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I collect postcards! I have about 1000 vintage ones. And about 250 modern ones. I love love love them. I keep the newer ones on my desk at work to cheer me up on bad days. :)


I don't think that any of them are particularly valuable, nor do any hold any real emotional punch. Although I am kind of attached to one from the turn of the century that is a really pretty reproduction of a painting of Job.


I also have a fairly significant collection of cross necklaces (most are celtic). The most valuable are probably (obviously) the ones with diamonds or emeralds (all of which were gifts--I only buy the simple sterling ones). But I never really wear those. The most meaningful one to me is probably one that was set with a diamond from my Grandmother's wedding ring. But I am also very attached to a pretty little one that I picked up in New Zealand and that is made of abalone shell.


I also (and inexplicably) have a rather large collection of rosaries (I'm not Catholic). The one I am most attached to there is a metal one that belonged to my great uncle and that he carried with him in World War II. But the ones made from my grandparents' funerals are also very meaningful to me.

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Godzilla stuff. Movies, posters, figures, model kits, books, you name it.


Valuable stuff:

I have one of the original resin molds from the Trendmaster line of toys

A Shogun Warrior Godzilla

Megalon Bandai

My copy of Ed Godziszewski's Encyclopedia Of Godzilla is signed by Ed himself, and Harou Nakajima and Ken Satsuma. Harou is the original guy to wear the Godzilla suit (through the entire original run up to Terror Of Mechagodzilla and Ken was in the suit during the Heisei series, which was the one that ran Godzilla '85 through vs. Destroyah. The book without the signatures sells now for around $150.

I can't even begin to guess how much money the collection is worth.


I also collect Universal Monster stuff. Well, cool monster stuff really.


I guess I collect music also, though I never saw it as a hobby or collection. It's just life.

Edited by Kid Gleason
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QUOTE(Soxy @ Sep 28, 2007 -> 01:13 PM)
I collect postcards! I have about 1000 vintage ones. And about 250 modern ones. I love love love them. I keep the newer ones on my desk at work to cheer me up on bad days. :)


When my great aunt passed away I got possession of some OLD postcards she had tucked away. They are a complete set called Greetings From The Happy South. Let's just say they don't portray a certain race in the best light. They are fascinating though.

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On, the only item I won't part with is a Godzilla figure my wife bought me on our 1 year anniversary.


I also won't let my Shogun Godzilla go anywhere. I've had him since I was 7.


My guitars also will never leave. I've still got every one I ever owned, going back to when I was 5. Though I don't consider them "collecting". I only have 7.



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I used to collect sports trading cards. Many of them are basketball, though there's some from every sport. They're still all over the house in boxes. I've cut back on that considerably though, there just got to be too many sets and too many short-printed cards. Once single cards of top rookies started costing hundreds of dollars before they ever did anything and any of the sets with the cooler/more valuable cards started costing $120+ for a box I just couldn't do it anymore.


However, I do still collect short-printed cards of NU players, mostly through E-Bay. It's a lot more fun for me because I've met several of these guys, and unless it's a printer's plate or a 1-1 they generally don't cost more than $20. I have about 25, none of them with more than 100 in existance, as well as sets of printing plates from Napoleon Harris, Damien Anderson, and Zak Kustok cards from back in their rookie year.


I've also got quite a bit of sports memorabilia stuff, I've sort of shifted over to that now. I have framed photos all over the walls of my room, in fact I ran out of space so there's a bunch on the floor. I've got plenty of cool stuff from that category. My favorite is probably a toss-up between the signed 16x20 photo from the Ali-Liston fight and the signed 16x20 from the Sox World Series Celebration.


I also started saving the ticket stubs from all of the sporting events I go to, which is a lot. My Dad gives me grief about it every now and then.

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I've never intentionally collected anything. Although every time I travel, I make a point of visiting the small local rock venues or bars and buying a T Shirt from there. I must have over 30 shirts. Unfortunately, I've worn them all. I doubt they'd be worth any money even if they weren't worn, but it would have been a nice collection if they were all still brand new. I could've framed them and put them up around the music room.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 28, 2007 -> 05:06 PM)
I've never intentionally collected anything. Although every time I travel, I make a point of visiting the small local rock venues or bars and buying a T Shirt from there. I must have over 30 shirts. Unfortunately, I've worn them all. I doubt they'd be worth any money even if they weren't worn, but it would have been a nice collection if they were all still brand new. I could've framed them and put them up around the music room.


Honestly, you would be amazed what people will pay for shirts, even worn ones.

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Boy Scout memorabilia, mostly patches. I just sold one on eBay for $355 I picked up for $15. My collection would probably fetch a few thousand dollars. I also have some odds and ends, postcards, pins, statues, prints, books, but my main collecting interest are those patches. BTW, at any one moment on eBay there will be close to 10,000 Boy Scout items for sale.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 28, 2007 -> 08:32 PM)
Boy Scout memorabilia, mostly patches. I just sold one on eBay for $355 I picked up for $15. My collection would probably fetch a few thousand dollars. I also have some odds and ends, postcards, pins, statues, prints, books, but my main collecting interest are those patches. BTW, at any one moment on eBay there will be close to 10,000 Boy Scout items for sale.




This was an odd one I found on ebay :)

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I collect all the tickets from sporting events I've attended since I was about 14, so I have quite the collection right now. One day I'm going to put them under the glass on a bar or something of the like.


I have a decent collection of sports memorabilia. I used to collect a ton of hockey cards, still have them. Lots of late 80's early 90's sets.


I have a lot of auto'd hockey pucks (I also have a smaller collection of auto'd baseballs). Some of the more significant ones I have are Howe, Hull (Bobby and Brett) Richard, Mahovlich, Savard, Roy, Bure, Lemieux, Jagr, Roenick, Bourque, Belfour, Chelios, and Eric Daze


The most valuable thing I own is probably the autographed Michael Jordan gold wilson basketball. There's a funny story behind this one...


Michael at one time in the early 90's rented some space in a building downtown that my uncle part owns. Michael auto'd some basketballs for some of the 'big' people who worked there, including my uncle. Well since my other uncle and my dad wanted one, this 'other' uncle bought 2 of the identical basketballs, auto'd them 'michael jordan', and put them back in the box with all the other ones. You apparently could not tell the difference by looking at them, as this is a skill he has (being able to forge sigs well). So I'm 100% positive I have a legit Jordan bball. However, somewhere out there 2 poor souls have a ball that is autographed by my uncle.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 30, 2007 -> 09:40 PM)
The most valuable thing I own is probably the autographed Michael Jordan gold wilson basketball. There's a funny story behind this one...

I haven't stole this from you yet?

Edited by Rowand44
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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 30, 2007 -> 09:40 PM)
So I'm 100% positive I have a legit Jordan bball. However, somewhere out there 2 poor souls have a ball that is autographed by my uncle.


I read a long time ago that if MJ had actualkly signed all the items people claimed he signed, it would have taken him 60 years. :lol:

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 1, 2007 -> 07:58 AM)
I read a long time ago that if MJ had actualkly signed all the items people claimed he signed, it would have taken him 60 years. :lol:

Yeah I only know this because my uncle was there when MJ signed all the basketballs while in the building, and mine came from that box.

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I have been on and off with baseball cards (complete sets from 1976 on up, and about 40% of 1966), and then try to get White Sox 'stuff' for birthdays and stuff. Paperweights, pencils, banks, whatever. I was into stamps a long time ago, when my grandfatehr was alive. He used to work at the post office, so my collection of American stamps was pretty extensive. I also have thousands from Russia and Poland that he left me when he died.

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Back in the day I collected napkins. They ranged from all ends of the napkin spectrum including restaurants, holiday-themes, store-bought plain white or print, you name it. I've still got the original collection but I haven't added to it in a good 15 years. The estimated value of this collection is roughly one dollar. I guess the closest thing I have to a collection now is pint glasses from different breweries.

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