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Uribe vs Richar BATTLE for 2nd Base


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QUOTE(BearSox @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 09:22 PM)
No amount of defense can make up for having his kind of horrible bat.



Batting average aside 20 homers and 70 RBI's is not that bad of a hitter. He is a frustrating player for sure because he has the potential to be so much better offensively, but he is a very good fielder.

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If we're expecting Uribe and Richar to be similar numbers wise.... then doesnt it make sense to go with Uribe opening day?


You can get his trade value up for a bit.... and you're probably going to get a little power from him than Richar, even if the stats last yr are comparable.




I dunno. First ss injured somewhere, and you go knocking on the door with Uribe and his upstart .308 average. Quickly traded before it does its usual swannage.

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When I tarted this topic I did not realize how much Uribe hatred there is out there! WOW! I wonder if Uribe has a MONSTER (long shot I know) How many people who have this dislike will be the first ones saying "We have to sign him" or "KW F'd up by signing him to a one year deal"


Ponder this: Let's say O-cab goes down for a couple of months would you rather have JUAN URIBE or ALEX CINTRON filling in for a long period. That's basically who Uribe is taking over for.

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The only way Danny wins the 2nd baseman job if Uribe is on the team, is if Danny shows up with a picnic basket filled with cakes and pies and Uribe eats his right arm shoving them in 5 at a time. In reality the only way is if Danny blows him out of the water. The smart decision is to play Danny and see what we have. Yet Profundo will wind his way as the starter. Hawk will talking him up about how he can carry a team, which is funny considering he cant carry his belly these days. As much as they talk about it. I still remember the fight for centerfield last year that was won by a cripple before ST was out, even though the cripple didnt have a better spring.


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When I did a career mode in The Bigs for Wii last summer, I made the rookie I had to create play shortstop because Uribe was my least favorite player.


However, in my first White Sox game at the Cell (since one when I was young back when it was New Comiskey) last summer, early in August against the Tribe he came through with that extra-innings game winning home-run after his earlier error looked like it would cost us the game. It was a great game, one of the better ones of the season and I will always have a place in my heart for Uribe from that game.

Edited by ROC Sox Fan
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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 02:25 PM)
I doubt Richar's range will be better than Uribe's. Uribe is solid in all respects at short; Richar will never be able to handle it at the ML level, that's why he was moved.

Read it again, I meant 2nd base, as thats what this thread was about.

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It will be tough. The motivation will be tough," said Guillen, talking to a group of reporters during Opening Day of SoxFest at the Palmer House Hilton on Friday. "I don't blame Juan for this, but I think as long as he shows up with the right attitude, we are going to give him a shot to play.


"He has no other choice but to have a good attitude. Show up with the right attitude, and you have a better chance with me and our staff than if you come like you lost your job. You didn't lose your job. If you make the team, you will get at-bats somewhere."


Guillen added that Uribe's impending free-agent status after the 2008 season worried him, with Uribe possibly coming in thinking that he needs to play every day this season so he can continue to play every day in the future. General manager Ken Williams said that he talked with Martin Arburua, Uribe's agent, and learned Uribe was not happy about having to fight for playing time.


Williams also pointed out that Uribe knew what the team expected from him last year in regard to putting up better at-bats to go with his solid defense, and also knew the ramifications if those targets weren't hit.


Even with the position switch, though, Uribe will be in the mix at second base, with Danny Richar, Alexei Ramirez and even Pablo Ozuna joining the Spring Training battle for a starting job.


In Guillen's mind, Uribe has to look more at what there is to gain as opposed to dwelling on what he lost.


"Juan might not understand why we [brought] in Cabrera," he said. "We need leadership. We [didn't] bring a shortstop. We [brought] in a player.


"That will be a pretty good battle at second base. I will talk to Juan, let him know what we think about him and about our situation."



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QUOTE(yoyozuna @ Jan 25, 2008 -> 05:53 PM)
When I tarted this topic I did not realize how much Uribe hatred there is out there! WOW! I wonder if Uribe has a MONSTER (long shot I know) How many people who have this dislike will be the first ones saying "We have to sign him" or "KW F'd up by signing him to a one year deal"


Ponder this: Let's say O-cab goes down for a couple of months would you rather have JUAN URIBE or ALEX CINTRON filling in for a long period. That's basically who Uribe is taking over for.


The only thing less likely than people starting a b**** session about missing Uribe, is a thread crying about how much we miss Pods' defense and his stealing 60 bases per season.

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