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QUOTE (JDsDirtySox @ May 13, 2009 -> 10:14 PM)
I just want to know who Jacob's loop hole partner is. The guy who seems to be the bad ass of the Island.

Turns into Locke... I think it is safe to say he could be the guy turning into Christian and Claire on the Island as well.

possibly the smoke monster as well?

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Well I think Smokie is Locke and he was the old guy in the begining. He tricked Ben into thinking he had to listen to Locke by becoming Alex thereby forcing Ben into killing Jacob for him.


Which means maybe Jacob and the smoke monster have been battling for power on the island for a really long time?


It's going to be one hell of an 8 months.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 13, 2009 -> 10:21 PM)
I guess I haven't been following LOST as closley as I used to. When was the loop hole stuff brought up, other than tonight. When Jacob said it, I didn't really follow....

As far I remember, they only times it was mentioned was at the beginning when they mentioned it in that opening scene (regarding that random dude saying he wanted to kill Jacob... he needed to find a loophole to do so), and then again at the end.

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seems to me like Jacobs Rival from the beginning needs a dead body as a conduit through which to act.....i think its entirely possible that every dead person we've seen (Christian, Mr. Eko's brother, Claire?, Alex in the temple, potentially even off island dead people Hurley has seen) has been the manifestation of this person...so confused after this episode...but tonights episode felt like a Lost from the first season or two.....it will really suck waiting so long for the next one

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And another theory the reason Jacob went around meeting everyone to get them to the island maybe was to save himself? Because maybe he knew that if Juliet blows up the bomb then none of them ever get to the island and then mr loophole guy who I think is smokie never kills him?


So confusing.

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Wow, one of the best episodes of any TV show I've ever seen. Pretty intense. The ending was pretty crazy.


I can't wait to find out more about fake Locke. Also, I want to find out about the rules of the island. Because he had to find a loophole, could there possibly someone who lays down the law? Dog face statue guy? We need to find out more about him.


Also, didn't they find the coffin with Locke? Or did they find the coffin and Locke after Locke already left?


Finally, what was the answer to the question "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Sounded like Richard answered in Spanish.

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If you look back to my comments on the episode, 316 about Locke, youll see some stuff about biblical Jacob (along with other interesting bible passages as compared to Lost).


As to this episode, I am starting to get the feeling that there is Jacob (who sees the good in people and allows them choice) and unnamed who appears to have lost faith in people. I believe that the person who has lost faith is a representation of the island, which goes back to the original struggle of the people versus the island (smoke monster, ghosts who try and make people run off cliffs, etc).


What is interesting is the comment:


Once Jacob is dead, things will change.


At the same time Jacob is dieing, the atomic weapon is being set off.


Perhaps some of the changes are not going to be exactly what Locke had imagined, especially in that it appears there are other Jacob supporters. Perhaps it was necessary for Jacob to martyr himself, who knows. There is a lot of information and hints (such as Abaddon) that there has to be some sort of connection to judeo/christian religion, but then again this episode had Egyptian undertones, to the point where I believe it suggested that Jacob was himself once Egyptian (hence why he was able to use the loon).


Im not exactly sure where its going, I dont think that they are going to do the other guy was Esau though.

Edited by Soxbadger
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something i picked up from lostpedia....the fish jacob eats at the beginning is a Red Herring....what exactly is the red Herring though? do we know?


Also, I am somewhat upset. After watching through 5 seasons and 100ish episodes of this show...its not until now that we seemingly just found out the two biggest players on the island. I always thought that some of the answers to the islands biggest mysteries (dead people, Jacob, etc.) had already been presented, but we hadn't been able to figure it out. Now they are potentially telling me that what happened 4 seasons ago is a consequence of a power struggle between two characters that were just introduced now? clearly nobody could have seen this coming....i still love the show, but am just frustrated by this


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 14, 2009 -> 12:53 AM)
If you look back to my comments on the episode, 316 about Locke, youll see some stuff about biblical Jacob (along with other interesting bible passages as compared to Lost).


As to this episode, I am starting to get the feeling that there is Jacob (who sees the good in people and allows them choice) and unnamed who appears to have lost faith in people. I believe that the person who has lost faith is a representation of the island, which goes back to the original struggle of the people versus the island (smoke monster, ghosts who try and make people run off cliffs, etc).


What is interesting is the comment:


Once Jacob is dead, things will change.


At the same time Jacob is dieing, the atomic weapon is being set off.


Perhaps some of the changes are not going to be exactly what Locke had imagined, especially in that it appears there are other Jacob supporters. Perhaps it was necessary for Jacob to martyr himself, who knows. There is a lot of information and hints (such as Abaddon) that there has to be some sort of connection to judeo/christian religion, but then again this episode had Egyptian undertones, to the point where I believe it suggested that Jacob was himself once Egyptian (hence why he was able to use the loon).


Im not exactly sure where its going, I dont think that they are going to do the other guy was Esau though.

I could see them going the route with Esau being the other guy and Jacob's twin brother, but I don't see them going down the biblical road where they are the son's of Issac, etc. They usually like to name most of the characters after someone in the past who that character relates to. John Locke, Dan Faraday (well, I assume he's named after Michael Faraday), etc.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 13, 2009 -> 10:26 PM)
seems to me like Jacobs Rival from the beginning needs a dead body as a conduit through which to act.....i think its entirely possible that every dead person we've seen (Christian, Mr. Eko's brother, Claire?, Alex in the temple, potentially even off island dead people Hurley has seen) has been the manifestation of this person...so confused after this episode...but tonights episode felt like a Lost from the first season or two.....it will really suck waiting so long for the next one


I think you are along the right lines. Sucks we have to wait 8 months.

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QUOTE (daa84 @ May 13, 2009 -> 10:26 PM)
seems to me like Jacobs Rival from the beginning needs a dead body as a conduit through which to act.....i think its entirely possible that every dead person we've seen (Christian, Mr. Eko's brother, Claire?, Alex in the temple, potentially even off island dead people Hurley has seen) has been the manifestation of this person...so confused after this episode...but tonights episode felt like a Lost from the first season or two.....it will really suck waiting so long for the next one

well jacob can leave the island whenever he wants, we should assume "Esau" can too. so yeah, he was Christian for Jack, the dead people for Hurley.


I'm NOT sure that Claire's dead anymore, because Alana said "it looks like someone's been living here" at the cabin. Well Claire was chillin' with her dad in the cabin. Maybe she's actually alive? Cuz Christian - if he really is "Esau" wouldn't be living there - he'd be going all over the place constantly.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ May 14, 2009 -> 10:51 AM)
well jacob can leave the island whenever he wants, we should assume "Esau" can too. so yeah, he was Christian for Jack, the dead people for Hurley.


I'm NOT sure that Claire's dead anymore, because Alana said "it looks like someone's been living here" at the cabin. Well Claire was chillin' with her dad in the cabin. Maybe she's actually alive? Cuz Christian - if he really is "Esau" wouldn't be living there - he'd be going all over the place constantly.


Is "Esau" the characters official name?

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How did the fake-Locke have Locke's memories? How did he know where to meet himself while traveling thru time (the forest scene)?


Jacob clearly sees the future, hence the flashbacks. Did he foresee this event at the end or not?


What about "They are coming"?

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 14, 2009 -> 03:24 PM)
Whoever or whatever he is, he obviously has been very calculated. Last season "Christian" told Locke he needed to die in order to save the island. I put Christian in quotes because I think it's safe to assume that was Esau as well. He knew Locke was the chosen leader of the new island, which would give him access to Jacob. Knowing this, he wanted to inhabit the body of Locke, so he had him killed in a back ended way, took his body, infiltrated the statue, and had Jacob killed.

so then why is Locke's body OUTSIDE the statue? there are 2 locke bodies. That's the confusing part.

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In a discussion I had today with some other Lost fans, one brought up a very good point.


Remember in season 2 when they were showing Desmond's story, when he is first found on the island, the guy who is with him always wore a radiation suit outside. If you recall, he would go out everyday with the suit on. Eventually it turned out there was a rip in it, and it was safe to go outside, but could the reason they had the suit in the first place be because of the hydrogen bomb?


So, was Miles right, and was setting of the A-Bomb actually the event that caused everything?


Very interesting. Longest 8 months of my life coming up.

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