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No to Pippen and Grant


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Just so you know, Pippen was always a prick, it didn't start this week.

Sure was. He was invited to the Bulls/Sox kids training camp every year and NEVER showed up once. He also gained fame as "no tippin Pippin". And routinely attempted to charge fans for his autograph. Someone I want teaching impressionable future stars of the NBA....? Don't think so.

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Oh.. did you apologize to wsc..? Did you apologize to 34 for calling him names..?

Did you admit that having a prick like Pippin on the team would not be good for the youngins..? Of course not, hypocrite.



Edited to fix wcs to wsc. Sorry bout that..

another prime example of you and your character, i love it!! keep it coming ........ :lol: :headbang

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Oh.. did you apologize to wsc..? Did you apologize to 34 for calling him names..?

Did you admit that having a prick like Pippin on the team would not be good for the youngins..? Of course not, hypocrite.



Edited to fix wcs to wsc. Sorry bout that..

another prime example of you and your character, i love it!! keep it coming ........ :lol: :headbang

Absolutely. It is definitely in my character to apologize when I screw up and admit when I am wrong.


Someday you'll get there.

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Oh.. did you apologize to wsc..? Did you apologize to 34 for calling him names..?

Did you admit that having a prick like Pippin on the team would not be good for the youngins..? Of course not, hypocrite.



Edited to fix wcs to wsc. Sorry bout that..

another prime example of you and your character, i love it!! keep it coming ........ :lol: :headbang

Absolutely. It is definitely in my character to apologize when I screw up and admit when I am wrong.


Someday you'll get there.


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If you go back and read my posts, I never said he wasn't a great player as a Bull.


He was a major factor on a "team" that won 6 championships. When Pippen left the Bulls, we did him a huge favor by signing him to a long-term big money contract and then trading him so that the team he went to would have to pay him that money. That was his reward for the championships.


Since then and before then he was still a prick. Just because he starred on those teams doesn't mean we needed to bring him back to play with young kids. Face it you are just now seeing the Pippen that many of us saw before.

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If you go back and read my posts, I never said he wasn't a great player as a Bull.


He was a major factor on a "team" that won 6 championships.  When Pippen left the Bulls, we did him a huge favor by signing him to a long-term big money contract and then trading him so that the team he went to would have to pay him that money.  That was his reward for the championships.


Since then and before then he was still a prick.  Just because he starred on those teams doesn't mean we needed to bring him back to play with young kids.  Face it you are just now seeing the Pippen that many of us saw before.

No. All people make mistakes. Every single one of us. Some people hold public figures to a higher level. I do not. I totally appreciated and respect what pippen did for my beloved bulls. I will appreciate and respect that FOREVER. I dont hold grudges. However, what he has done recently changed my mind on whether i think he could help this team RIGHT NOW. Whats wrong with that? :huh:

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You can respect him all you want, he was a great player and you can have a opinion, however you ripped the hell out me, because of my opinion.


As far as Pip is concerned, I just didn't want him back. I wouldn't hold a grudge against the guy if he ever, just once, stepped up and said hey I made a mistake I probably shouldn't have done that, I was young, immature, hurt anything. He never did that.


And if the you really loved the Bulls, you would realize that Pip and Jordan played a big role in us not getting any free agents, because they bad mouthed us.


Hey I grew up a Met fan(because of my hatred for the CUB), but that doesn't mean I want Strawberry, Gooden, Hernandez and Kevin Mitchell to coach my little league team.

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You can respect him all you want, he was a great player and you can have a opinion, however you ripped the hell out me, because of my opinion. 


As far as Pip is concerned, I just didn't want him back.  I wouldn't hold a grudge against the guy if he ever, just once, stepped up and said hey I made a mistake I probably shouldn't have done that, I was young, immature, hurt anything.  He never did that.


And if the you really loved the Bulls, you would realize that Pip and Jordan played a big role in us not getting any free agents, because they bad mouthed us.


Hey I grew up a Met fan(because of my hatred for the CUB), but that doesn't mean I want Strawberry, Gooden, Hernandez and Kevin Mitchell to coach my little league team.

Why does he have to admit anything? Have you thought for one second that umm maybe hes not sorry? Maybe he feels that he worked his ass off for many years and never was shown the appreciation that he deserves? Besides, there is no reason for the guy to apologize for something that happened years ago. My problem with him is they way he has been the past few days.

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Let's see:


I acted selfishly and sat on the bench when a call wasn't designed for me. By the way the play that was drawn up won us a game without me.


I apologize for ragging about my contract for years, when in reality, MR. Reinsdorf, my agent and others told me it was bad deal, however I wanted security and took the money and the long term contract. By NBA rules and salary cap restrictions I was the Bulls could not renegotiate the deal. The did however sign me to a very lucrative deal upon my becoming a free agent and then traded me to a contender.


I should have taken a page from Michael's book and just said when my time comes I will get paid


These are just a few instances.

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Let's see:


I acted selfishly and sat on the bench when a call wasn't designed for me.  By the way the play that was drawn up won us a game without me.


I apologize for ragging about my contract for years, when in reality, MR. Reinsdorf, my agent and others told me it was bad deal, however I wanted security and took the money and the long term contract.  By NBA rules and salary cap restrictions I was the Bulls could not renegotiate the deal.  The did however sign me to a very lucrative deal upon my becoming a free agent and then traded me to a contender. 


I should have taken a page from Michael's book and just said when my time comes I will get paid


These are just a few instances.

These are the "AWFUL" things he has done over what 15 years? Come on dude, get over it. If you are a real fan, and im guessing you are, those 6 rings he helped us win should well outweigh that petty crap. :huh:

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6 championships were great, but I'm not going to sit here and say I'm a Pippen fan, I'm not. My whole argument was don't bring him back. You acted like I was unwarranted for my dislike and actually started saying I had an agenda, was unknowledgable, lacked creditbility.


I will always be a Bull fan, they are the whole. I do not have to like the all the parts.


Pippen was first class jerk and just about anyone that has ever run into him will account for that.


I guess we will have to agree to disagree, you have finally seen the light anyways. It just took you 10 years.

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6 championships were great, but I'm not going to sit here and say I'm a Pippen fan, I'm not.  My whole argument was don't bring him back.  You acted like I was unwarranted for my dislike and actually started saying I had an agenda, was unknowledgable, lacked creditbility.


I will always be a Bull fan, they are the whole.  I do not have to like the all the parts.


Pippen was first class jerk and just about anyone that has ever run into him will account for that. 


I guess we will have to agree to disagree, you have finally seen the light anyways.  It just took you 10 years.

I dont see your light. I love Pippen and always will appreciate and admire him. I wish i had half his skill, success and drive to win. You know nothing about the man, yet are condeming him. I can tell you that i have also been upset about what a company was paying me and i can assure you that ive done worse than pout because i didnt get the last shot. I stick to my opinion that you have an agenda...........

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Did the owner of the company say.


Here's the contract you desire, it's not a very good deal for you. If you wait a few years you can make a lot more money.


You then sign the deal and b**** about it later. then you, my friend, are just as bad. Honor your deal, you put your John Hancock on it.


I have no agenda, other than I don't want Pippen, his attitude, his history of being a jerk off around these kids.


Your being as bad as the people who blindly root for Sammy not matter what he does. I sure hope I don't see any posts on here ripping Sammy, cause Pip is just as bad.

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Did the owner of the company say.


Here's the contract you desire, it's not a very good deal for you.  If you wait a few years you can make a lot more money. 


You then sign the deal and b**** about it later.  then you, my friend, are just as bad.  Honor your deal, you put your John Hancock on it.


I have no agenda, other than I don't want Pippen, his attitude, his history of being a jerk off around these kids. 


Your being as bad as the people who blindly root for Sammy not matter what he does.  I sure hope I don't see any posts on here ripping Sammy, cause Pip is just as bad.


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