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The Wave


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You can find me as the only one in the ballpark sitting down in the middle of a wave, still watching the game.


A few buddies spotted me in Milwaukee 2 years ago when i was sitting on the other side of the park, i was the only one sitting down and watching the game


I hate the wave. I hate beachballs. I hate all that. Some people say that it shows people are having fun. I say it shows people creating a circus at a baseball game and is unnecessary.



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Sorry couldn't resist.


The worst part of the wave is the danger of beer being spilled.

If i could somehow punch those little punks doing the wave, i certainly would

A shooting game would be fun.

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It's an embarrassment to the real fans there, and i'm sure the players are thinking "what the f*** is going on here"


Basically people who do the wave are saying that the baseball game isn't entertaining enough.

I'm with ya, the Wave blows.

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You can find me as the only one in the ballpark sitti


I disagree with you 100%..........I love the wave and beachballs.......IF the game is boring it turns into fun

The wave: out of place at baseball games.


It seems to be a tradition at Michigan Football games, so it is OK in places where it is a tradition. Also, it is ok at soccer games, though I do not really like soccer


sorry rafacosta

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I dislike the Wave at "The Cell," but when I'm anywhere else I could probably care less (unless the Sox are visiting, of course). When I went to a Red Sox game, watching the drunk college kids was a good distraction from my uncomfortable seat that faced left field.

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I was very pissed off when the Wave made it's way around the Cell Tuesday night. These losers sitting SEC. 150 sitting in a couple rows in front of us started it.


I think there was only about 20 people in the place (including myself) that didn't join.




makes me sick.

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I heard from a buddy of mine that he got up to buy a beer right when the wave came around and wasn't able to live it down the rest of the night. :D His buddies where busting his chop for being a ScRub fan.

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