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Colon to Yankees?

Mr. Showtime

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I know this much, Nick Johnson is over-rated.


Just cause they are willing to give up Nick Johnson doesn't mean the deal is going to happen.


The Sox and plenty other teams have more to offer. In all honesty the Yanks don't have a damn thing left in their farm system so they are going to have to start rebuilding to a point.

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Well, I believe this is the last year on Pettitte's contract, as well as Wells's, Clemens may resign with the Yanks, but maybe not, El Duque is getting older(maybe....he could be 47 for all I care and that's why he's throwing the eephus pitch).


Only Weaver and Mussina are guarenteed for next year....then again, they will probably sign Maddux and Glavine this offseason.


:**** - Yankees

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

The Yanks should take the time and keep dumping payroll cause they can dump it and still stay a very talented team.


Steinbrenner is to dumping payroll what JR is to spend thrift. While Steinbrenner may trade or allow a player to go the way of FA, he'll also go out and do his best to sign a player of equal or greater caliber. :mad:

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The good thing about George is that he will spend money.


The bad thing is he makes it difficult on his fans. They can't see the Yanks unless you live out of the New York area or if you have sattellite or at least this is how it used to be, because of his Yes network.


He also gets way too involved and makes many stupid moves like the Mondesi thing where he just blows and pisses money away. If the Sox could have that money that George pisses away, we'd be great.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn                                    If  the Sox could have that money that George pisses away, we'd be great.


Only if :


1) JR sells the team; and


2) KW resigns or is fired by the new ownership.


The only thing JR would do with that money is rub it on his face and admire it. He wouldn't spend it to better the team. :mad:

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

Well, I believe this is the last year on Pettitte's contract, as well as Wells's, Clemens may resign with the Yanks, but maybe not, El Duque is getting older(maybe....he could be 47 for all I care and that's why he's throwing the eephus pitch).


Only Weaver and Mussina are guarenteed for next year....then again, they will probably sign Maddux and Glavine this offseason.


:**** - Yankees


Somewhere I heard that the Yankees are looking to draw up an extension for Pettitte, but it's looking more like Philly will be getting at least Glavine.



Anyway, in response to the original post...The Yankees are always involved in what seems to be virtually every rumor around. Many of them don't even pann out, so I wouldn't get my hopes up about Colon's possibilities coming here yet.

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So that's where MC Hammer went to. You suppose that's why he gives Oakland so many good deals? Damn former Oakland bat-boy. And didn't MC Hammer go bankrupt, or get really poor along the way sometime during his life?

KW: "You can't spend a dollar if you only have 50 cents." - If he is MC Hammer, that would be him talking about his former life....he couldn't get that candy bar at the local C-Store because he only had the 50 cents he had on the ground.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

isnt mc hammer doing those cheap ass insurance commercials i see on wciu late nites....lol...we arent getting colon.. i doubt the yanks get im either......id be willing to bet he goes to a west coast nl team.... dodgers or d backs????

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Ain't going to the D-Backs....they got enough pitching and are looking to land Maddux too. I think their payroll is a little too high anyways.


As for the Dodgers....they're still trying to cut payroll. I don't see how they could swing a deal with the Expos to get Colon.


San Fran probably won't....they have a smart GM in Brian Sabean and he probably thinks right now "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"


San Diego is going with the youth development thing...and why not? They have some pitchers that have decent stuff out their in SD....they should get another bat. They'd be half decent then.


Colorado could, but I wouldn't look for them to do it.



HSC, I do have to say that if KW wants him bad enough, he will get him. He wanted Todd Ritchie and he overpaid for him. He wanted David Wells and got him. He wanted Royce Clayton and got him. The only thing I'm worried about is if a team bluffs that they are going after Colon and KW jacks his bid way the hell up. Someone could say they are pursuing Colon and say that an offer of(let's say we're the Twins right now) Torii Hunter, Jacque Jones and Grant Balfour is on the table and the Twins will throw in $5,000,000 in compensation. If KW falls for this bluff, he may end up packaging Honel and Rauch....which is scary as s*** if you ask me. That is worse than the thought of Maggs being traded. Those two could be the Johnson and Schilling of the future, plus if we have Buehrle and Garland....holy s***. And if Diaz is as good as Ramon Ortiz is out in Anaheim....shiiiit I've got to say that one of Honel, Rauch, Diaz and Garland will be traded to Montreal if the deal is done. Mark my words.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

see your key sentence there is IF KW WANTS HIM BAD ENOUGH.... i honestly believe that he doesnt or he would have already gotten into deal talks in ariz about him.......believe me we aint going to get him.... at any price.. kw just isnt honestly interested.......

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Hold on here for a second....let's just disregard anything KW has said about getting a named pitcher for next year.


In the article that was printed in the Trib, didn't he say he was willing to quote, "roll the dice?" Do you remember the last 3 times he tried to "roll the dice?" He got us Wells who was out my mid-June, he got us Ritchie who I would trade right now for a sack of s***(atleast it smells better than Todd pitches), and we got lucky with Marte....he had suffered from a whole bunch of injuries in his past, and at one point during the year he was suffering from a dead arm. KW scares the hell out of me when he "rolls the dice."

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Not as much as the Ritchie and Wells trades, but it is....what if Guerrier turns into some stud pitcher who is lights out for the Bucs and Marte turns out to be some guy who is absolutely terrible....he is just as he was earlier in his career. He did the safer option of trading for him rather than letting him go through waivers, but you get the point.


People may not agree with me, but I believe it was a risky move. What if Ritchie had been lights out and Wells, Fogg and Lowe all sucked, like Lowe did? People may not consider it a roll of the dice.


However, he was faced with a task....we were probably going to need a lefty as Wunsch wasn't ready to pitch, so he went out and got one. He's a determined GM....maybe too determined.

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thats a great way for a major league GM (and boy do i use that term loosely with this idiot) to behave..."hey lets just roll the dice and see what happens"..while the GM he is dealing with is studying every move he wants to make from every angle to make sure its the best for his team...gee, who is gonna win that deal??


everytime KW speaks i wanna :puke

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