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Article on William Ligues son


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This is a very good article on William Ligues son.


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick.


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life.


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...

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Well first off, let me say I have no sympathy for anyone who beats a kid...I don't care what the excuse.


Anyway, secondly, I disagree with the kid getting probation, but hey I guess what the Royals coach says has a lot of say and he felt he only deserved probation so if he's happy about it, I won't complain. Afterall it was him who was beaten.


Still, sorry life or not their is no excuse for beating the crap out of a person who didn't do anything to instigate it.

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Originally posted by theoldroman



This is a very good article on William Ligues son. 


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick. 


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life. 


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...


Theoldroman is a bleeding heart liberal in the making..... DoubleM, Cerbaho, and Apu would be so proud :****

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman



This is a very good article on William Ligues son. 


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick. 


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life. 


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...


Theoldroman is a bleeding heart liberal in the making..... DoubleM, Cerbaho, and Apu would be so proud :****


A what?

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Originally posted by theoldroman
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman



This is a very good article on William Ligues son. 


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick. 


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life. 


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...


Theoldroman is a bleeding heart liberal in the making..... DoubleM, Cerbaho, and Apu would be so proud :****


A what?


Ask DoubleM, Cerbaho, or Apu. They'll know what it means and lead you along the path of the "Dark Side."

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman



This is a very good article on William Ligues son. 


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick. 


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life. 


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...


Theoldroman is a bleeding heart liberal in the making..... DoubleM, Cerbaho, and Apu would be so proud :****


A what?


Ask DoubleM, Cerbaho, or Apu. They'll know what it means and lead you along the path of the "Dark Side."


LOL... Just remember, youngin'... Compassion is NOT an American value.


:D (I kid)

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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman
Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by theoldroman



This is a very good article on William Ligues son. 


I really think that Ligue should just be put away for good. He beat his kid and forced him to do cruel, insane things. And what kinda person gets high and hammered at a kids b-day party? That just sick. 


It seems tha the son is a good kid who just had an idiotic loser for a dad. I feel good that a kid could succeed in life with such a bad influence. I really hope he gets back on the track he was on tho, he seems to have potential in life. 


As for his dad, he can rot in hell...


Theoldroman is a bleeding heart liberal in the making..... DoubleM, Cerbaho, and Apu would be so proud :****


A what?


Ask DoubleM, Cerbaho, or Apu. They'll know what it means and lead you along the path of the "Dark Side."


LOL... Just remember, youngin'... Compassion is NOT an American value.


:D (I kid)



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