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2007-2008 NHL Catch All Thread

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Just for the spark of a conversation ..


How much do you think it takes out of a player when he makes an error and gets a penalty and in return is the reason the other team was able to get a goal .. I was just thinking Ruutu is a fiery player and I wonder how much that takes out of a player .. now an easy response would be a good hockey player would just shake it off, but I just do not think its that easy

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QUOTE(JFields27 @ Jan 22, 2008 -> 10:01 PM)
Just for the spark of a conversation ..


How much do you think it takes out of a player when he makes an error and gets a penalty and in return is the reason the other team was able to get a goal .. I was just thinking Ruutu is a fiery player and I wonder how much that takes out of a player .. now an easy response would be a good hockey player would just shake it off, but I just do not think its that easy

For some reason I don't think it would bother a guy like Ruutu as much as it might bother others. He seems like a pretty confident guy who would shrug it off and just go work harder on the next shift.

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yeah well when you have the puck tho and nothing but ice in front of you and a stick hooks you from behind in a 1-1 game dont know how its not called a penalty shot ..


anyways heres to a hope of a good 3rd period .. hey maybe we can make it 4 shootouts(not asking but it would give us a chance to win right)

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Bad play by Buff to start it, but Kane's lazy ass should have had no problem winning that loose puck battle, as he had an easy two strides on him. That's on Pat. Pathetic effort by Kane for one of the first times all year and it really killed them.


Barker seriously needs to stop chasing hits in the neutral zone when stopping the rush and in the offensive zone when trying to keep the puck in. He puts himself out of position way too often and as a result it's either a bit of an odd man break or you have a forward taking the rush as the other defensive partner.


Skille seems to be improving every game and his cycling work is getting there.


5 on 5 the Hawks were pretty solid. Nabby played well at the other end. Special teams killed.


Lalime didn't play bad, but Habby throws up that exact same game and you'd have people calling for his head. The first goal wasn't very strong, so there's the softy everyone loves to wine about. He can start either one Thursday, you will probably get a very similar result, but if Lalime isn't dead tired, I'd go with him again. It's on the rest of the team to take one here. It'd be nice if they could do something on the power play - it's getting stale again. They aren't having trouble on gaining the zone, but getting chances has been an issue. They've tried to go cross-crease a lot and it hasn't been clicking. And when they get it to Buff he can't find the net with a compass right now. Oh for a Williams back there.


BTW, Koharski sucks, but most people already knew that. Some odd calls and no calls and Sharp should have had a penalty shot in any league on the planet, he just flat out missed that one, and I think any SJ fan would admit that.


I don't see how this game can make or break the season, way too much emphasis on it just because the all-star break is up next. It's as important as tonight's game and no more important than the colorado game next wed.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 02:13 AM)
Bad play by Buff to start it, but Kane's lazy ass should have had no problem winning that loose puck battle, as he had an easy two strides on him. That's on Pat. Pathetic effort by Kane for one of the first times all year and it really killed them.

interesting. After that play, I thought it was mostly kane's fault, but me being a new dumb hockey fan listened to the announcers. They blamed most of it on buff there.


In other words, hooray snb

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If the NHL were high school...


Anaheim would be the kid that beats you up and steals your lunch money.


Atlanta would be the slutty cheerleader everyone scores on.


Boston would be the kid who you want to like…but you can’t because he smells.


Buffalo would be the kid who never can afford to go anywhere or do anything.


Calgary would be the bipolar popular chick who can please many people when she’s up but when she’s down she tries to commit suicide.


Carolina would be the farmer kid with a mullet.

Chicago would be the really old kid that has yet to hit puberty.


Colorado would be the kid who did really well in elementary school and is just a slacker now.


Columbus would be the kid who puts rims on his bike wheels and pretends he’s driving a BMW.


Dallas would be the kid with the weird accent.


Detroit would be the foreign exchange student.


Edmonton would be the kid that was accidentally castrated in the early 1990’s and hasn’t been the same since.


Florida is the kid who can never fit in.


Los Angeles would be the kid who always misses school.


Minnesota would be the kid who’s older brother was an All-American jock who got all the girls and success, but he is just a water boy.


Montreal would be the kid who wants to trade you his apple for your Subway sandwich.


Nashville would be that kid with the dad in the military. He’s cool, but you don’t want to be best friends with him because you know he’ll be moving soon.


Ottawa would be the kid that breezes through the school year and then blows the final exams.


Phoenix would be the kid that nobody knows.


Philadelphia would be the kid who’s always suspended.


Pittsburgh would be the crybaby tattle tail.


New Jersey would be the really boring kid.


New York Islanders would be the kid who has his/her whole life planned out already. Or at least the next 14 years.


New York Rangers would be the rich kid.


San Jose would be the kid that always over studies for the finals and ends up bombing them.


St. Louis would be the smooth talking kid who gets you to trade your snack pack to him for half an apple.


Tampa Bay would be the prom queen who got pregnant and now she’s not the same as she used to be.


Toronto would be the girl with major issues.


Washington would be the class clown. Entertaining, but ends up going nowhere.


Vancouver would be the kid that has good marks all year, then skips the finals to smoke weed and fails.

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Some interesting info from Spector.





BUFFALO NEWS: John Vogl reported Tuesday the Sabres press box seating had two seats reserved for Chicago Blackhawks scouts and there was a media pass for Blackhawks GM Dale Tallon. The 'Hawks are in the market for a puckmoving defenceman leading Vogl to suggest Tallon might have interest in Sabres blueliner Brian Campbell, who recently broke off talks with the Sabres.


TAMPA TRIBUNE: Carter Gaddis reports Dallas Stars co-GM Brett Hull and director of player personnel Dave Taylor and Chicago Blackhawks scout Marc Bergevin were in attendance for Tuesday's Lightning-Edmonton Oilers game. Gaddis was uncertain which club the Stars were watching but claimed Bergevin was focussed on the Lightning.


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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 24, 2008 -> 06:44 PM)
More and more I am starting to agree with this, and Savvy seems to like Buff at wing, so when penciling in the future roles for players on this team, I think the money is Buff being at wing. However, a lot will come down to the devolpment of Barker.


I agree - if Tallon acquires a solid D-man and Barker develops, Buff's future would appear to be on the wing.

Which would suit me fine.


Oh, and if anyone happens to find Tuomo Ruutu's scoring touch, could you please return it to him? Thanks.


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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 24, 2008 -> 07:37 PM)
Euk now saying Malik is coming to the Hawks. Could just him throwing s*** at the wall, seeing if it sticks....it usually is...

He is also saying that we are trading Malik to make room for Blake. The Rangers don't have the cap space for Blake.


They also said the are retiring Adam Graves #9 next year. He was one of my favorite players and did a ton for the kids of NY and still does.

Edited by That funky motion
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