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Flags half staff law


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I am, curious what people think of this bill that is getting introduced here in Indiana?




The military


Flags would be flown at half-staff for 24 hours at the Indiana Capitol to honor each Indiana member of the military who is killed while on active duty, under Senate Bill 56. The bill was approved 7-0 by the Senate Commerce, Public Policy and Interstate Cooperation committee and is awaiting a vote by the full Senate.


Sen. Brent Waltz, the Greenwood Republican who authored the bill, said he realized after last year's death of fellow Sen. Anita Bowser, D-Michigan City, that flags are lowered to honor lawmakers, but not service members who die. They have put their lives on the line, he said, and deserve the honor.

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Tough call. It doesn't seem right not recognizing them, and it does cause most people to look around and ask who died. On the other hand, sadly, it may become routine enough that people do stop asking and it becomes "some soldier". I'd like to read more, but I lean more towards stopping the tradition with any law maker, reserve it for Presidents and maybe VPs, and that's about it. As we go the other way, with a widening circle, pretty soon the honor loses it's status.

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