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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 10:39 AM)
Keep in mind, at that point you are taking Ben's word that Jack bought a ticket.

This is before Jack went crazy right? And didnt it say before that he was flying those routes on a consistent basis at one point hoping he would crash?

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 06:43 PM)
This is before Jack went crazy right? And didnt it say before that he was flying those routes on a consistent basis at one point hoping he would crash?

From the Season 3 Finale

JACK: I've been flying a lot.


KATE: What?


JACK: Yeah that golden pass that they gave us. I, I've been using it. Every Friday night I, I fly from LA to Tokyo or, Singapore, Sydney. [Laughs] And then I, I get off and I, have a drink, and then I fly home.


KATE: Why?


JACK: Because I want it to crash, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on board. Every little bump we hit or turbulence, I mean I, I actually close my eyes and I pray that I can get back.



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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 04:37 PM)
Looks like Ceaser was in the Hydra station in that office, and the magazine he picked up was from 1954. The plane may have crashed on the other island.

The plan did crash on the Hydra island.. and the magazine apparently had references to H-Bomb testing in the pacific... Jughead.

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The prevaling theory is that it SEEMS as though the "flashies" (Jack, Hugo, and Kate) are in the past w/Jin... probably the 70s.... however, the plan crash is probably 2007 and the woman Frank got on the boat with.... Sun.


I think Sun, Sayid and Ben are on the second island where the plan crashed... but NOT in the past with the other 3.

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I believe Ben was going to use Locke to find out how to get back to the island. When Locke told Ben about Eloise Hawking, Ben killed Locke. Ben maybe lieing to Hawking about everything as well. Hawking may think that Jacob or Christian told Ben about her. The only wrench in my theory is why did Ben want Locke to go with them if he knew it would reincarnate him.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 11:19 AM)


I believe Ben was going to use Locke to find out how to get back to the island. When Locke told Ben about Eloise Hawking, Ben killed Locke. Ben maybe lieing to Hawking about everything as well. Hawking may think that Jacob or Christian told Ben about her. The only wrench in my theory is why did Ben want Locke to go with them if he knew it would reincarnate him.

Ben will clearly do ANYTHING to get back. The island is his home... his comfort place. I think he has a superiority complex. After years of emotional abuse from his father, he snapped back the other direction and now he HAS to be the one in charge to compensate.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 11:33 AM)
Another theory of mine...

After the flash and Ben realized he hadnt "flashed" off the plane, he ran to the cockpit and told Frank where to land on the Hydra island.... the landing strip Sawyer was building.

But the plane was seen in the tree when Locke appeared. I think the plane crashed not unlike before. Also, did Ben really think Locke was going to be reincarnated? He said how much he would miss him.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 12:57 PM)
Is that not resting on some trees?


I think you both maybe right. Maybe Lapidus was trying to land the plane. It's not broken in half or anything. Looks like it may have been tried to land.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 01:19 PM)
You would be a valuable asset to watch an episode with. Most of the time I am so caught up into the show that I forget anything that happened in the past.

Oh I've my fair share of smack the head moments when I completely forgot something or thought "who the hell is that?" when it was an obvious characture or call back to a past episode..


But yea, I read a lot about LOST.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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He wasnt supposed to be on the island. In the first plane crash, he was supposed to be the pilot.


Your statement is somewhat contradictory.


He was supposed to be the pilot on the first flight.


He then still some how found a way to the island.


He left the island.


He was then on the return flight back, with the rest of the people who left the island.


To me that suggests Lapidus was supposed to be on the island, some what like that film Final Destination. In that even though Lapidus escaped the islands first attempt (the plane) he still was brought there.


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 27, 2009 -> 01:46 PM)
Your statement is somewhat contradictory.


He was supposed to be the pilot on the first flight.


He then still some how found a way to the island.


He left the island.


He was then on the return flight back, with the rest of the people who left the island.


To me that suggests Lapidus was supposed to be on the island, some what like that film Final Destination. In that even though Lapidus escaped the islands first attempt (the plane) he still was brought there.

You raise points, but let me clarify... it wasnt quite what I meant to say.


He wasnt supposed to be there in the sense that the island is calling him... or his presence is being orchestrated by Dharma, the others, whoever. If he was supposed to have crashed the first time... he'd have been the pilot... but he wasnt... someone else was.


What drew him to the island... if I recall... was him seeing the news report about the finding of O815. The pilot's body wasnt the pilot. That kinda set the tracks in motion.


I cant account for him being on the most recent crash... but I think it's more coincidence and bringing back a character people liked. I dont think there is some larger meta construct around Frank.

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He wasnt supposed to be there in the sense that the island is calling him... or his presence is being orchestrated by Dharma, the others, whoever. If he was supposed to have crashed the first time... he'd have been the pilot... but he wasnt... someone else was.


And what I am saying is that people can momentarily avoid the islands calling, but eventually no matter what you do you will some how find your way there.


What drew him to the island... if I recall... was him seeing the news report about the finding of O815. The pilot's body wasnt the pilot. That kinda set the tracks in motion.


We have seen that, but I do not believe the story is ever developed as to how Whidmore chose Lapidus to be part of his crew.


I cant account for him being on the most recent crash... but I think it's more coincidence and bringing back a character people liked. I dont think there is some larger meta construct around Frank.


And in that statement is where we have a fundamental difference.


I do not believe in the show Lost, there is any coincidence. Was it just coincidence that Sayid was there? Was it coincidence that Jack and Claire were on the same original flight?


My question was also to get people thinking:


Why do we just assume Lapidus piloted the plane and didnt disappear. The only facts we have regarding this situation are the witness who said "The girl and the pilot took the boat."


Did Lapidus have a co-pilot?


Is the girl Sun, or is it some one else off the plane?


If the girl is Sun, why did she not disappear like the others?


If Lapidus did not disappear, then he is like Ben in that he is the only person returning to the island who did not disappear. The difference would be that Ben left through the wheel, where as Lapidus left in the same fashion as the other Oceanic 6.


To me it does not seem logical that only the Oceanic 6 would disappear, when Frank left in the exact same fashion as them. Also we know that Desmond is supposed to return, and he like Frank did not come to the island by flight 815.


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Very good points all around.

I do not believe in the show Lost, there is any coincidence. Was it just coincidence that Sayid was there? Was it coincidence that Jack and Claire were on the same original flight?

One tangential point to this, the producers of LOST admitted they killed of Nikki and Paulo because the fans hated them and found them annoying. So, it is very possible they brought back Frank because he was likable.


Is the girl Sun, or is it some one else off the plane?

If the girl is Sun, why did she not disappear like the others?

I dont want to give too much away, but from what I hear, next week could confirm Sun did not flash like the rest. Supposedly its in the teaser at the end of this weeks episode.

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I think there is a difference between getting rid of characters and what is happening with Frank.


Frank was supposed to pilot flight 815 (it has never been explained why he did not.)


Frank was able to fly to the island via helicopter from the freighter.


Frank was able to fly to the island on flight 316.


It has never been explained why he didnt fly 815, who took his place and why the flight log still listed him as the pilot.


It has never been explained how Frank got in contact with Whidmore.


And lastly, its never been explained what happened to Frank after he left the island.


I just think he has played to big of a role that they are just bringing him back for fun.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:17 PM)
Very poor episode tonight. They would of been better served going into hiatus last week rather than after tonight. Eventually, the writers will realize that we don't care who Sawyer's sleeping with this week and just answer more mysteries.

I liked the Richard part, and then the end of the episode....But I agree....it was pretty poor. And it actually sums up a time gap pretty quickly, which I liked.

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