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Heath Ledger Dies


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I just saw a clip of Nicholson explaining his comments during some press conference. He said that he warns everyone about the side effects of Ambien, saying he once nearly drove off a cliff after taking it. So Nicholson is insinuating that Ambien may have played a part in his death.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 03:27 PM)
I just saw a clip of Nicholson explaining his comments during some press conference. He said that he warns everyone about the side effects of Ambien, saying he once nearly drove off a cliff after taking it. So Nicholson is insinuating that Ambien may have played a part in his death.

Ambien is not just a sleeping pill.When I used to work 3rd shift I took it from time to time to sleep and that stuff made my wood floor look fluffy.People think because its a frequently prescribed sleep aid thats its not hard core.That stuff is dangerous and Iam surprised more bad things havent happened to people when using this drug.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 04:41 PM)
At some point.... there is going to be a guy that has had enough and violence will happen....Not saying Id support it but these people are basicly asking for it.



hopefully not...as we all know what happens when ignorant people are fueled by violence and the idea of revenge. *yes, I'm talking to you, middle east*

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 07:44 PM)
If that doesn't whet your appetite for offensive actions and remarks regarding this man's death, here's Fox News host John Gibson spending the show mocking Mr. Ledger.


Some of his comments are absolutely disgusting. I dont mind his idea of thinking that there was possibly something mentally wrong with Ledger as he was seriously thinking about death at such a young age( but whats wrong with a little philosophy on morality, isnt a good thing that people still have the ability to think?), but the way he said it was just completely wrong and degrading towards someone hes probably never met and definitely didnt know who he was personally. This guy, from the minute I listened to, is just a complete jackass and should be fired for his comments, and if not for that, just his overall rancid show/performance.



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QUOTE(bigruss22 @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 09:08 PM)
Some of his comments are absolutely disgusting. I dont mind his idea of thinking that there was possibly something mentally wrong with Ledger as he was seriously thinking about death at such a young age( but whats wrong with a little philosophy on morality, isnt a good thing that people still have the ability to think?), but the way he said it was just completely wrong and degrading towards someone hes probably never met and definitely didnt know who he was personally. This guy, from the minute I listened to, is just a complete jackass and should be fired for his comments, and if not for that, just his overall rancid show/performance.

Give me a break....he should be fired?? He has a right to his opinion and if he wants to call Heath Ledger a 'weirdo' for being 28 and thinking about death at such a young age, then he can. If he makes the same comment last week, nobody gives a s***, but because he died you can't do it anymore??



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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 23, 2008 -> 06:44 PM)
If that doesn't whet your appetite for offensive actions and remarks regarding this man's death, here's Fox News host John Gibson spending the show mocking Mr. Ledger.


Ok, so I just listened to the clip you referred to, and while it was offensive, it was a lot more tame than I would have guessed just by reading it in print. Come on' let's not get too dramatic here. As far as radio shows go, this wasn't anywhere near as bad as some of the stuff out there.


I feel bad that another young Hollywood talent has come and gone, but I'm not going to mourn this guy like he was my favorite uncle or something. Of all the people that die tragically, let's not put Heath Ledger above anyone else. And I am not a fan of Fox news (radio or tv), but Howard Stern says more offensive things in 5 seconds on his show than John Gibson did in this little show of disrespect, calling Ledger a "weirdo" and deriding him for his role in Brokeback Mountain.


I'm never one to make fun of death, and I'm not trying to make light of any tragedies. But it really bothers me that suddenly when someone passes everyone suddenly changes their opinions of the deceased and paints him as some epic hero that has just left us. It's unfortunate that Heath Ledger died. I did not know him. Brokeback Mountain has been a source of good-natured humor for a few years now (no, not talking about these lunatics picketing the guy's funeral= not good-natured), but let's not get on our high horses and crucify everyone who references it now that Ledger has died.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 24, 2008 -> 08:39 AM)
Give me a break....he should be fired?? He has a right to his opinion and if he wants to call Heath Ledger a 'weirdo' for being 28 and thinking about death at such a young age, then he can. If he makes the same comment last week, nobody gives a s***, but because he died you can't do it anymore??


Personally, I think you're weirder if you're 28 and have not yet thought about death. That means you've either lived a very boring life, you haven't known someone who's died, or you haven't come to grips with the fact none of us are immortal.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 24, 2008 -> 11:13 AM)
Personally, I think you're weirder if you're 28 and have not yet thought about death. That means you've either lived a very boring life, you haven't known someone who's died, or you haven't come to grips with the fact none of us are immortal.


28 is still a fairly young age. Id say most people dont seriously think about their own death till 40's... not seriously anyways until than. With the exception of someone who is terminally ill ofcourse or had some near death experiance.

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I'll say this, if that list of medications they found in Ledger's apartment from TMZ is accurate, I would not be surprised at all if this was an accident due to a bad mix of pills/taking an extra couple of sleeping pills to get some shut eye. I don't know much about 3 of the 5 meds they found in his place, but mixing xanax and ambien is in itself a very bad idea, and that doesn't even get to the other 3 drugs, which might be much stronger for all I know. I don't think mixing xanax and ambien can be fatal, but it can mess you up pretty damn bad, and if you add the other 3 meds into the mix, that makes things worse.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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I love it how the masseuse calls the twig girl(olsen) instead of 9/11. Granted he was dead already, but in the case of an emergency star's entourages are not the bringers of life. Call professionals. I love how Tyler describes Olsen as a bad choice for the phone call.



Police say on Tuesday Diana Wolozin (the masseuse) showed up for Ledger's massage appointment at about 2:45 p.m. ET, and knocked on his door. He didn't answer.

After setting up her massage table inside, she reportedly tried to wake Ledger and realized something was wrong.

At 3:17 p.m., Wolozin made a call to Olsen that lasted 49 seconds.

At 3:20 p.m., she made another call — this one lasting one minute and 39 seconds.

At 3:24 p.m., she made a third call to Olsen. That one lasted 21 seconds.

Wolozin then reportedly called 911 at 3:26 p.m.

NYPD says Olsen, who was in California, sent her personal bodyguards over to Ledger's apartment to help.

Paramedics arrived at 3:33 p.m. ET, where they declared Ledger dead at 3:36 p.m. — 19 minutes after Wolozin made the first call to Olsen.

Wolozin apparently worked for Olsen as well and knew the two were friends, but that still seems like a weird choice for a first call. In a time of crisis, a chain-smoking 65 pound white girl seems a pretty useless choice. A towel, a shoe, a dead pig, a cigar store Indian - all of these things would be of more use than a jittery bug-eyed skeleton, shaking and smoking in the corner. There's no chance that helps in any possible way.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 26, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
Interview of Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of Fred Phelps, regarding Heath Ledger

Adam Carolla has this worthless slug on his show sometimes to make fun of her.

I don't like when he has her on, because even though Adam knows she's an asshole, her hateful messages might reach someone accidentally.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 26, 2008 -> 09:59 AM)
Adam Carolla has this worthless slug on his show sometimes to make fun of her.

I don't like when he has her on, because even though Adam knows she's an asshole, her hateful messages might reach someone accidentally.

What station and time is his show on?I thought it was cancelled.

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