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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 27, 2010 -> 12:00 PM)
I will say this though, after reading that write-up, it put everything into much better perspective to me. And the idea is definitely plausible and makes a s***load of sense.


I enjoyed that as well. I think if nothing else LOST was a radical departure from the single person viewing that we have always had. I don't know that I have ever known a show that had such a social interaction aspect to following it.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 27, 2010 -> 09:22 AM)
Neither Penny nor Juliet were season 1 characters.


And Boone and Shannon reallllllly shouldn't have been there.

Ya but I'm sure they had a Sawyer love interest in the making before season 1, and since Desmond and Penny showed up in season 2 I'm sure they knew who Penny would be because of how big they made Charles Whidmore out to be.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 27, 2010 -> 09:26 AM)
I highly doubt that.


Although, I must have told my wife 18 times that I'd watch the s*** out of a Miles/Sawyer cop show based on their characters in Purgatory.

As long as Hurley shows up a couple times to say "dude" I think it would be a tremendous success. I've been saying the same thing for weeks.

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QUOTE (fathom @ May 27, 2010 -> 11:45 AM)
I still don't believe that people watched this show for the character aspect of it. The mystery was always the intriguing part. For example, when the Others kidnapped Walt, people were asking why they kidnapped him with regards to why is he so special. I'm more accepting of the finale now than I was immediately after watching it, but I can't help but think of all the time that seems to have been wasted on meaningless events on this show. They should have just shown Penny and Juliet walking around in tank tops, and I would have been fine with that.


Couldn't agree more. Yea, some of the character stuff was interesting, and it was nice to see their backgrounds, but ultimately I watched the show for the island's mysteries.

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I was first attracted to the show because of the idea of the crash and the mysteries, but was quickly brought in by the characters and there interaction. That is all what Season 1 was about for the most part.

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Even though I’ve made my gripes with the direction that the show took very obvious, I will always treasure the episode, Walkabout. That might be the most brilliant hour of television ever produced. I’ve never cried over any piece of film, literature, whatever, but the last 5 minutes choke me up every single time. The minute the music kicks in while Locke is twitching his toes, that look that Terry O’Quinn gets on his face…. I get chills just thinking about it.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ May 27, 2010 -> 05:22 PM)
Even though I’ve made my gripes with the direction that the show took very obvious, I will always treasure the episode, Walkabout. That might be the most brilliant hour of television ever produced. I’ve never cried over any piece of film, literature, whatever, but the last 5 minutes choke me up every single time. The minute the music kicks in while Locke is twitching his toes, that look that Terry O’Quinn gets on his face…. I get chills just thinking about it.


The stare he gives his wheelchair at the end is epic.

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Just watched the final season on my tivo over the past two days, basically because I was having a hard time avoiding Brian's avatar in all the other threads :)


A few thoughts...agree with Fathom: Elizabeth Mitchell is a MILF.


For you guys that think Evangeline Lilly isn't hot in the last few seasons - you're completely insane. She's incredibly gorgeous. And sleep with a girl that is a bit athletic and you'll know why.


Definitely agree with Kalapse and Willie that the mysteries are better left unexplained for the most part. Most of the time they did explain some of the more supernatural elements of the island, the explanation was pretty lame and disappointing. Leaving them to your imagination makes them all the more appealing to me.


I loved the final season and I completely loved the season finale. I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to emotional shows/movies, and I fully admit I cried like a little girl more than once during the final episode.


I always liked the Jack/Kate pairing and was glad to see them hook back up at the end. I don't know how you guys have such a hard time identifying with Matthew Fox's character! Guy was the classic tragic figure in every sense of the word.


I never liked Charlie's character (probably because he was at one time dating Evangeline Lilly in real life and I was jealous).


Great show, great characters, great final season. I will miss my Losties.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 27, 2010 -> 09:19 AM)
Jacob planned to kill MIB? If the only way that is possible is with a EM-immune person like Desmond, how did he expect Dharma to do anything? Any why would the Others KILL the Dharma people?


MIB corrupted Ben? How? Ben only ever took orders from Jacob via Richard.


Remember when Ben thought he was summoning the smoke monster well he tells us that it was how the smoke monster actually summoned him. MIB was a stronger soul than Jacob was and better for the island same as Hurley compared to Locke. Locke would have been the better choice but it did not work out that way.


That write up really made sense.


My personal explanation as to the healing powers of the island and child birth has to due with the level of electromagnetic radition that surrounds the island it kills the baby but helps with the healing. As for time travel, Tunsia and disappearing that was a nice way to fill 6 seasons I guess.

Edited by Jenks Heat
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FYI, the sound effect they used all season swooshing from the island to the ALT was the sound of the Ajira plane at the end that Jack sees before he dies. It was the last sound Jack hears before dieing.

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 31, 2010 -> 06:32 PM)
FYI, the sound effect they used all season swooshing from the island to the ALT was the sound of the Ajira plane at the end that Jack sees before he dies. It was the last sound Jack hears before dieing.

Wow, I didn't realize that. Thank you for pointing it out. :)

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It's time to revive this thread :)


The season 6 DVD, out Aug. 24, offers an original, 12-minute vignette called ''The New Man in Charge,'' a tantalizing look at what Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben (Michael Emerson, left) do as the new Island overseers. ''Ben is going around to Dharma installations and closing some down,'' Emerson says. ''There are some good surprises.'' And yes, ''it does answer questions.'' —Adam B. Vary


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