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2008 AL Central Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 18, 2008 -> 11:26 PM)
Here is my guess. The Reds will be out of it come July, because Volquez and Cueto will start to wear down, however they will continue to hit. Instead of just trading Griff, they will trade BOTH Griffey and Dunn. Dusty seems to have no respect for Dunn(SHOCKER) and it doesn't seem like there has been much progress in talks.


I'm going to predict that Dusty is gone after this season. I don't know what the hell Krivsky was thinking, but Jocketty actually has a brain in his head.

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Last week at this time, a lot of people were praising the Twins. Since the, they were swept by Toronto at home, and lost 2 of 3 in Colorado. Thier defense has been terrible at best and the relief pitching has been terrible.


Yesterday, the Twins had 6 hits, all of them extra bases. 2 lead off doubles and a lead off triple, and they managed only 2 runs. Terrible.

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QUOTE (Benchwarmerjim @ May 19, 2008 -> 09:02 AM)
Last week at this time, a lot of people were praising the Twins. Since the, they were swept by Toronto at home, and lost 2 of 3 in Colorado. Thier defense has been terrible at best and the relief pitching has been terrible.


Yesterday, the Twins had 6 hits, all of them extra bases. 2 lead off doubles and a lead off triple, and they managed only 2 runs. Terrible.


Rest assurred from June 6th through the 9th all will be right with the Twins defense and clutch hitting.

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QUOTE (Benchwarmerjim @ May 19, 2008 -> 10:02 AM)
Last week at this time, a lot of people were praising the Twins. Since the, they were swept by Toronto at home, and lost 2 of 3 in Colorado. Thier defense has been terrible at best and the relief pitching has been terrible.


Yesterday, the Twins had 6 hits, all of them extra bases. 2 lead off doubles and a lead off triple, and they managed only 2 runs. Terrible.


The White Sox were also one of the worst teams in the league. Now look.


I have a feeling the Central is going to do that all season until someone makes a move/gets hot enough to start running away with the division. For the Indians to do that, the bullpen has to improve and offense has to step it up; for the Twins, the pen needs to get healthy and that lineup needs to start hitting for power (Delmon Young, where art thou?), and the Sox back end of the rotation has to remain solid and the lineup has to remain consistent. Whether Detroit will rebound or not, I'm not sure, but they look sad as hell right now, and I don't think KC has near the talent they need in their lineup to make any noise at all.

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 23, 2008 -> 04:06 PM)
Is Victor Martinez bordering on overrated status? Or is he just injury prone?


Martinez is a very good player who is a little injury prone... and has no business batting cleanup.



Another Tribe note... here's a great comment posted by a Cleveland fan on the Indians' scout.com site:


"Interesting fact: In the Southern Hemisphere, the Indians' season is twirling COUNTER-CLOCKWISE down the crapper."

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 23, 2008 -> 08:05 PM)
Interesting that Hafner seems to have warning track power now. Just killed a ball and was a fly out at the wall.

He's not staying back on the ball, and thus he's getting under everything and popping it up.

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QUOTE (Benchwarmerjim @ May 27, 2008 -> 10:49 PM)
Delmon Young sucks!


I'm really surprised how bad he is.


Tampa Bay has to be laughing at the way he and Dukes are playing.

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I was really excited when Delmon was traded to the Twins. I thought here's a guy that can add a power threat to the the lineup. So far, he has hit 2 balls real deep. One in Detroit, but the outfielder stole a HR away from him, and one in Oakland, where he hit the top of a new scoreboard that would of been a HR last year. But of those hits where in the 2nd or 3rd week of the season. He really hasnt hit the ball hard all year, and its a bit dissapointing.


And his outfield play is less than desired, but as a whole, the Twins defense is pretty stinky this year

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Great analogy by one of the Royal announcers about Betancourt.

"Some pitchers like to pitch like they are double parked outside. Betancourt pitches like he has the best parking spot in the world."

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