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One more nail in the coffin of diplomacy regarding Iran.


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QUOTE(NUKE @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:05 AM)
I'll take the meat heads over a bunch of flower tossing leftist pussies who sing Koom Bah Ya and "Give peace a chance!" while a country that is on record as saying it wants to wipe nations off the map implements a crash program to develop nuclear weapons.




If you were a middle eastern country how would you factor in the largest mega-power with nuclear weaspons and a track record of wiping governments off the map?

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:11 AM)
Regardless, there will never be a nuclear armed Iran. Either Isreal, or the U.S. or both will bomb the ever living daylights out of them if it's found that their nukes are close to becoming operational.

I definitely agree there - I think its highly likely that if they get close, someone (maybe us, maybe Israel, maybe even Europe) will end up turning the facility into a glass parking lot. That is, as long as someone has intelligence sources good enough to know it when they see it.


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The lilliputian s***head wants to visit ground zero.


Thank god Columbia will let the lilliputian s***head speak at Columbia.



ROTC has been banned from the Columbia campus since 1969. In 2003, a majority of polled Columbia students supported reinstating ROTC on campus. But in 2005, when the Columbia faculty senate debated the issue, President Bollinger joined the opponents in defeating the effort to invite ROTC back on campus.


A perfect synecdoche for too much of American higher education: they are friendlier to Ahmadinejad than to the U.S. military.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:15 AM)
If you were a middle eastern country how would you factor in the largest mega-power with nuclear weaspons and a track record of wiping governments off the map?



I have a hard time equating "regime change" with the extermination of a whole nation of people.

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 03:35 PM)
I have a hard time equating "regime change" with the extermination of a whole nation of people.

But Democrats don't. They equate it being one and the same (those poor people who's lives we totally f'ed up!!!).


(yes, BIG difference between "extermination" and "making it difficult because of the totalitarian ways of a former government, and now people are trying to find their way).


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:41 AM)
But Democrats don't. They equate it being one and the same (those poor people who's lives we totally f'ed up!!!).


(yes, BIG difference between "extermination" and "making it difficult because of the totalitarian ways of a former government, and now people are trying to find their way).

If this forum were an actual room, I think we'd need to put a scarecrow in the corner, dress him up and put "DEM" on his chest. That way, every time someone gives some ridiculous hyperbole and assigns it to a non-existant, fictional caricature of a Democrat, we can all just point at the straw man and say, "Look at the silly straw man!"


And of course, we'd need to do the same for the GOP, so that Sqwert would have someone to pin stuff on. :lol:


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:45 AM)
If this forum were an actual room, I think we'd need to put a scarecrow in the corner, dress him up and put "DEM" on his chest. That way, every time someone gives some ridiculous hyperbole and assigns it to a non-existant, fictional caricature of a Democrat, we can all just point at the straw man and say, "Look at the silly straw man!"


And of course, we'd need to do the same for the GOP, so that Sqwert would have someone to pin stuff on. :lol:


Thank you. Much better said than what I was typing, BTW, it will be riddled with bullet holes from Nuke :ph34r: :lolhitting

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 03:45 PM)
If this forum were an actual room, I think we'd need to put a scarecrow in the corner, dress him up and put "DEM" on his chest. That way, every time someone gives some ridiculous hyperbole and assigns it to a non-existant, fictional caricature of a Democrat, we can all just point at the straw man and say, "Look at the silly straw man!"


And of course, we'd need to do the same for the GOP, so that Sqwert would have someone to pin stuff on. :lol:

Nah, seriously, I get your point - but at the same time, how much do we have to hear that we've totally ruined Iraq and our troops are making things worse from (specifically) Harry Reid, Schmucky Schumer, Mrs. Bill Clinton, John Frankenstien Kerry, Bill Richardson, Barack Obama, et. al.?


They run for the camera every day to tell us the exact same thing.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 10:56 AM)
Nah, seriously, I get your point - but at the same time, how much do we have to hear that we've totally ruined Iraq and our troops are making things worse from (specifically) Harry Reid, Schmucky Schumer, Mrs. Bill Clinton, John Frankenstien Kerry, Bill Richardson, Barack Obama, et. al.?


They run for the camera every day to tell us the exact same thing.


Enough to where we stop sending people to die for a country that won't help themselves? :huh

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 03:58 PM)
Enough to where we stop sending people to die for a country that won't help themselves? :huh

But that's on them, not us. That's my point. We gave them the opportunity, and if they squander it, the presence of the troops did not cause them to destroy themselves, they did.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 11:01 AM)
But that's on them, not us. That's my point. We gave them the opportunity, and if they squander it, the presence of the troops did not cause them to destroy themselves, they did.


OK. But why should we destroy ourselves to help them? How much do we owe them at this point? We cleared out those WMD, removed their dictator, and have tried to play referee to a feud that goes back millenniums. I know war hawks don't like comparisons, but we've been down this path before, why repeat it out of stubbornness?


And I was reluctantly for the war before I was against it :lol:

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 11:14 AM)
IMO, because we've had successes in settling a lot of things like this in a positive manner. The positive results far outweigh the negative ones if we are remotely successful and is worth the risk.

Well then go out and enlist and help the cause. Our soldiers are getting tired from their over-extended deployments.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 07:02 PM)
I guarantee if there were a draft instituted a lot of war supporters like you would change their tune.

I guarantee you I would NOT, so don't you go talking about something you know NOTHING about.


I support the war because ultimately it's my opinion that some good will come out of it. I also think that there's a greater cause for this besides getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who openly supported terroristic activities and openly committed acts of war EVERY SINGLE DAY by shooting at our planes.


I also choose not to politicize this (like you just did by making the statement you did). I DO choose to call out the hypocracy of those Democrats who want to have control of something that isn't theirs to control right now. I furthermore choose to try and beleive that ultimately we are doing the right thing and don't run around with cutesy little pansy ass saying like "Bush lied, people died" and "No blood for Oil" and stupid little s*** like that. I choose to remain respectful of those who serve and frankly I owe my lifestyle to those people. I don't forget that.


I don't need you to tell me what tune to sing and negative bait people because of a stance that I choose to support rather then pour cold water over it every day (I like the "ohhh I told you so" crap about how "bad" Iraq was going to be). The fact is we are in it, and I support it based on the knowledge that I have (no, I do not blindly follow it - I make my educated decision on what to support or not). If I were chosen to go, I'd go because that's the way it works. Just because I have made other choices doesn't make it wrong to support the position.




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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 02:02 PM)
I guarantee if there were a draft instituted a lot of war supporters like you would change their tune.


All through history wars have been fought by a nation's immigrants and least advantaged. Kaps best contribution will be paying his taxes and cheerleading.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 07:14 PM)
All through history wars have been fought by a nation's immigrants and least advantaged. Kaps best contribution will be paying his taxes and cheerleading.

Bulls***. And that's where I'll stop with this post.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 02:13 PM)
I guarantee you I would NOT, so don't you go talking about something you know NOTHING about.


I support the war because ultimately it's my opinion that some good will come out of it. I also think that there's a greater cause for this besides getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who openly supported terroristic activities and openly committed acts of war EVERY SINGLE DAY by shooting at our planes.


I also choose not to politicize this (like you just did by making the statement you did). I DO choose to call out the hypocracy of those Democrats who want to have control of something that isn't theirs to control right now. I furthermore choose to try and beleive that ultimately we are doing the right thing and don't run around with cutesy little pansy ass saying like "Bush lied, people died" and "No blood for Oil" and stupid little s*** like that. I choose to remain respectful of those who serve and frankly I owe my lifestyle to those people. I don't forget that.


I don't need you to tell me what tune to sing and negative bait people because of a stance that I choose to support rather then pour cold water over it every day (I like the "ohhh I told you so" crap about how "bad" Iraq was going to be). The fact is we are in it, and I support it based on the knowledge that I have (no, I do not blindly follow it - I make my educated decision on what to support or not). If I were chosen to go, I'd go because that's the way it works. Just because I have made other choices doesn't make it wrong to support the position.


While I agree with you in some aspects of your argument, what's more hypocritical? College-age (and therefore military-eligible) men and women against the war protesting the war in accordance with their beliefs, or college-age kids who support the war, sometimes even to the point of counter-demonstrating, staying at home and not serving?



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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 07:20 PM)
While I agree with you in some aspects of your argument, what's more hypocritical? College-age (and therefore military-eligible) men and women against the war protesting the war in accordance with their beliefs, or college-age kids who support the war, sometimes even to the point of counter-demonstrating, staying at home and not serving?

Neither are. It's everyone's right to do what they feel is right - but I think that these screwtards in Washington do nothing that doesn't gain them power, perceived or real. I think that a twenty-something kid who learns what they need to, does their research, and acts accordingly is to be respected as long as civility is maintained. More later. Time for a meeting.



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