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Spring Semester


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Big mistake, took a day class. I have shirts older than most all of the people in my Bio lecture, including the professor. Everyone was pre-this and pre-that. Pre-pharmacy Pre-med, I told them I was pre-nap, damn whomever thought of 7:45 am classes was an idiot without any social skills. Anyone who willingly signs up for one is worse.


The lab on the other hand is run by a TA who I had no idea if it was a man or woman. She warned us she can be sarcastic. Yeah, like that's going to be a problem.


I am really pumped for my linguistics class. The professor is currently guest lecturing in India and is conducting this class on-line from her apartment there. Skype, IM, message boards. She was concerned that, as an older student, I might not have any experience with message boards. I assured her I would struggle through some how, but if she could cut me a little slack, I would sincerely appreciate it. :lolhitting


Then my killer night, Thursday. Three and a half hours of early English Lit from the age of FlaSoxxJim 400 AD to the last Cub world series 1746. Followed by three and a half hours of Beat Generation writers. From Paradise Lost to Road Trips with Kerouac and Cassady. What I ride that will be.



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I have Comparative Politics, I think that's going to be a hard class because the Prof. seems to expect a lot from us. History of Iowa is probably going to be my favorite class, don't laugh, haha, I like Iowa History. I also have a seminar in Public Administration which focuses on leadership roles and other things, not quite sure yet since I haven't had it. I have an independent study wihch is Applied Public Budgeting. It's a required class, yet they do not teach it at all which sucks. Lastly I have Environmental Technology. I do not know what this is going to be about, but we have to take a capstone and this is a capstone. I'm probably going to drop Geographic Information Systems or GIS because I don't know anything about computers. So I will be at 14 credits.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Jan 15, 2008 -> 04:27 PM)
Last semester of college so I have 4 100 level classes, 1 200 level, and 1 400 level.


Should be a breeze


I wish I could have scheduled something like that. It looks like my last semester will consist of three 4000 level (Senior) and two 6000 level (Grad). The University allows Undergrads to take 6 hours of grad school classes. So I figure why not get a head start plus I'm still undecided between English and Psychology.

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busy semester...


Social & Political Philosophy

Religion & Society


Evolution of Western Thought

Guitar (hell yeah)

Acting II


i've been only a theatre major up till now but i'm THINKING of maybe adding a poly sci minor cuz after being so involved in the campaign this year i'm mulling the law school thing around... hmm. we'll see.

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Music 102 Intro to Music Listening - gen ed

Theater 110 - Intro to Theater - gen ed

History 352 - Social and Cultural History of US - 1870 through present

History 325 - England 1550-1700

History 360 - US 1900-1945

C I 202 - Intro to Instructional Technology

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@ Depaul, quarter system


BMS 126 - Business Calc

ISP 200 - Multiculturism: Understanding Race/Ethnicity in Film

WRD 202 - Business Writing (Only half qtr)

MKT 301 - Intro to Marketing


Pretty easy schedule, only go monday, wednesday and fridays :)

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History of Rock

Intro to Electronic Media

Intro to Accounting

Pre-Calculus (even though I've already taken Calc... Thanks stupid adviser)

Public Speaking


Not too bad of a semester. I'll be deejaying for the on-campus radio station too, so that should be fun. Had my 1st on-air experience for an hour yesterday. Loved it.

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Last semester in high school coming up! Basically got three AP classes going, with one finishing up now as a semester long one and not a yearlong. But really only my English AP class is hard, the rest like Stats and Latin are really easy, and then I have Advanced law (which i am told is a blowoff class), Optimist (im an editor/sports reporter for the school newspaper) and Trailblazers (where we are assigned an elementary school kid and tudor them n such, which by the way is a very cool program we have).


I cant wait for it to begin!! Woot!

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From one of my professor's syllabus,


Post-Course Policy: The material taught in this course is covered by a kind of informal "warranty." If you pass this course with a "C" or better, please feel to ask me any questions---throughout your academic career---on any material covered in this course---especially material whose lack of understanding interferes with your doing well in other classes.

How about if a I fail the class with a grade of "C" or better?


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QUOTE(Be Good @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 10:53 PM)
Part time, as I work full time:

Physical Sciences

Macro Economics



QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 18, 2008 -> 05:58 PM)
Principles of Accounting

Intro to Macroeconomics

Creative Writing

English Grammar

Survey of Bio (and Lab)


Ooooh I'm taking macro too -- want to study together fellas? :D



Managerial Accounting

Business Ethics (PHIL class)

American Politics (PolySci)

History of the Middle East (1500-to-present)

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Jan 15, 2008 -> 06:34 PM)
NUTHIN! Cuz, I'm old and out of skoo.


But I'd be interested in the history of Iowa.


1: Ice age

2: Here come the Injuns!

3: There go the Injuns!

4: Let's Farm


6: The Tom Arnold Years




haha we're on to #2 right now.

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