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Illegal aliens packing up and leaving Arizona.


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QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 24, 2007 -> 11:10 AM)
I agree 100%, and I would hope that individuals would make that choice. I don't believe I mentioned any laws. But making a blanket statement that someone should not reproduce makes me uncomfortable. Basically it means that poor people should not reproduce. And as soon as we start making statements about who should, and who should not, reproduce, I get an uneasy feeling.


Then again, maybe God should have thought better and knocked up someone more affluent than the wife of a poor carpenter.


WWAD? (What Would Alpha Do?)

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 28, 2007 -> 10:20 AM)
Then again, maybe God should have thought better and knocked up someone more affluent than the wife of a poor carpenter.


WWAD? (What Would Alpha Do?)

SHe didn't have a choice. The rest of us do. FlaSoxxJim, if your wife decided that she wanted 25 kids, would you go along, or would you stop it somewhere along the line because you couldn't feed, house, clothe or care for any more? Everyone of us makes that choice somewhere as to when enough is enough, sometimes for financial reasons, sometimes for other considerations. But if you can't even take care of yourself, and yet you knowingly bring a dependent mouth to feed into this world, you have committed a form of child abuse from the moment they are born.


I like the WWAD thing, though. Maybe I can market cheap plastic wristbands. Get a few celebritries to wear them and then I can sell them for $20 each in trendy stores in Hollywood! Woohoo!

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Dec 28, 2007 -> 12:10 PM)
SHe didn't have a choice. The rest of us do. FlaSoxxJim, if your wife decided that she wanted 25 kids, would you go along, or would you stop it somewhere along the line because you couldn't feed, house, clothe or care for any more? Everyone of us makes that choice somewhere as to when enough is enough, sometimes for financial reasons, sometimes for other considerations. But if you can't even take care of yourself, and yet you knowingly bring a dependent mouth to feed into this world, you have committed a form of child abuse from the moment they are born.


Personally I think Jonathan Swift had the right solution regarding the multitudes of shiftless layabout poor children, but unfortunately it never really caught on.


I like the WWAD thing, though. Maybe I can market cheap plastic wristbands. Get a few celebritries to wear them and then I can sell them for $20 each in trendy stores in Hollywood! Woohoo!


Cr@p, I forgot to copyright it!




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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 28, 2007 -> 11:37 AM)
Aren't a good percentage of Mexicans catholic? (I know in Joliet it's the case) Catholics aren't supposed to use birth control or participate in planned parenthood. I wouldn't be surprised, as always, it involves religion.


True, plus reproduction is a biological imperative.


Alpha, I know where you're coming from, and I agree with you that people shouldn't have kids they can't afford, but it happens, and will continue to, for many reasons we cannot or refuse to deal with.


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Anthony Bourdain:


"People have differing opinions on what we should do about immigration in the future. How open or how closed our borders should be. Fine. But let's be honest, at least, about who is cooking in America NOW. Who we rely on--have relied on for decades. The bald fact is that the entire restaurant industry in America would close down overnight, would never recover, if current immigration laws were enforced quickly and thoroughly across the board. Everyone in the industry knows this. It is undeniable. Illegal labor is the backbone of the service and hospitality industry--Mexican, Salvadoran and Ecuadoran in particular. To contemplate actually doing without is to contemplate mass closings, a general shake-out of individually owned and operated restaurants--and, of course, unthinkably (now) higher prices in the places that manage to survive. Considering that our economy and employment picture is now largely based on us selling hamburgers to each other, the ripple effects would be grave. I know very few chefs who've even heard of a US born citizen coming in the door to ask for a dishwasher, night clean-up or kitchen prep job. Until that happens--let's at least try to be honest when discussing this issue."


I think he overstates the danger, but in most big cities, he probably isn't far off.

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