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Al Gore: Nobel Peace Prize Winner


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Well, since you want to go that tangent, how come Gorby got one and not the Gipper? For that matter, how the hell did Kofi and the UN get one? They even gave one specifically to the UN Peacekeeping Forces in the 80's. Worthless.

Edited by Alpha Dog
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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 07:08 AM)
not the Gipper?


Here's a couple ideas from another site to get the conversation started:


Favoring "constructive engagement" with the Apartheid Regime over ending it

Providing assistance for the Contras

Selling weapons to Iran

Covering up the El Mozote massacre

Said that Efrain Rios Montt was getting a "bum rap", even though he tried to ethnically cleanse Guatemala of indigenous Mayans

Helping Saddam Hussein aim his weapons of mass destruction, that the Reagan Administration also gave them, at Iran

Told the Contras to target schools, doctors, and humanitarian activists. This doctrine got an American killed by a Contra team

Helped the terrorists we fight today


And remember, Reagan wasn't about peace. He was the kick ass hardballer that could wipe out armies with a stare. Willing to kill millions if necessary, Not some pussy like we have today. Just ask Nuke :cheers

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Speculating on the environment and peace. Many times more will die from poor drinking water than bullets. Perhaps the committee sees the cooperation between nations in preserving out planet as a means to world peace? I'm wondering if they are seeing a peace as something more than just the absence of war?

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Interesting sidenote about the other winnner... Al Gore didn't even want him running the IPCC




Indian's surprise at Nobel award


Dr Pachauri says credit goes to the scientific community

Indian scientist Rajendra Pachauri has spoken of his surprise at the UN panel he heads being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its work on global warming.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and campaigner Al Gore were named as joint winners on Friday.


"I can't believe it. I'm overwhelmed," Dr Pachauri, 67, told well-wishers in the Indian capital, Delhi.


"The committee is trying to tell the world we need to do something about climate change urgently."


Praise for Gore


Dr Pachauri said he was "just a symbol" and credit was due to his organisation and its efforts.


"It is really the scientific community that contributes to the work of the IPCC and the governments who support the work of the IPCC who are really the winners of this award."


The message should go out to everyone - developed and developing countries - we are all in this together


He said he felt privileged to share the prize with "someone as distinguished" as the former US vice president.


"Al Gore certainly deserves it. The amount of effort he has put into creating awareness about climate change has had a major impact."


The two men spoke on the phone after the announcement.


"This is Pachy... I am certainly looking forward to working with you. I'll be your follower and you'll be my leader," Dr Pachauri said.



Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth was an unlikely box office hit


"Convey my congratulations to the IPCC," replied Mr Gore.


The two campaigners did not get off to the best of starts when Dr Pachauri was elected to head the IPCC in 2002.


US President George W Bush backed the Indian for the post, but Mr Gore, who had lost the presidential election to Mr Bush, criticised his appointment.


In an article in the New York Times, he called Dr Pachauri the "let's drag our feet candidate". The Indian hit back a few days later with a letter condemning Mr Gore for his "derogatory comments".


Former engineer


The spat seemed a long way in the past as the two men exchanged warm words on Friday.




Established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep)

Made up of more than 2,000 leading climate experts

Tasked with assessing scientific data on the risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for mitigation

Does not carry out any research of its own

First Assessment Report published in 1990; its Fourth Assessment Report called Climate Change 2007 to be published mid-November


The IPCC is the top authority on global warming, comprising more than 2,000 leading climate change scientists and experts.


As its chairman, Dr Pachauri is well-placed to combat environmental damage posed by rapid industrialisation.


He began his working life as a mechanical engineer building diesel railway engines, before moving on to study energy and economics.


He is also founder director of the Energy and Resources Institute, India's leading environmental think-tank.


Dr Pachauri says he is very concerned about India and other developing economies which will be hit hardest by climate change.


At the same time, he believes that the lead should come from the West.


"I think the developed countries will really have to create the conditions by which the developing countries will follow in due course," he told the BBC earlier this year.



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This is not the first "environmental" peace prize. If I recall correctly, a couple of years ago a woman from Africa won for her work on helping preserve the environment there (I specifically remember a tree planting initiative). So, I don't think it is unprecendented.


That being said, good for Al Gore.

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First, Kap, that sucks for the little one. I hope it subsides quickly.




Good for Al Gore Good for the environment


I'm kind of meh about Al, but if this continues to raise the profile of the things we need to do to not further damage our natural resources, then I am ecstatic.


Third, I am also now very curious about Gore maybe making a run.


Here is a thought - he may actually make a really good VP choice for someone. Or an administration piece in any case.


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Not kidding when I say this. He'd probably make a better president then any other candidate out there right now - IF he stays away from health care. But he won't.


Kiddo is doing pretty good. She's quite woozy still but I know we did the right thing because she had an infection and has for quite some time.


Sorry to hijack the thread. :)


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 09:26 AM)
We were at the hospital this morning getting tubes put in our daughter's ears.


I don't have anything to say about it. Congrats to the Goracle.


Were they put in due to frequent ear infections? My daughters tubes just fell out. YAY! She was thrilled as it meant she could go swimming without the plugs and headband again. Bit of a celebration it was. It is amazing how many kids you will start seeing with the ear plugs at the pool.


Hope all went well with it.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 07:05 AM)
I guess conservatives have never gotten over Reagan not being awarded one, so this will be predictable.



Reagan did more for world peace by lifting his pinky finger than Algore did with his enviro-alarmist propaganda film and chicken little speeches could do in a lifetime. They should re-label this award to read "number one leftist award".

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QUOTE(NUKE @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 10:17 AM)
Reagan did more for world peace by lifting his pinky finger than Algore did with his enviro-alarmist propaganda film and chicken little speeches could do in a lifetime. They should re-label this award to read "number one leftist award".

How enlightening.


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 07:59 AM)
Here's a couple ideas from another site to get the conversation started:

And remember, Reagan wasn't about peace. He was the kick ass hardballer that could wipe out armies with a stare. Willing to kill millions if necessary, Not some pussy like we have today. Just ask Nuke :cheers



I know you are going for hyperbole but there's a lot of truth to that. You know the vast armies of the Soviet Union, the ones that were going to overrun Western Europe and turn the whole continent red? They crumbled before our very eyes without a shot being fired.

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