use it, but not preserve it.



No one is tying immigration to jobs. No one is talking about our food supply and national security.


Federal Budget.

I use to respect both parties. GOP fought to contain costs and not spend more then was received. The Dems would be tax *and* spend. Now we have the worst of both words. Both parties want to spend spend spend and believe we have to borrow billions of dollars to make our economy work.


You requested three, this isn't a hierarchy and there are other issues I am also concerned about and would use to evaluate a candidate. Iraq, Homeland Security, Personal freedoms and rights, etc.

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Economy X3


Almost every issue comes down to the Economy, from Health Care, to the Enviornment, to immigration, to Social Security. I want to see how a candidate can take the smaller issues and form them into a big overall economic plan. Talking points are cheap, the big picture is what matters.

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I am going to cheat and go four...


1. Our relationship with the Middle East and the Islamic world - encompasses Iraq, War on Terror and Palestine/Israel.

2. The Environment and energy independence

3. Education

4. The conduct of our federal government - spending and taxation, but also what services are rendered, how and by whom


Who is best on each issue?


1. I think the best candidates on how to move forward in the Middle East are probably the like of Biden (has the ONLY real Iraq plan), Richardson (has the ONLY real resume on foreign policy), or Paul (the ONLY candidate who understands toughness but still sees the wisdom in pulling back in Iraq).


2. Honestly, I haven't heard a single candidate who really seems to have the balls to do what is right for our country here. The closest is probably Kucinich. If Gore ran, he'd have it.


3. Richardson I think has the right ideas here, and its one of the reasons I support him. Romney has a few good ideas too, though. Obama as well.


4. This pretty much has to be a Republican, probably Paul or maybe Thompson (whose record fits the mold nicely). Richardson is best among Dems.


Overall, my candidates in order of preference:

1. Richardson

2. Paul

3. Obama

4. Biden

5. Thompson


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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:04 AM)
Economy X3


Almost every issue comes down to the Economy, from Health Care, to the Enviornment, to immigration, to Social Security. I want to see how a candidate can take the smaller issues and form them into a big overall economic plan. Talking points are cheap, the big picture is what matters.


I understand why you and many people put the economy as a top priority but when it all comes down to being able to actually "live" comfortably in the future I can't stress how much more important the environment is to me. I'm always thinking worst case scenario so my vision of the future is quite bleak. I'm picturing an arid wasteland with scarce crops...another dust bowl, if you will. Water and air quality much worse than today's. Couple that with overpopulation and what kind of a world could that be? The economy at that point would be irrelevant.


Just my 2 cents.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:12 AM)
I understand why you and many people put the economy as a top priority but when it all comes down to being able to actually "live" comfortably in the future I can't stress how much more important the environment is to me. I'm always thinking worst case scenario so my vision of the future is quite bleak. I'm picturing an arid wasteland with scarce crops...another dust bowl, if you will. Water and air quality much worse than today's. Couple that with overpopulation and what kind of a world could that be? The economy at that point would be irrelevant.


Just my 2 cents.




Perhaps my age gives me a perspective that is much more optimistic. Take a look at standards in the 60s when rivers caught on fire and much of the drinking water was in peril, and today and you will see how well we have done. I don't see us returning to even 1960's levels. Just my .02 and I would encourage everyone to stay vigilant and be concerned.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:14 AM)


Perhaps my age gives me a perspective that is much more optimistic. Take a look at standards in the 60s when rivers caught on fire and much of the drinking water was in peril, and today and you will see how well we have done. I don't see us returning to even 1960's levels. Just my .02 and I would encourage everyone to stay vigilant and be concerned.

I hear you. Just seeing that populations have grown exponentially in the last 100 years, forests are being replaced globally for farm land, and seas are 90% depleted of fish makes me wonder how that kind of momentum could ever slow down or be reversed.

Edited by BigSqwert
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The 4 "E's"


1) Economy

2) Education

3) Environment

4) Erectile Dysfunction



Voting for:


who knows...it certainly won't be for what they believe in, because I did that twice and I'm still confused with what, aside from good Bar-B-Q Chicken, GWB stands for.


Maybe Obama...maybe Thompson...cripes, maybe Sen. Craig...cos he doesn't care about ANYONE.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:12 AM)
I understand why you and many people put the economy as a top priority but when it all comes down to being able to actually "live" comfortably in the future I can't stress how much more important the environment is to me. I'm always thinking worst case scenario so my vision of the future is quite bleak. I'm picturing an arid wasteland with scarce crops...another dust bowl, if you will. Water and air quality much worse than today's. Couple that with overpopulation and what kind of a world could that be? The economy at that point would be irrelevant.


Just my 2 cents.


Lots of people have problems with the govenment telling people that certian marriages can't take place, or that certian lifestyles won't be tolerated, etc. I have a problem with the government telling me how to live my life as well. The enviornment is on my list, but I am not fully convinced that all of the propaganda we are force fed daily is all true.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:21 AM)
I hear you. Just seeing that populations have grown exponentially in the last 100 years, forests are being replaced globally for farm land, and seas are 90% depleted of fish makes me wonder how that kind of momentum could ever slow down or be reversed.


Populations never grow exponentiall forever. They're limited by the very things you are worried about - food supply and water.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 10:32 AM)
Populations never grow exponentiall forever. They're limited by the very things you are worried about - food supply and water.


Nature is very tough in enforcing that.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Sep 11, 2007 -> 05:17 PM)
They're also limited by disease, pestilence and war. Read your Malthus (or Heilbroner).


Disease and pestilence are related to fresh water and the sanitation it brings, but I digress...


In no particular order, for me:


Balanced budget (reduce government, reduce taxes)


National Security.

Edited by StrangeSox
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