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Al Gore: Nobel Peace Prize Winner


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Actually, I do see a link between raising environmental standards and peace. It is a point of contention between countries.


Oh and the Reagan bashing, which started completely out of nowhere, is uncalled for. Honestly, the guy did a lot for democracy, personal freedom from authoritarianism , and the signing of non-proliferation treaties.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 11:24 AM)
The truth is, the USSR rather enjoyed the barrier between East and West, because accomodations like a divided East and West Germany helped fund a crumbling economy.


Of course they liked occupying half of Germany, as they liked controlling Poland and a bunch of other countries. The failed economic system of communism was a major factor in the collapse, but Reagan's policies helped push things over the edge and allowed millions of people to freed from authoritarianism. The claim that Reagan's policies helped the Soviet Union are false. Reagan put increased financial and political pressure on the government, and he also maintained a strong NATO coalition. The cold war was waged over the terms of many presidents, and Reagan certainly did his fair share.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 03:56 PM)
You can't be serious. Its OK to bash Gore, someone says Reagan did more than Gore, and its NOT OK to bash Reagan?


incorrect. In a thread about Al Gore, a Reagan mocking post was at post #3, by Texsox. No one had brought him up until that. I understand that these threads often veer off, and I am at times the culprit, but i think it would be more appropriate to start a "Reagan was a big fat idiot" thread on it's own rather start that kind of stuff at post #3 in a thread about world peace.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 12:33 PM)
Not sure what that exactly means. Are the only viable candidates the ones that are ranked #1 in book sales? Or are you saying that a cat should run for president?


It's not supposed to mean anything other than he's not going to be president. I remember hearing about the cat calendar on the radio and thought it was funny. And yes of course I'm saying a cat should run for president.

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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 04:08 PM)
It's not supposed to mean anything other than he's not going to be president. I remember hearing about the cat calendar on the radio and thought it was funny. And yes of course I'm saying a cat should run for president.

It just seemed like the most irrelevant thing to say after Gore just won the Nobel Prize. I guess I can say that Seinfeld reruns get better ratings than Law and Order reruns so Thompson won't become the president.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 04:03 PM)
I can imagine what this conversation looks like to outsiders.


"!$#%$YTY%$^^%$ %^&&^"






"As far as I can tell....they're arguing over who is more peaceful!"

:lol: That's actually quite funny.


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Well, it was bound to happen. . .


Walt Starr's diary:


Oslo: A review of the ballots in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize has shown that George W. Bush is the winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. James Baker III has been sent by the Bush Administration to coordinate efforts on the ground. The United States Supreme Court in a surprise vote of 5 to 4 have declared George W. Bush the winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.


Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority, stated that "allowing Al Gore to win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize violates the spirit and intent of the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Consitution." Justice Alito was joined in the majority decision by Justices Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, and Chief Justice Roberts.


In a strongly worded dissenting opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated "This court has no jurisdiction over the Norwegian Nobel Committee and thus cannot award the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to President George W. Bush." Ginsburg was joined in her dissent by Justices Breyer and Stevens.


In a separate Dissenting Opinion, Justice Souter wrote, "This is just stupid. I quit."


The Department of Homeland Security have now staked out Gore's Tennessee home in order to detain him until after the prize is awarded next month. James Baker III will be in attendence at the awards ceremony to receive the award in the former vice president's absence.



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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 04:26 PM)
:lol: That's actually quite funny.


I would hope that those of you who have significant baseball disagreements with me -- or significant disagreements with my demeanor, more than anything -- don't underestimate my good humor and intelligence.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 10:21 PM)
I would hope that those of you who have significant baseball disagreements with me -- or significant disagreements with my demeanor, more than anything -- don't underestimate my good humor and intelligence.


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I'm just saying, to my friend who I happen to disagree with about everything, I would hope that despite the frequent arguments you guys don't forget that I'm funny and smart, and not just some grumpy asshole with half-baked views, is all.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 10:29 PM)
I'm just saying, to my friend who I happen to disagree with, I would hope that despite the frequent arguments you guys don't forget that I'm funny and smart, and not just some grumpy asshole with half-baked views, is all.





I'm just yankin' 'yer chain.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 10:31 PM)


Yeah, you know, we're Softball teammates. We brought a Championship to Chicago. We have to like each other, on some level.




























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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 04:11 PM)
It just seemed like the most irrelevant thing to say after Gore just won the Nobel Prize. I guess I can say that Seinfeld reruns get better ratings than Law and Order reruns so Thompson won't become the president.


I don't think it's that irrelevant because let's face it, becoming president is partially a popularity contest anyways. Excuse me for posting something that I thought was funny, I'll never do it again.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 01:09 PM)
Screw you! Top Cat or nothing!

Felix the Feline or Fight!


And as for the Goracle winning, hooray increased knowledge and discussion about going green with energy sources.


As for Reagan:


Peace through strength works. Just ask:


a. the US hostages that were needlessly kept in Iran as a political tool to help Reagan's election in 1980

b. the people who have had their lives ended, destroyed and irrevocably altered due to the actions of bin Laden, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations that were armed, trained and funded by the Reaganistas

c. the families of Holocaust survivors when St. Ronald of Reagan went to lay a wreath at the graves of SS officers in Bitburg

d. the people needlessly killed by authoritarians that we sided with (i.e. Pinochet) in Latin America throughout the 1980's simply because they said they were 'anti-Communist' and human rights be damned

e. the families of Ita Ford, Oscar Romero, the citizens of El Mazote and numerous other places where US backed and trained thugs like the Atacotl batallion slaughtered unarmed women, children and church workers in the name of anti-Communism while being funded by the Reagan administration

f. the people who lost loved ones when the US supported the Shah of Iran and the thuggery of Saddam Hussein -- arming both sides during the Iran/Iraq war and fully facilitating the gassing of thousands of Kurds in ethnic cleansing

g. the people subjugated by the Marcos regime

h. the people who suffered under apartheid as he supported the apartheid regime

i. the people who suffered from AIDS and other diseases as he drastically cut funding to research and treat these diseases, yet always found money for corporate welfare and the billions to be pilfered from Savings and Loan


And I haven't even started to research anything yet. :)


To say that Reagan singlehandedly defeated Communism is intellectually dishonest and outright lazy. Even if you believe Reagan singlehandedly beat Communism, then blame him for spawning the current skirge and enemy that we have right now -- fundamentalist Islamic extremists who are incredibly well trained, funded and armed by the original planners in the Reagan administration along with the remnants of the sour taste in the world's mouth in regards to our support of blatant authoritianism due simply to cheap opportunism.


/end tangent.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 06:48 PM)
a. the US hostages that were needlessly kept in Iran as a political tool to help Reagan's election in 1980

b. the people who have had their lives ended, destroyed and irrevocably altered due to the actions of bin Laden, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations that were armed, trained and funded by the Reaganistas

c. the families of Holocaust survivors when St. Ronald of Reagan went to lay a wreath at the graves of SS officers in Bitburg

d. the people needlessly killed by authoritarians that we sided with (i.e. Pinochet) in Latin America throughout the 1980's simply because they said they were 'anti-Communist' and human rights be damned

e. the families of Ita Ford, Oscar Romero, the citizens of El Mazote and numerous other places where US backed and trained thugs like the Atacotl batallion slaughtered unarmed women, children and church workers in the name of anti-Communism while being funded by the Reagan administration

f. the people who lost loved ones when the US supported the Shah of Iran and the thuggery of Saddam Hussein -- arming both sides during the Iran/Iraq war and fully facilitating the gassing of thousands of Kurds in ethnic cleansing

g. the people subjugated by the Marcos regime

h. the people who suffered under apartheid as he supported the apartheid regime

i. the people who suffered from AIDS and other diseases as he drastically cut funding to research and treat these diseases, yet always found money for corporate welfare and the billions to be pilfered from Savings and Loan


a) flawed argument, Reagan can't be blamed for the hostage crisis that happened during the Carter admin


b ) the notion that Al Queda is merely a creation of Ronald Reagan is inaccurate to say the least. a very simplistic and fatally flawed conclusion.


c) way over the top. are you some how implying Reagan supported Nazims?

Hours earlier, Mr. Reagan stood before an obelisk at the site of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where 50,000 victims of the Nazis are buried in mass graves under mounds of heather.


''Here they lie,'' Mr. Reagan said in a trembling voice. ''Never to hope. Never to pray. Never to love. Never to heal. Never to laugh. Never to cry.''


d) bad move by Reagan supporting those dictators. but for some reason you like to gloss over atrocities conducted during soviet rule


e) refer to d).


f) a very opportunistic "anti-saddam" statement. so, what, GW Bush shouldn't have righted this wrong? or should he have?


g) macros regime?


h) oh yes, aparthied was Reagan's fault. of course.


i) don't you know? Reagan created aids to kill black people and gays. duh.


Actually, there is still some bitterness on the far-left due to the fact that their accusations and insistence that Reagan was SURELY going to nuke the world, was an evil dictator, created aids in a lab, ect. has all been proven false. There is a lot of far-left rage that their foolish assements will be marked in history and they are desperately seeking some cover.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 07:13 PM)
a) flawed argument, Reagan can't be blamed for the hostage crisis that happened during the Carter admin

Iran-Contra and there have been plenty of educated people discussing the feasibility that the Iranians were held there via a relationship between US intelligence activities and the Iranians.


b ) the notion that Al Queda is merely a creation of Ronald Reagan is inaccurate to say the least. a very simplistic and fatally flawed conclusion.

They received tons of funding, training and backing from the Reaganistas. They cut their teeth in Afghanistan and were ready to fight the US when we continued to have a presence in the US. We knew that OBL etc. were asshats to begin with and still gave them this.


c) way over the top. are you some how implying Reagan supported Nazims?

As for the Bitburg hubbub, he actually took a lot of flak for it in the 1980s. He went to lay a wreath on SS graves. I couldn't even make this s*** up.

From Wiki:

This planned visit caused a great deal of anger, mainly on the part of Jews and former World War II soldiers. Many prominent government officials, U.S. Army officers, and celebrities, protested the planned visit. Concentration camp survivor and author Elie Wiesel spoke out on the topic at an unrelated White House ceremony, saying, "I... implore you to do something else, to find another way, another site. That place, Mr. President, is not your place." 53 senators (including 11 Republicans), signed a letter asking the president to cancel, and 257 representatives (including 84 Republicans) signed a letter urging Chancellor Kohl to withdraw the invitation. Former Army S/Sgt. Jim Hively mailed his World War II decorations, including a silver star and a bronze star, to Reagan in protest. The Ramones recorded the song "My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)," which alludes to Bedtime for Bonzo and Bonzo Goes to College, two movies from Reagan's film career that co-starred a chimpanzee, and Frank Zappa recorded "Reagan At Bitburg". Robyn Hitchcock's song The President from his album Element of Light also makes reference to the incident.[1]


Chancellor Kohl responded in an interview with the New York Times: "I will not give up the idea. If we don't go to Bitburg, if we don't do what we jointly planned, we will deeply offend the feelings of [my] people." A poll revealed that 72% of West Germans thought the visit should go forward as planned. Kohl admitted that rarely had German-American relations been so strained, and in the days leading up to the visit, the White House and the Chancellery were pitted against each other in the blame game. The White House claimed the Germans had given assurances that nothing in the Bitburg visit would be an "embarrassment" for the president: "As clumsily as we handled it, Kohl &. Co. have surpassed us in spades." A German official said: "The Americans also have a responsibility toward the president. They must also check on the history that is beneath the ground. It was not very intelligent." Reagan defended himself by saying:


"These [sS troops] were the villains, as we know, that conducted the persecutions and all. But there are 2,000 graves there, and most of those, the average age is about 18. I think that there's nothing wrong with visiting that cemetery where those young men are victims of Nazism also, even though they were fighting in the German uniform, drafted into service to carry out the hateful wishes of the Nazis. They were victims, just as surely as the victims in the concentration camps" [2]


Reagan was criticized for this statement by opponents of the visit. Equating Nazi soldiers with Holocaust victims, responded Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, was "a callous offense for the Jewish people."


d) bad move by Reagan supporting those dictators. but for some reason you like to gloss over atrocities conducted during soviet rule

I never said I glossed over Soviet atrocities. Maoist and Stalinist bloodbaths were absolutely horrid. However, the fact that these took place do not make the backing of Pinochet, the support of the Samozas, etc. seem any better by comparison. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it. As I tell my students -- just because a kid was mean to you does not mean that you have carte blanche to be mean back.


e) refer to d).


f) a very opportunistic "anti-saddam" statement. so, what, GW Bush shouldn't have righted this wrong? or should he have?

It's just one thing to make a bunch of money off the Middle Eastern client state for years, turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and even going about helping to arm and fund it in the name of the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' ideology while claiming that we don't support terrorist activities. Righting the wrong would be to stop funding, arming and assisting a regime that flouts human rights.


g) macros regime?

Marcos regime in the Philippines -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Marcos


h) oh yes, aparthied was Reagan's fault. of course.

Reagan labeled Mandela's African National Congress a notorious terrorist organization, while continuing Washington's support for the apartheid regime. In 1981, Reagan explained to CBS that he was loyal to the South African regime because it was "a country that has stood by us in every war we've ever fought, a country that, strategically, is essential to the free world in its production of minerals."


But even as the majority of the American people came to oppose South Africa's apartheid regime, Reagan stood by his friend in 1986. African American leaders and organizations pressured Congress to take action and ultimately it passed sanctions against South Africa. True to form, Reagan vetoed the bill. But to Reagan's shame, Congress overrode the veto.


i) don't you know? Reagan created aids to kill black people and gays. duh.

It's amazing that he cuts funding for these diseases and to help the poor yet spends money with corporate welfare.


Actually, there is still some bitterness on the far-left due to the fact that their accusations and insistence that Reagan was SURELY going to nuke the world, was an evil dictator, created aids in a lab, ect. has all been proven false. There is a lot of far-left rage that their foolish assements will be marked in history and they are desperately seeking some cover.

Thanks for the memories, Ron. We're living with the bulls*** you've festered upon us for generations to come, Mr. Ronald "pollution comes mainly from trees" Reagan.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 08:28 PM)
d) bad move by Reagan supporting those dictators. but for some reason you like to gloss over atrocities conducted during soviet rule

I never said I glossed over Soviet atrocities. Maoist and Stalinist bloodbaths were absolutely horrid. However, the fact that these took place do not make the backing of Pinochet, the support of the Samozas, etc. seem any better by comparison. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it. As I tell my students -- just because a kid was mean to you does not mean that you have carte blanche to be mean back.


e) refer to d).


f) a very opportunistic "anti-saddam" statement. so, what, GW Bush shouldn't have righted this wrong? or should he have?

It's just one thing to make a bunch of money off the Middle Eastern client state for years, turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and even going about helping to arm and fund it in the name of the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' ideology while claiming that we don't support terrorist activities. Righting the wrong would be to stop funding, arming and assisting a regime that flouts human rights.


g) macros regime?

Marcos regime in the Philippines -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Marcos


h) oh yes, aparthied was Reagan's fault. of course.

i) don't you know? Reagan created aids to kill black people and gays. duh.

It's amazing that he cuts funding for these diseases and to help the poor yet spends money with corporate welfare.


Actually, there is still some bitterness on the far-left due to the fact that their accusations and insistence that Reagan was SURELY going to nuke the world, was an evil dictator, created aids in a lab, ect. has all been proven false. There is a lot of far-left rage that their foolish assements will be marked in history and they are desperately seeking some cover.


Thanks for the memories, Ron. We're living with the bulls*** you've festered upon us for generations to come, Mr. Ronald "pollution comes mainly from trees" Reagan.


you are making it sound like Reagan was respectfully saluting dead Nazi's. he was went to a graveyard which had some SS guys buried there, spoke of how horrible the Nazi's were, and said that some young germans forced to fight were also victims. yea, some people made a big deal out of it, kinda like they do now-a-days with just about everything.

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Iran-Contra and there have been plenty of educated people discussing the feasibility that the Iranians were held there via a relationship between US intelligence activities and the Iranians.


What? The US Government was plotting against Jimmy Carter? 911 was an inside job.


They received tons of funding, training and backing from the Reaganistas. They cut their teeth in Afghanistan and were ready to fight the US when we continued to have a presence in the US. We knew that OBL etc. were asshats to begin with and still gave them this.


There is no way Reagan is responsible for 911 or other major AQ projects. . Bill Clinton? Yea, that would be a better explanation.


It's just one thing to make a bunch of money off the Middle Eastern client state for years, turning a blind eye to ethnic cleansing and even going about helping to arm and fund it in the name of the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' ideology while claiming that we don't support terrorist activities. Righting the wrong would be to stop funding, arming and assisting a regime that flouts human rights.


then the rhetoric would be that the US is performing 'ethnic cleansing of innocent arabs through starvation embargoes'.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 12, 2007 -> 07:25 PM)
Way to respond to bulls*** with bulls***, and I eagerly anticipate the next bulls*** -- "Well, George W. Bush is more responsible!"

If William Henry Harrison's inauguration speech had been shorter...9/11 would never have happened!

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