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First Pot of Chili, Fall Has Arrived


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I use steak, ground beef and sometimes put chorizo in mine. One thing I do which is somewhat different is I cook the pot about 4-5 hours then completely shut it off. I let the heat dissapate from the pot and then re-heat it just before I serve it. I also like putting sour cream on top of the bowls.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 10:12 AM)
That seems more like ranchero beans than a chili.


I'm slowly eliminating meat from my diet. I've dropped it from almost all my breakfasts and about half my lunches. Dinner is still an issue, but getting better.

To us Yanks it's all the same. :)


As long as you're getting your protein, you don't miss meat. Except bacon. Oh, how I miss bacon.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 5, 2007 -> 10:37 PM)
Wow.. I have not heard that expression in at least a decade. Love that creamed chip beef. :lol:

I am also a no bean chili eater.


That's what my dad calls it....so that's I know it as. :)


QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 6, 2007 -> 07:38 AM)
On biscuits or toast? That does sound good.


Toast. I'm not made of money.


It was just your random TV dinner one, but, God, warmed me up.

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