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The Ideal Job


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33 members have voted

  1. 1. WWJD?

    • Make 150,000 but work 60 hours a week
    • Make 50,000 and only work 30 hours a week
    • Make 100,000 but travel 4 days a week
    • Make 75,000 and be able to walk to work

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QUOTE(SnB @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 10:03 AM)
well here goes nothing.


Anyone eve heard of/dealt with Impact Networking?

They basically go around and try and make companies paperless, reorganizing their documents and digitalizing them and whatnot. They were the one interview I really liked and could see myself working for.

Well, if you are talking about content mgmt, that is a company I havent heard of and Ive been in that line of biz for 5 years. Basically your first job is going to blow, wherever it is, so dont hold out for the perfect position. Just take a place with good training, benefits and decent people your age to work with.


I started out of college at the typical new graduate sales type company, worked there for 365 days and moved on to a job where i could learn, think out of the box and move up quickly. Now at my age after working for around 5 years my pay scale is up to around 100k, my hours are somewhat flexible, but I travel a ton. Eventually I would like to own my own biz, more sooner than later. I found out early that I cannot work in an office all day, it drives me insane.

Edited by RockRaines
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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 03:20 PM)
Well, if you are talking about content mgmt, that is a company I havent heard of and Ive been in that line of biz for 5 years. Basically your first job is going to blow, wherever it is, so dont hold out for the perfect position. Just take a place with good training, benefits and decent people your age to work with.


I started out of college at the typical new graduate sales type company, worked there for 365 days and moved on to a job where i could learn, think out of the box and move up quickly. Now at my age after working for around 5 years my pay scale is up to around 100k, my hours are somewhat flexible, but I travel a ton. Eventually I would like to own my own biz, more sooner than later. I found out early that I cannot work in an office all day, it drives me insane.



and make sure they pay you in GIANT stacks of meat between two pieces of bread....


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I actually left a management role (Director level, 20+ reports in multiple countries) to do a heavy-travel consulting-type gig (but no staff management). It was the perfect lego peg type role for me, filling in some blanks that I needed in my industry, so that I could have the right background to run a company later.


Point of that is, sometimes you shift from one type of equilibrium (balance of pay, hours and career value) to another for a specific goal, for a specific period. And I think that is based a lot on what stage in life you are at. I can do this now not having kids yet, but if that changes in a few years, the travel is going to become a problem. So I'd suspect I won't be in this role for more than a few years.


As far as commuting goes, I LOVED being able to do the train/walk thing and not drive. So much cheaper, so much less stressful, plus a little exercise.


I've also learned this - Chicago is a great place to start a career. This city always seems to have jobs, and plenty of them, in all kinds of industries, and the cost of living is so much easier than places like NY, Boston, DC, LA, San Fran, etc.


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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 09:54 AM)
In all seriousness, if you want tips, ask. There are a lot of people on here in different stages of their careers. There is a TON of good advice to be had, and maybe even industry specific stuff.


Good luck!



QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 09:59 AM)
Yea, good point. There's a lot of us here that's been through this stuff before - many of us remember very well what it was like to interview for the first time.


Much appreciated guys. I may have to take you up on this at some point. I have an interview with someone I'd LOVE to work for next Thursday. I'm doing some heavy prep work for the interview; hopefully all goes well.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 01:01 PM)
The advantages of our line of work is that in a very short time we can (depending mainly on the corporate or private route taken) dictate our hours and pay scale. I don't mind the corporate route, but sometimes I do wish I went the other way. The good news is that in March and April I can really cash in if I want to.


I thought winter months were better for the baby market....

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 12:33 PM)
After being in both, at least for a little bit, I'm glad I went corporate. . . but the BIG corporate (i.e. Time Warner Cable) sucks. Too much red-tape BS. I really like where I'm at now. It's a good place to work.



I definitely agree with you that mid-corp is way better than the high end. They tend to take more interest in their employees more than just an % of department cost. I like where I am now also. Hopefully they save my spot.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 02:37 PM)
Much appreciated guys. I may have to take you up on this at some point. I have an interview with someone I'd LOVE to work for next Thursday. I'm doing some heavy prep work for the interview; hopefully all goes well.


Not a problem at all. Its always nice to have someone looking out for you, because the road up is hard enough anyway... why make it harder?

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