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pick your candidate quiz


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All the Dems trail for me, I'm the original un liberal. Ah names and labels, in the 19th century I'd probably be considered a "classical liberal". Some of the questions are problematic too. None of the options on Iraq are attractive, and it leaves out the nuance and depth necessary to define an overall foreign policy. Regarding abortion, I'm personally against it except in extreme circumstances, but feel that it was a matter that constitutionally belonged to the states. Ditto, for gay marriage. So, I voted to oppose abortion and a constitutional amendment to strictly define marriage. It doesn't matter, gay marriage will be a fact in almost all states in a relatively short time. Those that favor a return to traditional morality should acknowledge that ramming laws down people's throats will not work, it will take generations to change people's hearts and minds. Failing that you can always fight to see that you're able to live by your own personal code. Social conservatives fail to realize that will be the real battle ahead for them. As for the coming election, as of today I predict a solid victory for the Dems, and a pickup of another 20 or so seats in the House, and 3-5 in the Senate. There's still lots of time to screw things up.

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I didn't like the first quiz's question on immigration. Bits and pieces of each answer fit my view, but no single view really stated what I believe.


Anyway, here's my surprising (to me, anyway) results:


Guiliani: 37

Kucinich: 31

Dodd: 31

Obama: 28


Second Quiz:

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)

2. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (65%)

3. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (64%)

4. Barack Obama (61%)

5. Dennis Kucinich (59%)

6. Ron Paul (55%)

7. Joseph Biden (55%)

8. Hillary Clinton (54%)

9. Al Gore (not announced) (53%)

10. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (53%)


Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 01:14 PM)
I didn't like the first quiz's question on immigration. Bits and pieces of each answer fit my view, but no single view really stated what I believe.


I agree. The questions are never quite "right"

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 08:17 AM)
WTF?! I somehow ended up with, in order: Biden, Dodd, Brownback, Obama




I think THIS SURVEY is a little more detailed, and I find, a bit more accurate (asks more questions, phrases them in such a way that its more general and covers more smaller issues). Its one we've used here before.


Two things, though... One, be careful of the priority sliders - they only go to HIGH or LOW, so if its medium, don't touch it. Two, once you submit your choices, you have to hit SKIP past a couple ads to see your results.


My results from that one:


Barack Obama 63%

Ron Paul 63%

Al Gore* 62%

Kucinich at 96%, then Obama (86%). Clinton is 7th at 75%.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 03:07 PM)
Who is Duncan Hunter?


Duncan Hunter Score: 21

Sam Brownback Score: 18

Mitt Romney Score: 17

John McCain Score: 17

Duncan Hunter (68%)

Tom Tancredo (62%)

John McCain (57%)

Rudolph Giuliani (56%)

Fred Thompson (56%)

Hunter is a house rep from Cali, tends to be very conservative (like Brownback), and is firmly part of the religious right. He's on the Armed Services committee, and has also been a big proponent of the wall along the border with Mexico. Also like Brownback, he's got zero chance.


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QUOTE(knightni @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 03:19 PM)


I've never really thought of myself as being that conservative or that entrenched in the religious right.

Well, its just a survery. I wouldn't read too much into it. I am not aware of the balance of questions in the surveys, but many of them were not social or religious issues, and you may also happen to align better with conservatives on those issues.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 04:24 PM)
Well, its just a survery. I wouldn't read too much into it. I am not aware of the balance of questions in the surveys, but many of them were not social or religious issues, and you may also happen to align better with conservatives on those issues.


Well, I did notice that I'm very non-committal to just about everyone.


A lot of 80s and 90s in the percentages as well as being in the 30s in the other quiz for most.


Here I am in the 60 percentages and in the high teens in the other.



Edited by knightni
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