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Liberty outraged over grave desecration

Police seek suspects for the damage done at Marine's plot




Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle



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LIBERTY — To Jeremy Burris the word "liberty" was more than the name of his hometown. It was something worth fighting for.


An all-American kid from a little all-American town, the 22-year-old Marine lance corporal died heroically in Iraq. More than a thousand people turned out Wednesday as a white hearse carried his body to burial in the historic 1800s Cooke Memorial Cemetery.


Within hours, the grave was desecrated. About 30 sprays of flowers were ripped apart, petals strewn over the loose earth. Flags decorating the gravesite were also torn down and sentimental notes and posters shredded.


"It looked like a big debris field about 40 feet square," said Liberty Police Chief Mike Cummings. "This wasn't done by the wind or animals. It was obviously intentional. We don't know if someone did this for a stupid prank or they were anti-war or what."


Burris was killed Oct. 8 by an explosive device in al-Anbar Province.


Minutes before his death, he rescued two soldiers wounded when a device exploded under their military vehicle. When Burris returned to the vehicle to retrieve some sensitive equipment, another bomb detonated, killing him, his family said.


Burris' family is well known in this county seat about 30 miles east of Houston, where his mother regularly sings country and patriotic songs at the Liberty Opry. He spent much of his youth around the town square — especially at the Opry, housed in a remodeled 1930s movie theater, with a large American flag painted on the entrance wall.


On Wednesday, Main Street was lined with people paying their respects as his procession went by. Many in the courthouse halted business, schools let out and shops closed.


Hundreds of flags, including giant ones draped from fire trucks, and posters with encouraging words were waved by the crowd.


U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, who attended the funeral, described in a congressional speech how moved he had been to see weeping people salute or hold their hands over their hearts.


Burris was not afraid to die when he joined the Marines a year and a half ago, Poe said in his speech.


"He told his youth minister he would rather die young while he could still give 100 percent," Poe stated."He was also an unapologetic person of faith."


Burris, who was home-schooled, was nicknamed "Jesus" by the other soldiers, according to his MySpace Web site. His site also stated that the Bible was his favorite book and that Jesus and "my dad" (Brent) were his favorite heroes.


Burris often enjoyed leading praise and worship services for his youth group at his church, his pastor said.


That's why his mother, Carala, cannot understand why anyone would desecrate his grave.


"I can't believe this is anything specifically against us. The town has been so supportive," she said quietly from her home.


"Our strength comes from the Lord. This is what is getting us through all this. God is in control, not whoever did this. We don't have to worry or get revenge."


Burris was the oldest of her seven children.


Two other sons have enlisted in the military; one is in Iraq and another will be headed there soon.


Linda Paulson, who owns a gift store next to the Opry, believes the vandalism might have been done for political reasons.


"It makes me very sad that people don't show respect for a grieving family, no matter what their political beliefs are," she said.


A nearby florist, L'Dairs, offered to fix the vandalized gravesite, but Allison Funeral Service employees had already restored it.


"The town is very angry," said Mary Ann Got. "There's not anybody I know that's not upset about what happened."


Carol Smart, a customer at a beauty salon on the square, agreed. "This boy lost his life fighting for our freedom and it's heartbreaking to know something like this happened."


She said she was proud that the court dismissed her temporarily from jury duty so that she could pay homage on the day that the hearse passed.


"I never saw so many somber people. You could hear a pin drop," she said.


Cummings is asking anyone with information about the incident to contact him.


"We don't have a whole lot to go on," the chief said. "No leads yet."


[email protected]

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Some people just have no inner voice that let's them know somethign is wrong. Maybe a few whacks with a bat upside the head would work, if they are found. Alot of people in that town would probably do nasty stuff to the perps, they had better hope they keep their mouths shut and not brag about it. I hope they brag.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 02:56 PM)
any guesses on how much MSM coverage this hate crime will get?

What if this was an ex girlfriend that found out he cheated on her? Or what if it was some drunk vagrant who decided to be a dick?

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:03 PM)
What if this was an ex girlfriend that found out he cheated on her? Or what if it was some drunk vagrant who decided to be a dick?


yea right, that is very unlikely. what if those same situations were the reasons behind those stupid nooses being hung on doors? the media won't cover this because they are afraid it will be one of these far-left activists that they try to protect.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:11 PM)
yea right, that is very unlikely. what if those some situations were the reasons behind those stupid nooses being hung on doors? the media won't cover this because they are afraid it will be one of these far-left activists that they try to protect.

I'm glad you're not a judge. You be calling for the death penalty with no evidence in a case.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:26 PM)
Does anyone think that the church that follows around and protests Soldiers funerals would have anything to do with this?


I think it could be. If thats the case, then it will be in the media and rightfully so. But it should get coverage, even if it's turns out not to be them IMO.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:28 PM)
I think it could be. If thats the case, then it will be in the media and rightfully so. But it should get coverage, even if it's turns out not to be them IMO.

The fact that the story was posted from a news article shows that the media is covering it.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:32 PM)
Just because there is a link posted on drudge or something does not signify the MSM is covering it.

How did MSM become the gold standard for journalism? I never carfed for their coverage, never really paid attention to them but so many people here seem to care about them. :huh

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 04:27 PM)
No matter the why, it's wrong. :angry:

No, it's in the Filibuster, so it must be a topic of legitimate political debate. Certainly, we can't ALL think that defacing a man's grave is a despicable act. I think we know that all Democrats in here, myself included, felt relief that, finally!, someone had the courage to stand up to these soldier-huggers. As Dems say in secret midnight Satan-worshipping meetings, It's good the soldier's dead, but it's just not enough...

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While I do not agree, I can see protection for Phelp's clan in standing across a street and yelling, waving signs, etc. I would support a ban in a heartbeat, but do see the argument to not shut them down. This is taking it many steps further and clearly breaking the law. Forget for a moment the ethical and moral implications, they destroyed property.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:42 PM)
How did MSM become the gold standard for journalism?


Actually it used to be. It still has major influence, fortunately people are more informed now and the mainstream media's biased reporting is causing them to hemorrhage creditability. It is still important to call them out on their BS

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First, I agree with Mr. G that when something that seems important is buried in the outer reaches of media, missed by the "MSM" or other popular outlets, it is the duty of strong-minded people to bring it to the world's attention. That sort of thing will, in my opinion, help the mainstream media stay a little closer to on-target for real news. Otherwise, it will continue to be dominated by stories of nooses, Britney Spears and other assorted nonsense.


Second, I am not sure that this rises to the level of national headline-type attention. Not to diminish how insensitive and degrading the act was, but on the scale of things, it doesn't get anywhere near the thousands of other bad things that happen every day.


Third... this war looks more and more like Vietnam every damn day.


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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Oct 23, 2007 -> 03:30 PM)
The fact that the story was posted from a news article shows that the media is covering it.


Actually, only so much.


It was covered by the local newspaper, and that is pretty much it. I haven't seen it covered by any of the traditional large news outlets.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2007 -> 08:04 AM)
Actually, only so much.


It was covered by the local newspaper, and that is pretty much it. I haven't seen it covered by any of the traditional large news outlets.

But people only want to hear about Brittany and Paris Hilton....and Dumbledore's (sp?) sexual orientation.

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