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Ron Paul

rowand's rowdies

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listen to bureau, he knows whats going on and went on.


Ron Paul is a strict Constitutionalist, which means he first and foremost defers to the Constitution. He then defers to the Congress, which should (but many times does not) listen to the Constitution.

Ron has never voted to raise taxes.

Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

Ron has never voted for the Iraq War.

Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

Ron has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

Ron has never voted to raise congressional pay.

Ron has never taken a government-paid junket.


Ron voted against the Patriot Act.

Ron votes against regulating the Internet.

Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA.

Ron votes against the United Nations.

Ron votes against the welfare state.

Ron votes against reinstating a military draft.


Ron votes to preserve the constitution.

Ron votes to cut government spending.

Ron votes to lower healthcare costs.

Ron votes to end the war on drugs.

Ron votes to protect civil liberties.

Ron votes to secure our borders with real immigration reform.

Ron votes to eliminate tax funded abortions and to overturn Roe v Wade.

Ron votes to protect religious freedom.



First off, Ron has taken blame for not proofreading his newsletters. These were released strategically by the powers that be to try and sidetrack his campaign of freedom. He is not a racist, as you should be able to see especially by his push for civil liberties being reinstated. He also does not want to throw a former employee under the bus for their writings, that is not his style. Give him that at least.


As far as the messengers go, we are people from all walks of life. We have heard his message (AKA TAKE THE MOTHER FOCKING TIME TO LISTEN TO HIS VIEWS WITHOUT IMMEDIATLY SAYING HE IS A JOKE AND DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE LIKE SHEEP WHO ONLY LISTEN TO WHAT FOX NEWS AND CNN TELL THEM TO THINK, (my little rant)) and understand the importance of spreading it. We will do whatever it takes. Sure, some of us do it in weird or pushy ways, but when you have all kinds of different people, they will do different things.

Would you like to be labeled as a murderer and a theif because one small group of US Soldiers stole and murdered a family in Iraq? How about baby killers because of a bomb that killed a family? When you see what he is pushing for, you will realize that the end usually will justify the means in whatever we do to spread the message of freedom Ron is working on.


Let me fill you in on some of his views, because most of you would never look into it. I also did this at the top assuming many of you would not read this whole thing.


Go Sox



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Okay, so we all know he wants to pull out of Iraq immediately, but what about his other foreign relations? Is he going to be able to work well with other countries? Will his views help us or hurt us? Can his ideas jumpstart the economy back to a good state?


Basically what I am asking is will he be a GOOD president, will he HELP the country, can he bring countries together in PEACE? I will be able to vote for the first time in this upcoming election, and he intrigues me with some of his ideas, but I still dont know if he would be a good president, as in this country needs alot of fixes, not just changes, and Im not sure taht he could do that. Plus his foreign stance scares me, like it or not the US influences the world and the president has most of the power in our relations with other countries, and he will have to prevent future hostilities and maybe improve our relations to help the US in other areas such as the economy.

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QUOTE(rowand's rowdies @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 10:26 PM)
listen to bureau, he knows whats going on and went on.


Ron Paul is a strict Constitutionalist, which means he first and foremost defers to the Constitution. He then defers to the Congress, which should (but many times does not) listen to the Constitution.

Ron has never voted to raise taxes.

Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

Ron has never voted for the Iraq War.

Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

Ron has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

Ron has never voted to raise congressional pay.

Ron has never taken a government-paid junket.


Ron voted against the Patriot Act.

Ron votes against regulating the Internet.

Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA.

Ron votes against the United Nations.

Ron votes against the welfare state.

Ron votes against reinstating a military draft.


Ron votes to preserve the constitution.

Ron votes to cut government spending.

Ron votes to lower healthcare costs.

Ron votes to end the war on drugs.

Ron votes to protect civil liberties.

Ron votes to secure our borders with real immigration reform.

Ron votes to eliminate tax funded abortions and to overturn Roe v Wade.

Ron votes to protect religious freedom.

First off, Ron has taken blame for not proofreading his newsletters. These were released strategically by the powers that be to try and sidetrack his campaign of freedom. He is not a racist, as you should be able to see especially by his push for civil liberties being reinstated. He also does not want to throw a former employee under the bus for their writings, that is not his style. Give him that at least.


As far as the messengers go, we are people from all walks of life. We have heard his message (AKA TAKE THE MOTHER FOCKING TIME TO LISTEN TO HIS VIEWS WITHOUT IMMEDIATLY SAYING HE IS A JOKE AND DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE LIKE SHEEP WHO ONLY LISTEN TO WHAT FOX NEWS AND CNN TELL THEM TO THINK, (my little rant)) and understand the importance of spreading it. We will do whatever it takes. Sure, some of us do it in weird or pushy ways, but when you have all kinds of different people, they will do different things.

Would you like to be labeled as a murderer and a theif because one small group of US Soldiers stole and murdered a family in Iraq? How about baby killers because of a bomb that killed a family? When you see what he is pushing for, you will realize that the end usually will justify the means in whatever we do to spread the message of freedom Ron is working on.


Let me fill you in on some of his views, because most of you would never look into it. I also did this at the top assuming many of you would not read this whole thing.


Go Sox




I have taken the time to review him, his site, and his positions on different subjects. I have reviewed what he has said and what you and Bureau have posted on here.


I will select another candidate still.


You see its point of view.


I like the Patriot Act.


I like the assistance over the years of the FBI and other federal agencies in various computer crimes committed by individuals in the US as well as those outside the united states. Now I know that the FBI is considered bad by some people, and that my local law enforcement would be just as good with their local computer guy in decoding 10 gig of Unix unallocated disk for a 3 stage attack that started with some zero day exploit that happened to steal some intellectual data. Then again when the State Police computer investigator came in to attempt to take ownership of the investigation and nearly destroyed the evidence because he had no clue, I decided to bring the feds in. Plus their experts dont wrinkle their foreheads when I give them an attack trace that traverses through Tor nodes on the internet.


I love the research from the NSA on computer security. Another Ron Paul victim.


You see the whole he will bring back the armed forces, and of course cut the defense budget because they are here doesn't exactly make me think of security. We are on the brink of a cyberwar where nation states are taking direct action against country assets as well as company assets. Stacking people on the border isn't going to help that. Hell minding your own business isnt going to help that either. And after you repeal some of the federal statutes like the Patriot act, good luck with trying to do a tap and trace it. It will be nice as well, when each individual states comes up with their own individual laws for cybercrime. So far its been a hoot to look into getting my private investigators license so I can perform digital forensics in certain states. Because some local state government thinks that the PI who is dumpster diving for records of the cheating spouse can handle complex computer evidence by taking a 2 week course in intro to computer evidence. This is something that you should be worried about, because this affects your company that you work for, the utilities, and items like the price of oil. Last time I checked all that crap is connected in some way to the internet. An Sam the accountant and Sally the HR lady is still surfing crap that they shouldnt downloading chinese malware that is removing intellectual property from your company and sending it to mainland china. Dont worry China will stop doing that because we moved our troops back home, oh wait they could give too craps about our military, they want our intellectual data.


I like some libertarian ideas and no one like paying taxes. But some items need to be at the government level. And literal thinkers who think only in the constructs of the constitution have to be open minded enough to adapt to a changing world.



Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 02:46 AM)
Id vote for Ron Paul if for no other reason he is against the Patriot Act. But the problem with me is Im a stupid American that wastes my right to vote by not voting.


Ditto, but this year I'll actually consider it with of course looking at views, asking family members about certain subjects, etc..

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 02:46 AM)
Id vote for Ron Paul if for no other reason he is against the Patriot Act. But the problem with me is Im a stupid American that wastes my right to vote by not voting.


Always vote. Even if you vote someone that has no chance in hell to win, you are effectively voting "NO" to the selected candidates. The last time I voted for a Republican candidate in a presidential election was in 1988. The last time I voted for a Democrat for president was in 1976, which was my first time to vote. Made that mistake once, I doubt that I'll make it again. However, I have voted in every presidential election since I turned 18. My voice, however inconsequential it may be, is still heard.

Edited by YASNY
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There are aspects of Dr. Paul's agenda I don't like. I don't think we can just pull out of Iraq, and let them deal with whatever happens. We shouldn't have gone in, but now that we have, we owe those people something other than complete abandonment. However, Dr. Paul is the only one I hear that is emphazing the fact that we have a constitution and it should be first and foremost when considering what course of action we should take. One of the big complaints we heard from the left was that Bush continually attempted to, or effectively, as the case may be, circumvented the constitution. I agree 100% with that fact. Bush scares me and I won't stop being scraed until the MF'er is out of office. But, then you consider at the Democratic party and they have also circumvented ... wait, let me call a spade a spade, and I'm talking both parties here .. they didn't circumvent the constitution, they f***ING ingnored it. Bush ignored it by going into Iraq. LBJ ignored it by going into Viet Nam. Bush lied about WMD. LBJ lied about the Gulf of Tonkin. Neither party represents the American people. They represent the dollar. Nothing more nothing less. Yet, they have made the dollar almost worthless and yes, both parties are guilty. I'm sorry folks, I'm just going to come out and say it. The powers that be have an agenda and that agenda is undermine this great nation. It is to make the constitution null and void. It is put John and Jane Doe American into virtual slavery in order to line their pockets. Until we stand up and listen to, support and rebel against the status quo by putting someone like Dr. Paul in office, then we are basically f***ed. And when it happens that we are f***ed, and I believe it will, don't say I didn't tell you so.

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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 10:41 AM)
I read an article on Wired.com that totally ripped him apart and I think it was fairly accuraite. if you want to read it... head on over here.


He ripped him in tone and it was an accurate portrayal of his views, but personally I like his views. Isolationism? Not entirely, but we certainly need to pull back and stop trying to police the world. Abortion? Not a deal breaker for me either way, but I lean toward giving that issue back to the states. He then goes into states rights like it's an archaic idea. We have way to much federalism. It's time to get back to states rights, and within the states, back to a local level.

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QUOTE(BureauEmployee171 @ Jan 12, 2008 -> 07:33 PM)
He already explained that they were "his" newsletters, but they were not written by him personally - and that they aren't his own words, etc. He took the blame for the newsletters being distributed without him "proofreading" what was going out. So, he did 'own up' to the fact that they were distributed under his name & at his own mistake of not proof-reading them. His fault for not proofreading? Sure. His words? Definitely not. The thing is, some of his biggest and strongest supporters are african-american.

That speaks very highly of his management and oversite skills. Nice cop-out answer. You know, while Mr. Paul may have some ideas that sound good, he has some that just sound nutty. And while there are many people on here that are passionate about their candidate , you two on here just sound like total kooks. There is zeal, and there is zealotry. You two fit the latter.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 11:52 AM)
That speaks very highly of his management and oversite skills. Nice cop-out answer. You know, while Mr. Paul may have some ideas that sound good, he has some that just sound nutty. And while there are many people on here that are passionate about their candidate , you two on here just sound like total kooks. There is zeal, and there is zealotry. You two fit the latter.


Alpha Dog pulls the pin.....



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QUOTE(BureauEmployee171 @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:25 PM)
That is why Ron Paul is the guy to vote for. He understands the economy.


Don't you also think Romney understands the economy? He seems to have an impressive track record in this area. MBA from your alma matter graduating top 5% of his class, head of investment firm which averaged over 100% annual rate of return on investments for 14 years, CEO of 2002 olympics turning over $300 million lack of revenue into over $100 million profit, turned $3 billion deficit in Massachusetts to over $500 million surplus in 3 years.



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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 11:52 AM)
That speaks very highly of his management and oversite skills. Nice cop-out answer. You know, while Mr. Paul may have some ideas that sound good, he has some that just sound nutty. And while there are many people on here that are passionate about their candidate , you two on here just sound like total kooks. There is zeal, and there is zealotry. You two fit the latter.


I don't know what you consider a kook, but if you consider someone who happens to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic is a kook, then I'm a kook. This kook also doesn't happen to give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks of his opinions. There is not one other candidate emphasizing the constitution as they campaign, and after the past 7 years the constitution should be on the front burner for all candidates. The others are just telling me that it's going to be just more of the same. As I said, I'm not totally enamored with all Dr. Paul's positions. However, the one that matter the most to me, the constitution, is the one that Dr. Paul is right on about.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:35 PM)
I don't know what you consider a kook, but if you consider someone who happens to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic is a kook, then I'm a kook. This kook also doesn't happen to give a rat's ass what anybody else thinks of his opinions. There is not one other candidate emphasizing the constitution as they campaign, and after the past 7 years the constitution should be on the front burner for all candidates. The others are just telling me that it's going to be just more of the same. As I said, I'm not totally enamored with all Dr. Paul's positions. However, the one that matter the most to me, the constitution, is the one that Dr. Paul is right on about.

But you can't ignore his other positions because you are enamored with one of them. They all will have an effect on the country were he to actually by some miracel get elected. You may like how he governs in regards to the constitution, but if his financial policies bankrupt the nation faster than it already is going, or his foreign policy ideas cause the worldwide economy to collapse, that is important too. There are other candidates that talk in terms of states rights and the constitution (Fred), that don't sound quite as out there on other issues.


And I am sure there are plenty of kooks who happen to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic. Having that belief alone does not make you a sane individual.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 13, 2008 -> 12:42 PM)
But you can't ignore his other positions because you are enamored with one of them. They all will have an effect on the country were he to actually by some miracel get elected. You may like how he governs in regards to the constitution, but if his financial policies bankrupt the nation faster than it already is going, or his foreign policy ideas cause the worldwide economy to collapse, that is important too. There are other candidates that talk in terms of states rights and the constitution (Fred), that don't sound quite as out there on other issues.


And I am sure there are plenty of kooks who happen to believe the constitution is the backbone of our nation and is paramount to the continued well being of this great republic. Having that belief alone does not make you a sane individual.


You know what Alpha, I can do exactly what you suggest I can't. I'm a citizen and a voter and I choose to vote for whoever I so desire for whatever reasons I desire. I happen to think that the fact we have drifted away from the letter of the constitution is most pressing issue facing this nation and that getting our focus back on it is the single most important issue of this election. Everything else is just fodder for talk radio and cable news, in comparison.

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