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Bizarre Stein rumor


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Did anyone else listen to talking baseball this morning? Speficially did anyone else hear Bruce Levine say that people behind the scenes are saying George Steinbrenner is suffering from some form of dementia? Can anyone else confirm or deny hearing that anywhere else?

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It was reported about 3-4 months ago that he had prettys severe dementia. I hadn't heard much about it since but Steinbrenner has been hiding behind the scenes ever since that report came out and I do think he has some sort of dementia (the question is how serious it is).



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George has actually been ill for a few years now, that is why you never hear from him anymore and don't even see statements too often. I heard Keith Olbermann on with Dan Patrick 2 years ago say George has some form of Alzheimers or Dementia, and that he couldn't even remember names anymore. Anyways, George isn't running much anymore, if he was Torre would have probably been fired a year or two ago.

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