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Wow, this is a bit of unfounded over exaggerated huperboly:

White House Yields for 'Lost' — and Major Lobbying Force in Walt Disney Co.

Audacious, perhaps, is the development that the president of the United States would schedule his state of the union address around a television show.


But in doing precisely that for the premier of ABC's hit series "Lost," President Barack Obama is also yielding to one of the most powerful federal lobbying forces in the U.S. business: ABC parent company Walt Disney Co.


The entertainment monolith responsible for many of the world's favorite mice, movies and cartoon princesses certainly has no Mickey Mouse numbers. In each year since 1999, Walt Disney has spent at least $3 million on federal lobbying efforts, a Center for Responsive Politics analysis indicates.


During the first nine months of 2009 alone, the company has spent nearly $4 million to influence the federal government, most frequently doing so on issues concerning copyright and patents, radio and television broadcasting and telecommunications.


To be sure, there's no evidence that Walt Disney lobbying factored into Obama's decision. Certainly, the president wants to present his agenda to the nation on a night when people's rapt attention is dedicated to health care and financial reform, not, say, the Dharma Initiative.


But it's not like Disney hasn't already helped Obama make his dreams come true.


During the 2008 election cycle, the president received more money from people and political action committees associated with Walt Disney than any other federal political candidate -- about $430,000.


No other candidate that cycle raised more than $100,000 from Disney associates.


Those two bolded parts are complete opposites. 'He's yielding, but we have no evidence to prove it.'

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 10, 2010 -> 09:10 AM)
Wow, this is a bit of unfounded over exaggerated huperboly:

White House Yields for 'Lost' — and Major Lobbying Force in Walt Disney Co.



Those two bolded parts are complete opposites. 'He's yielding, but we have no evidence to prove it.'

wow that is just terrible, terrible journalism.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jan 10, 2010 -> 12:11 PM)
So I just realized I have class from 6-9 on Tuesdays, Lost's time slot had not been picked when I registered and I didn't realize it until last night.



I have the same dilemma. It really sucks. At least I'll get to see the last 2 or 3 episodes at the right time.

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QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Jan 10, 2010 -> 12:34 PM)
I have the same dilemma. It really sucks. At least I'll get to see the last 2 or 3 episodes at the right time.

I'm hoping on most weeks I'm out before 8. I am also trying to change it hopefully.

Edited by kev211
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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jan 10, 2010 -> 07:26 PM)
I'm hoping on most weeks I'm out before 8. I am also trying to change it hopefully.

I wish I could change it. It's my last semester of school though so it can't be done. Maybe I should drop out for Lost.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jan 10, 2010 -> 09:29 PM)
It's not even that, I watch it with all my friends and I'm pissed I wont be watching it with them during the final season.

yeah me too, at least the last couple will be after school is out. Except you probably watch it with friends at school..... :huh sucks for you.

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Drinking with friends at ISU while watching Lost was awesome. Unfortunately, being a recent Redbird graduate, I will be watching by myself before going to work the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. ISU gave me busch light and memories (no herpes!!!), a good job; welll not so much. Hopefully soon though. Fellow redbirds, enjoy Blo-No and what it has to offer for as long as you can. Blink 182 said it best "work sucks, I know"

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OK, so in the 4th season of Lost, when Kimi is sent to the island with the heart monitor, how come the time lapse doesn't set the bomb off? Think about it. The whole time people are are on the island, they can't get satellite phone reception, they can't do anything to get off of the island, except for the exact bearing they are given, yet the heart monitor never loses contact?

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None of that on island/off island stuff has made sense to me. They've repeatedly shown that the Dharma folk and the Ben led others were able to access outside satellite feeds to see what was going on in the world. So I guess that's your answer - the island might be "lost," but it's still set enough to be able to recieve those signals.


On the same note, I still dunno why Widmore couldn't find the island for so many years if he was able to go to/from the island to have his affair via the sub. Did Ben move the island after he banished Widmore? I think the answer is probably yes, because when he moved it at the end of season 4 he was smart enough to know he'd end up in Tunisia. But if that's the case, then he shouldn't have been able to return before this last time (or this nonsense he gave "Locke" about the island not allowing him back was bogus).


Edit: Wait though, isn't the answer that Ben blocked all the outgoing signals in that underwater station? I don't remember the timing of everything that happened with Kimi, was that heart monitor thing after Charlie released the jamming signal?

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 12, 2010 -> 07:41 AM)
OK, so in the 4th season of Lost, when Kimi is sent to the island with the heart monitor, how come the time lapse doesn't set the bomb off? Think about it. The whole time people are are on the island, they can't get satellite phone reception, they can't do anything to get off of the island, except for the exact bearing they are given, yet the heart monitor never loses contact?


You mean KEAMY! I dont get to correct SS much, so I will enjoy this....


With the Looking Glass button being pushed in Season 3, it allowed signals to leave and come to the island. That is my guess.


QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 12, 2010 -> 09:56 AM)
On the same note, I still dunno why Widmore couldn't find the island for so many years if he was able to go to/from the island to have his affair via the sub. Did Ben move the island after he banished Widmore? I think the answer is probably yes, because when he moved it at the end of season 4 he was smart enough to know he'd end up in Tunisia. But if that's the case, then he shouldn't have been able to return before this last time (or this nonsense he gave "Locke" about the island not allowing him back was bogus).


I'm assuming they used a polar bear to move it after Widmore was banished. Hence the skeleton Charlotte found in Tunisia.


I'm sure not every little question will be tied up in a nice package at series end, it depends on how picky people want to be instead of just enjoying it.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 12, 2010 -> 10:25 AM)
You mean KEAMY! I dont get to correct SS much, so I will enjoy this....


With the Looking Glass button being pushed in Season 3, it allowed signals to leave and come to the island. That is my guess.




I'm assuming they used a polar bear to move it after Widmore was banished. Hence the skeleton Charlotte found in Tunisia.


I'm sure not every little question will be tied up in a nice package at series end, it depends on how picky people want to be instead of just enjoying it.


Don't the stat phones still go in and out after that point?

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QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Jan 11, 2010 -> 07:34 PM)
yeah me too, at least the last couple will be after school is out. Except you probably watch it with friends at school..... :huh sucks for you.

I got friends at home I can watch the finale with. I'll survive :P It's a lab that I just found only meets 8 times and meets two times before Lost. So I'll be able to see a few here :).

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