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Bodily Fluids and your Fellow Man



30 members have voted

  1. 1. What bodily fluids have you donated to a recognized facility?

    • Blood
    • Sperm
    • Eggs
    • Organ
    • Hair
    • Bone Marrow
    • Blood, Sweat, & Tears to this %#<%3> Job
    • Needed to click something to see the results
    • None and Never Will

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I was speaking with a local blood drive rep and she told me they are having a struggle this year because more and more Winter Texans are getting tattoos. I started laughing, thinking of grandma getting a slutmark when she told me it is usually permanent makeup.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
My blood pressure is usually too low to give blood. I also have very rolly veins.


In college 9 of 14 cross country runners got rejected for low bp and low pulse rates.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 05:20 PM)
You gotta put it on a calendar somewhere or you won't remember. I hit 5 last year. Up again next Tuesday.

The Red Cross, for a while, would send me reminders. They were showing up at many of our Scouting events, which was very convienent.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 11:04 PM)
I'm gonna donate my hair to locks of love


I'd do that too, but I would look like cheap white trash if I got my hair that long. :D


QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 10, 2008 -> 11:16 PM)
Not sure if the two people who voted for sperm were serious or not, but I just don't think I could mentally do that. I mean I can do that but not like THAT.


Yeah, it's kinda like, yeah, I'll give it to you, but the thought of a bunch of little me's running around that I don't know about is a bit disconcerting.

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Donated blood once a year. (will try to do better) Donated sperm five days a week..... to the toilet.... (again, will try to do better)


Most of you old crusty men here should try to donate the hair that falls out. Once you reach 40, it's the beginning of the end anyways. :D

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Yeah donating sperm is tough (not physically, but emotionally [ugh I feel lame for using that word]), not only because you may have some of your own little Rally Crede's out there that you don't know about, but also because your kids may have siblings that they don't know about too, and I don't feel like that's fair to them. But then again, how fair is it for people who can't produce good sperm to begin with? Although there are always plenty of children that need good families to adopt them, especially little girls in China.

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