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2007-2008 NHL Catch All Thread

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jan 11, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
What's the general thought about Cam Barker? I thought he's played better the past couple games, but that comes with a few 'reservations' (for lack of a better term) -- first, I'm not the best at judging defensemen in the first place (positioning, decision-making and anything else) and second, it could just be that Richmond and Zyuzin have been SO BAD that just about anyone else back there is going to look decent in comparison to them. I'm not saying he's played great hockey by any means, but I thought he's gotten a bit better since when he was first called up. Yet he gets ripped at the 300 Level. So am I way off base here or is the general 'negative' attitude of the 300 Level wrong?

He's played OK. Nothing great that shows his potential, nothing terrible that says he's only AHL fodder. For the most part his positioning has been fine and he's made decent decisions, unlike Richmond in the few games/minutes he played. Problem is he just looks like he's going through the motions out there - no intensity or drive - that's how it APPEARS. I know guys have different ways of playing their game, but it just looks to many of us that Barker could put forth more effort and play harder on some shifts. Sometimes it just looks like he's happy to be out there. I want him to have a shift where he goes to the bench and I say "s***, he just dominated that shift by doing ____ well"). People are going to dog him (and rightly so, really) because of where he was drafted. He should want to be more than just your average defenseman out there.


And the 300 level is always negative, you know that :lol:

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Jan 11, 2008 -> 01:28 PM)
Me too.


Hopefully I'm not stuck sitting next to some assclown that doesn't wait for a whistle.


Not me, I remember last game when you went off on those guys. That was funny to me. I was telling my new GF about that, since she doesn't know much about hockey etiquette.


People, wait for the ****ing whistle!

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This is frustrating as f***. Yet another game where they outplay them, outchance them, and lose.


Sopel gets on the board early after a bad turnover (though wtf was he doing as the 2nd guy deep there...). Habby gave it back on a terrible, terrible goal. Barker got beat to the puck, sure, but Barker didn't cost em the goal, Habby did. More on Barker later.


2nd goal was a bad turnover by Buff (seriously, he needs to be a forward, you can't trust this guy on the back line) trying to do too much and then bad read by Barker on a loose puck and then a bad job of cutting down the angle on Gaborik. But f*** if any goalie was going to stop that laser. Buff and Barker were brutal on that one.


3rd goal...where was Lang coming from/was it a bad change? I didn't catch it. But you see Lang coming into the play way late on the shooter because it was temporarily a 5 on 3. It was a laser between the rings, not really a weak goal, poor coverage/bad change again.


4th goal was more bad coverage as Sopel stood around for too long right in front of the crease and Ruutu was nowhere near the slot. Maybe the most stoppable of the 3 real shots, but you've got to have better coverage than that.


Yeah, I just recapped the goals for a reason...


I'm sure the average person will jump on the box score and be like f***, 4 goals on 15 shots? Must have been his fault. Sure he wasn't great, that first one was a f***ing joke, but not that simple.


We had 43 shots and I think 6 power plays and scored...2 goals. That's I believe 14 goals in 8 games on this slide. Fantastic. Blaming Habby lets the rest of the team slide for a bunch of horse s*** play up and down the roster, or a lack of stepping up with a big goal, etc. He's at fault just as many others are at fault. I'm sick of hearing "Habby makes X money and sucks." It's lazy and ignorant. Again, it's like blaming Grossman for everything. And if you want Lalime to play 70 because he saves money, good luck with that. And Crawford isn't ready. When Habby is the ONLY thing holding this team back, which hasn't been the case for 3 years now, come talk to me.


Onto Barker...definite step down tonight. Got beat on the first goal, which, while wasn't the reason for the goal, was indicative of his play tonight. He made a bad decision on the Gaborik goal (you can't play him and Buff together, sheesh). But what really irks me about him is why the f*** is he trying to finish so many hits and step up in the neutral zone as the puck is being dumped into his end or passed across the line? It's a terrible habit. I can remember 3-4 times where he essentially took himself out of the play by chasing a hit way too high. You'd think he'd show a bit more by now, but he'll be sent down as soon as Wiz is ready, if not sooner. Huge disappointment tonight, and I want to believe in the guy and give him every chance possible. Hopefully he has a better game Sunday.


Versteeg still looks solid out there. Very composed with the puck and played physical tonight. Speaking of physical, I don't know who dressed in Bourque's jersey but I like that version of a hockey player. Havlat looked a bit better tonight, had a ton of shots on net and looked to carry and protect the puck a bit more.


Apparently this trade that is looming won't get done until after the weekend, according to Tallon. I don't really know why he's talking this much, and making such a guarantee. It doesn't really add up to me I guess.

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My problem with Khabibulin isn't the money, nor is it that I want Lalime or Crawford to play more instead. (I'm starting to get a little tired of waiting for Crawford anyway)


My thing is, isn't a supposed "top-flight goaltender" supposed to be able to steal you a game once in a while?

When is the last time Khabibulin stole the Hawks a game? Wednesday's game would have been a perfect example of it - Khabibulin was sharp all night, Dallas was outplaying the Hawks by a wide margin IMO, and then with 6 or so minutes left in the game he lets in a softie and the game's over. I don't think Hasek, Brodeur or someone of that stature lets in that goal at that point.

I honestly can't remember the last time I thought the Hawks would've lost a game if not for Khabibulin.


Don't take that to mean that I think the team's playing well right now, because they're not. Injuries or no, at some point you have to go to war with the guys you have. I think it does creep into your mind, though, if it's a close game late that your goalie has been letting you down in that situation basically since he got here.


Right now is a bad time within a good time, if that makes any sense. The Hawks are definitely still on the rise, but this recent stretch is an eye-opener to me that "the future" is still not at hand, and any expectations of serious contention are a bit loftier than this team merits at this point.

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Last one he stole was probably the Ottawa game, maybe the Edmonton game. He's stolen all 4 wings victories, as he's been awesome in every one of them. How many games has the team come up and bailed him out to get a win? The dallas game on halloween? You can't bail a goalie out scoring 2 goals, ever.


Kind of hard to steal a game when your team scores one goal. By definition, in order to steal the game he would have had to have tossed a shutout. From my understanding of the game, he made a ton of huge saves, and the game winner sucked. But again...one goal and jacks*** for offense, but everyone looks at the GWG because it's easy. The team is so bad in front of him right now that one bad goal is magnified to the point that it looks like it cost them the game, which isn't fair.


My point is that it's both sides of the equation here, not one. I understand what you are saying and agree with it but it's become magnified on Habby because we can't score any goals. Scoring 4 or 5 goals at any time is impossible in the last month or so, which puts all the pressure (and focus of fans) unfairly on Habby.

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All fair points, and I don't disagree.

The goalie position is much like that of an NFL quarterback - mistakes are amplified, credit and blame are exaggerated.

It's just obvious to me that the Hawks can't create offense via callups from Rockford, so they're going to have to make the most of the meager offense they're generating right now.

I'm not pinning it all on Khabibulin, since the defensive core is riddled with injuries and rookies who aren't ready.

I guess that weak-ass game-winner on Wednesday is still stuck in my craw. Even that one wasn't really all Khabibulin, either - seeing Buff lift his leg instead of trying to block or redirect it made me want to vomit.


(and yes, I realize I'm defeating my own argument here.... :lol: )

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This is way off topic, but the thing with the Hawks is I'm not as pissed this year because I know how bright the future is even if they crash and burn like they are right now and don't make the playoffs. There are simply too many good things going on there for the franchise not to improve drastically on the ice in the next few years, and I still find that exciting as do many others.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 02:15 PM)
Lalime's starting.


oh so we have to wait til Wednesday for our first win ... ? :unsure:


damn i didnt know Lalime was starting, I figured with the the day and a half rest they would just give habby the start oh well though, hopefully Lalime can do what he did on the 8th and then some

Edited by JFields27
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Good Stuff from the Hawks after 2 periods. Lalime has 22 saves and has a shutout going(knock on wood). On the offensive side nice to see Patrick Sharp add to his totals with his 22nd and Havlet got the assist .. hopefully more to come in the 3rd

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Haven't seen any talk until now about Campbell...but I would be glad to have him on the Hawks.



The Chicago Blackhawks have increased their search and are close to acquiring an offensive-minded defenseman, sources have told TFP.

According to one source, the Blackhawks recently re-opened discussions with the Anaheim Ducks regarding Francois Beauchemin, while another indicated the team may be interested in Buffalo Sabres defenseman Brian Campbell.


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Buff hasn't played since the middle of the 2nd period. Benched to protect against an injury because they've agreed to a trade? I did not see any injury this game, and this is way too long to just be shortening the bench, nor do I see where he was god awful tonight. And we all know Savvy loves him.



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I would love to add either of those players .. I think Campbell is a FA after this season thought, idk about Beauchemin but an add of them could make our D a load better


anyways we just blew golden oppurtunity on a powerplay .. shootout!

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