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The Ideal Job


Would you rather?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. WWJD?

    • Make 150,000 but work 60 hours a week
    • Make 50,000 and only work 30 hours a week
    • Make 100,000 but travel 4 days a week
    • Make 75,000 and be able to walk to work

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I walk to work and make a very good sum of money. But I would prefer to work from home and set my own hours. I feel like most work can get done with working hard from 10-2, then just being available for the rest of the day. But I agree, commuting killed me, and walking to work is invaluable.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 04:40 PM)
I walk to work and make a very good sum of money. But I would prefer to work from home and set my own hours. I feel like most work can get done with working hard from 10-2, then just being available for the rest of the day. But I agree, commuting killed me, and walking to work is invaluable.



that's so true...I think, realistically, I do about 4 hours of good work in a day...the rest is filler.

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My ideal situation:


Blog, Teach online/1-2 classes a week, write books, develop some of my business ideas, finish my album and play 50 gigs a year, be a Dad/husband, consult for leadership development/employee motivation, and run a few non-profits including a church ministry.



so, I wouldn't be against working 50 hours a week...it's just work 50 hours a week in a job that I would take or leave.

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Well it also depends on your line of work. In my line of work, there is no 9-5. There is no normal hours. I usually work 50 to 60 in some sort of fashion or another. When I work on equipment I can only do it on weekends. I am on call all the time, and spend a few days a week working in the middle of the night with someone that barely speaks english. And this is normal hours, that doesnt count when we have a major rollout we have to support where we have an aggressive travel schedule. Its the nature of my job. Now I get compensated very well from a salary and soft benefits standpoint. I get a lot of flexibility that a lot of people dont. Like my wife asked me today, hey tomorrow is nice can you take it off so we can go downtown with the kids. I just went to my boss and said, hey I worked a lot of hours in the middle of the night this week, can I take tomorrow off. He tells me, sure don't burn a vacation or sick day. Just answer a few emails in the morning and disappear. I am comfortable in my job, with my coworkers, and with the environment I work in. My wife is very understanding on my work schedule, and my spare time is devoted to my children. To be honest, most of my after hours work starts after they are in bed and my wife gets to bed early. So the impact to my household is minimal as far as interactions go. The hardest part is burning the candle at both ends. I try and catch up with sleep on weekends when I can.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 3, 2007 -> 04:57 PM)
I'm starting the interview process....scary stuff.


In all seriousness, if you want tips, ask. There are a lot of people on here in different stages of their careers. There is a TON of good advice to be had, and maybe even industry specific stuff.


Good luck!

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 01:54 PM)
In all seriousness, if you want tips, ask. There are a lot of people on here in different stages of their careers. There is a TON of good advice to be had, and maybe even industry specific stuff.


Good luck!

Yea, good point. There's a lot of us here that's been through this stuff before - many of us remember very well what it was like to interview for the first time.


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I kind of have a mix of things. I take the train, so I don't worry about driving, but my commute is long. I could have moved closer or into Chicago, but I like my hometown, and it is dirt cheap. I pay less in a mortgage payment, property taxes, PMI, and insurance for my 1500 sq foot house with a 2 car garage, than people I know with one bedroom apartments pay for rent. If I worked in Michigan City I would probably be making half of what I do now, and I would hate my job.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 08:54 AM)
In all seriousness, if you want tips, ask. There are a lot of people on here in different stages of their careers. There is a TON of good advice to be had, and maybe even industry specific stuff.


Good luck!

well here goes nothing.


Anyone eve heard of/dealt with Impact Networking?

They basically go around and try and make companies paperless, reorganizing their documents and digitalizing them and whatnot. They were the one interview I really liked and could see myself working for.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 02:08 AM)
In your last scenario, how many hours per week am I working at this job that I can walk to and that pays me 75K ?



it's a bad poll, I was somewhat distracted when I made it. The point is what kind of concessions are you willing to make in order to be happy? or...what do you value: money, time with family, or proximity to work from home? Everything has a cost...more money often comes with more hours...less time with family...and more time away from home.


just curious what people thought.


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QUOTE(SnB @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 11:03 AM)
well here goes nothing.


Anyone eve heard of/dealt with Impact Networking?

They basically go around and try and make companies paperless, reorganizing their documents and digitalizing them and whatnot. They were the one interview I really liked and could see myself working for.



yeah...but they lost my resume in one of their paperless, digitized piles of documents.

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I've quickly learned that for me its more about time and a job that I like than money. Don't get me wrong, money is important but there comes a salary (for me its starts right around 100K based on current standards) where at that point, anything more that involves a lot more work wouldn't be worth it to me.


Right now I work 50 hours a week on a pretty regular basis and its not the type of work you can sleepwalk through. I pretty much am working hard or busting my butt just to get the stuff done in that window (a lot of people where I work put in a lot more time).


Bottom line, give me a job where I make 100K, don't have a brutal commute, enjoy the work and work a pretty standard 40HR job and I'd be exstatic (and I know I'll be at that point 3 years from now).


If it takes me two to three years of harder times (currently) than so be it. Hell even now I still at least have the perks of good vacation and working with great people.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 11:52 AM)
I've quickly learned that for me its more about time and a job that I like than money. Don't get me wrong, money is important but there comes a salary (for me its starts right around 100K based on current standards) where at that point, anything more that involves a lot more work wouldn't be worth it to me.


Right now I work 50 hours a week on a pretty regular basis and its not the type of work you can sleepwalk through. I pretty much am working hard or busting my butt just to get the stuff done in that window (a lot of people where I work put in a lot more time).


Bottom line, give me a job where I make 100K, don't have a brutal commute, enjoy the work and work a pretty standard 40HR job and I'd be exstatic (and I know I'll be at that point 3 years from now).


If it takes me two to three years of harder times (currently) than so be it. Hell even now I still at least have the perks of good vacation and working with great people.



The advantages of our line of work is that in a very short time we can (depending mainly on the corporate or private route taken) dictate our hours and pay scale. I don't mind the corporate route, but sometimes I do wish I went the other way. The good news is that in March and April I can really cash in if I want to.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 06:01 PM)
The advantages of our line of work is that in a very short time we can (depending mainly on the corporate or private route taken) dictate our hours and pay scale. I don't mind the corporate route, but sometimes I do wish I went the other way. The good news is that in March and April I can really cash in if I want to.

After being in both, at least for a little bit, I'm glad I went corporate. . . but the BIG corporate (i.e. Time Warner Cable) sucks. Too much red-tape BS. I really like where I'm at now. It's a good place to work.


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I live in a pretty impoverished area, so I said work 30 hours a week for 50,000. Of course right now, I make less than 26K and work two jobs for around 60-70 hours a week. So, 50K sounds good to me. :)

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