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My Doctor is the coolest :headbang told me to drink a glass (any size) of red wine each day. Now I really don't want to be knocking down a full bottle each night, but by day three. it's a little funky. The wines in a box are too harsh for my delicate pallet. Or at least the ones I've tried. So far the Corbett Canyon has sucked the least. The thingy you pump in the bottle to get out air doesn't seem to help much.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 12:33 AM)
My Doctor is the coolest :headbang told me to drink a glass (any size) of red wine each day. Now I really don't want to be knocking down a full bottle each night, but by day three. it's a little funky. The wines in a box are too harsh for my delicate pallet. Or at least the ones I've tried. So far the Corbett Canyon has sucked the least. The thingy you pump in the bottle to get out air doesn't seem to help much.


The thingy you pump in the bottle to get out air is worth its weight in gold for red wines. red wines oxidize in a matter of hours, (that's what gives the wine the rancid, wet cardboard taste by day 3) so if you are not going to drink it in one sitting you need to just pump the cr@p out of it to keep oxygen at bay.


White wines and blush wines are not nearly so delicate in the presence of oxygen. But other than the German dessert wines I'm pretty much exclusively a red wine person, so I've learned to love the old "thingy you pump in the bottle to get out air".


One of the cone-bottom pewter or stainless wine stoppers is also helpful to stopper the bottle in between glasses bottle is going to stay out a while but you don't want to pump/burp/repeat every time you pour a glass.

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There must be a difference in quality, I will go get different one since I seem to be drinking all my wine tonight. And btw, anyone out there who has a drink in hand let's drink to my "soon to be ex-wife" maybe she'll sign the damn papers so I will be free at last, thank god almighty I'll be free at last.

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Speaking of german dessert wines, I have a friend who is stuck on the white Zin I've gotten her to try and like a Gewurtztraminer (spelling???) and she likes that. IO wold eventually like to get her to a big Cab or Pinot Noir. Any suggestions on the road map? She also tosses in some salt to her beer but she's so damn cute. :lol:

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 12:58 AM)
There must be a difference in quality, I will go get different one since I seem to be drinking all my wine tonight. And btw, anyone out there who has a drink in hand let's drink to my "soon to be ex-wife" maybe she'll sign the damn papers so I will be free at last, thank god almighty I'll be free at last.


I'm hoisting a good old Sierra Pale to your pending freedom.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 01:02 AM)
Speaking of german dessert wines, I have a friend who is stuck on the white Zin I've gotten her to try and like a Gewurtztraminer (spelling???) and she likes that. IO wold eventually like to get her to a big Cab or Pinot Noir. Any suggestions on the road map? She also tosses in some salt to her beer but she's so damn cute. :lol:


maybe Mr. Kicka** will chime in, because I think he's a more studied wine enthusiast than I. I look forward to the Beaujolais Nouveau coming out right before Thanksfgiving every year, and he berates me for my fondness of "lollipop wine". :lolhitting


That said, my wife is the biggest Sutter Home white zin hog around, even though her wine snob friends give her grief over it. It works for her, so if it works for your friend that's cool. My wife's gravitation to what I guess Rex might call watered down lollipop wine has to do with her not really liking the dryness of many of the white wines and her also getting bad sulfite headaches if she drinks too much of my merlot, cab, or shiraz. (Actually now, there are some fancypants California scientists who say it's not sulfites but some other undiscovered compound in red wine that gives red wine headaches.)


Tell your friend to try one of the Nouveaus this season, or get her a soft shiraz and see what she thinks of those.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 03:06 AM)
Mother Russia loves me, as I do not recall ever puking off of vodka.


However, like literally every other kind of booze has made me ride the porcelain roller coaster.


Vodka was bestowed upon us by the gods. It's a fantastic drink. That and whiskey are the only I can handle straight. But, I shall say, and perhaps I'm bragging, that I've never chucked up hard liquor. My body rejects beer, praises the hard stuff. By the way, a whiskey and coke is the tastiest drink in the world. I feel sorry for the suckers who drink rum and coke.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 12:24 PM)
Vodka was bestowed upon us by the gods. It's a fantastic drink. That and whiskey are the only I can handle straight. But, I shall say, and perhaps I'm bragging, that I've never chucked up hard liquor. My body rejects beer, praises the hard stuff. By the way, a whiskey and coke is the tastiest drink in the world. I feel sorry for the suckers who drink rum and coke.


Vodka I think turns me into a mad Russian. I drink it, and then I just go crazy, and I just keep drinking it all night long until I either pass out or black out. And once I get passed the first drink, everything just goes down smooth sailing. I once drank some vodka, blacked out, and the next day saw a video of me like monkey slapping one of my friends across the back of his head.


Whiskey I'm not as big a fan of, mainly because I rarely drink it (shame on me...my dad pretty much swears by Lord Calvert, but I can't stand that) though I did just recently have a SoCo Coke and then I had a little Jack the other day too. Both were delicious.


We drank some rum the other night. It's flavorful, but I'm pretty sure it has eaten the pit of my stomach away.


And then there is tequila, which I swear I will not touch until I turn 21. I drank some one night, went to sleep, and woke up in my own vomit. Can't stand the stuff.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 02:29 PM)
For yourself, Tex, try this. It's really pretty good for coming from a box, and you should be able to find it where you live.


Cool, two stores by me carry it. I'll pick up a box today.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 01:24 PM)
By the way, a whiskey and coke is the tastiest drink in the world. I feel sorry for the suckers who drink rum and coke.




Rum is second only to single malt for me as far as distilled spirits that can offer wonderful, nuanced flavors. Vodka just tastes like vodka, with no interesting flavors to accompany the alcohol. It's fine for mixed drinks and all, but what a one-dimensional drink.


I've seen several taste tests where self-proclaimed vodka snobs could not tell the difference between run of the mill Smirinov and all the high-end Grey Goose type brands. Rum and single malt are on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum, where regional origins and production and aging techniques make for so many great and unique subcategories and stylistic variations.


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QUOTE(3E8 @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 07:05 PM)
The French have fattier diets, smoke, and don't excersie, yet they live longer than us. Red wine is the only explanation.


I think it's the berets. They hide little aliens under them that keep pumping xclorian256v into their brains. It's sort of an alien "fountain of youth" found in the Zyraxivon Quadrant of Extoliat 12.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 08:45 PM)
I think it's the berets. They hide little aliens under them that keep pumping xclorian256v into their brains. It's sort of an alien "fountain of youth" found in the Zyraxivon Quadrant of Extoliat 12.


Ithink it's the fact that everybody has a hot mistress on the side.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 2, 2007 -> 05:02 AM)
Speaking of german dessert wines, I have a friend who is stuck on the white Zin I've gotten her to try and like a Gewurtztraminer (spelling???) and she likes that. IO wold eventually like to get her to a big Cab or Pinot Noir. Any suggestions on the road map? She also tosses in some salt to her beer but she's so damn cute. :lol:


see what she thinks about liebfraumilch, too, if you get a chance. i'm usually a strict red wine person but the girl can't stand it. we find a little middle ground with liebfraumilch, which doesn't have as much balls as red but isn't sissy like zin.

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