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Compulsions and Superstitions


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My cell phone must always be on silent.It makes me nervous to know it might start ringing at any time.I miss alot of phone calls because of this. I dont have any superstitions but I thought they might fall into the same category.

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There are only two things that I can't stand:


1) People who are intolerant of other people's cultures

2) The Dutch




no, actually:


I really don't like shaking people's hands...I especially don't like eating after holding hands to pray.


I always take a lid from the middle of the soda lids pile.


I hate hair that's not on the human head.....hair in food is my worst phobia.



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QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 04:37 PM)
Are you always wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, then?


I'm usually ok with my own hair...thankfully, male pattern baldness assists in this proces.


It's mostly long hair...I hate when you're swimming in a pool and the feeling of feeling tangled in hair.


UUUUUUUUh, I'm going to puke just thinking about it.



Worst story(ies) involving hair:


1) I was eating salad...it had broccolli in it. I found a hair on a piece. No big deal, I'll just take it off. *TUG* it was IN the broccolli. GROOOOOSS.


2) Had a party one night and people were drinking out of platic cups. Well, one girl had nothing but ice in hers and accidentally spilt them on the floor. Instead of her throwing out the cup and ice, she scoops up the ice and puts it back into the cup and leaves it on the coffee table.


Fast forward to the next morning. I'm getting ready for work and eating breakfast and drinking OJ....in my sleepiness/morning hang over, I grab the wrong cup.....I get a mouth full of fuzz and hair that had caught a ride on the ice before it melted in the cup. Gross indeed.


and you wonder why I have a complex?

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QUOTE(shipps @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 05:00 PM)
Dont you hate when you can feel a piece of hair in your mouth but cant spit out or take it out with your hand.Lol that is awful.



nice, thank you for sending me down a compulsive slope for the rest of the night. :lol:

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QUOTE(SnB @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 03:59 PM)
I have to be on time for everything. Usually early.

Me too, in fact I am O/C about it. It pains me to be late. Although I have learned to not be so obsessive about it when I can't control being late, like on a flight or something. But it still pains me inside.


I also can't eat leftovers if it has been in the fridge longer than 2 days, hate shaking hands (although in the sales part of my job I have to do it) and my money all has to be facing the same way.

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I seriously think I have OCD, at least partially. I say partially because I can control it if I'm busy doing something else. The problem is that, when I'm bored, I definitely have it. It's hard to explain, but it's true. I think the difference between myself and someone who actually has OCD is that I can realize what I'm doing and stop. Say I'm sitting around with nothing to do and I start cleaning/straightening up and it gets to the point where I can picture someone else watching me and thinking I'm insane, I'll think "What the f*** am I doing?" and stop.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Jan 19, 2008 -> 03:59 PM)
I have to be on time for everything. Usually early.

This is mine.

I have to be ridiculously early for everything.

If I'm only a little early, I feel like I'm late.

I have skipped concerts that I already had tickets to because I was going to be late. That's how bad it is - I'd rather miss something than be late for it.

I like to leave things early, too, but that's not mandatory.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 12:06 PM)
LOL! Yeah, right. Tell me again, how many times have you seen the 9th inning of any games???

What is this "9th Inning" you speak of????

I hear the White Sox have some pitcher named Jenks - why don't they ever use him???


Like I said, I will stay if prodded to stay (I've not left a hockey game early this year), but when I get to make the call I leave early. My kid likes to split early, too, so it makes my decision easier.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 12:30 PM)
I think the difference between myself and someone who actually has OCD is that I can realize what I'm doing and stop.


That's pretty much the key difference. I feel everyone has some elements of OCD, and some have it worse than others, but most are able to control it. Those who can't have OCD. I think the actual definition has to do with it negatively affecting your life.

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I think I have OCD but only regarding germs (my apartment is a total mess clutter-wise). And only other people's germs. If I cover my mouth with my hands when I sneeze, I can continue doing whatever without washing my hands. But if I shake someone's hand I need to find a bathroom or some anti-bacterial lotion quick. I don't touch bathroom door handles, and even regular door handles I use one finger placed on what my best guess is the least-touched part of the handle to open the door.

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