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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 3, 2010 -> 12:39 PM)
Smokey is bad, Jacob is good.


Jacob has given all the characters the same type of choice that god gave Abraham, in order to get what they want, they must sacrifice.


Jacob has never directly killed anyone (so far), everyone on Smokey's team (sans Claire) has blood on their hands. We know that Kate was not a candidate, neither was Claire.


Sayid had a choice, Jacob had Hurley try and save him, which clearly shows that Jacob did not want Sayid to d e. But Sayid can not escape who he is, either in this life or another. He became twisted when he was with the Iraqi army, and no matter what life he leads, he can not escape that past.


That I believe is the point of the alternate time line. To show that some of the characters were mere victims of circumstance, pawns in a larger game. Where as other characters have made choices that made them who they were.


The other's appearance in the alternate reality is the best example. In the first reality, Ben is a murderer, in the alternate reality he is just a high strung teacher. He was a victim of circumstance on the island, the same as Ethan who appears to be a good Dr. in alternate reality, but on the island was a kidnapper and could have possibly been a murderer.


The final scene of the episode, where Kate, Sayid and Claire walk through the bodies was very telling (imo). None of them reacted as if there had just been a major loss of life. Kate not only didnt seem affected, she just took a weapon and kept on going.


I also took a look at the Last Super picture, and im not sure that it has any relevance outside of the fact that Locke is supposed to be seen as the most important character. If it was to be interpreted literally I believe that Kate would be Judas, and Lapetitas would be Simon. That just doesnt seem to jive with their characters.


I agree with what you say except the bolded. To me, Kate looked shook up and confused at what just happened. She went with them, but that's been her character. She never could stay behind, she always had to see what was going on.


And as Sqwert said, Claire's already killed two people this season.


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Yeah I should have been more clear, I meant Claire prior to coming to the island, had never committed murder. Her actions are part of the "sickness" which Dogen referred to. I believe that we saw previous people "sick" when Rousseau's people went into the temple and then they came out all messed up.


Perhaps Kate was just going with the flow, its hard to tell from a 5 second clip. And that would support the idea that the Last Supper picture had some insight, because Kate could become the Judas to Locke.

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I simply can not get my head around this season.


The free will thing I can not grasp and the swath of destruction is in no way shape or form a good guy. Follow me or die is not the rationale of good and hence no matter what, I do not think Lockness/MIB can be good.



Jacob.......not sure about....there seems to be a good amount of death involved there but there always seem to be a rationale reasoning. So now when Hurley and Jack come back they are going to run into Illana, Lapadius, Sun, etc....by the way, where and the hell did they come from.


Sayid I can not figure out and I love miles.


The alt timeline I like as it seems to be building to something or going somewhere wher the island thing is runnign around in circles. Jin in the cooler rocked.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 08:14 AM)
Nothing is in this show, especially things they take the time to develop as much as they have.

You'd think people would know this by now. Yet there are so many people whining about how the Alternate reality is just taking time away from the real story.

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I'm one of those people that are whining about it. I fully understand that it will all connect in some way, and that it will be creative/interesting enough that I'll like it. But the fact is 50% of each episode is completely and utterly BORING. It would be different if they had MORE hidden clues about the connection (like Jack looking in the mirror/checking out his cut, Kate looking at Jack like she'd seen him before, etc). But instead they're writing it basically like "here's the character you've gotten to know, now we're just going to throw him into a different situation....but keep watching! After 12 hours of sitting through this stuff, we'll be sure to tell you how it all connects." People were all wowed about characters coming back, but I dunno, I just don't care about Keamey being an evil guy exthorting Sayid's brother, or that Jin is in the freezer, or whatever else happens in this sideways world.


It's minimal whining given the strength of the series and of the on-island stuff this season, but it's still a legitimate gripe i think.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 10:53 AM)
I'm one of those people that are whining about it. I fully understand that it will all connect in some way, and that it will be creative/interesting enough that I'll like it. But the fact is 50% of each episode is completely and utterly BORING. It would be different if they had MORE hidden clues about the connection (like Jack looking in the mirror/checking out his cut, Kate looking at Jack like she'd seen him before, etc). But instead they're writing it basically like "here's the character you've gotten to know, now we're just going to throw him into a different situation....but keep watching! After 12 hours of sitting through this stuff, we'll be sure to tell you how it all connects." People were all wowed about characters coming back, but I dunno, I just don't care about Keamey being an evil guy exthorting Sayid's brother, or that Jin is in the freezer, or whatever else happens in this sideways world.


It's minimal whining given the strength of the series and of the on-island stuff this season, but it's still a legitimate gripe i think.

thank you. completely agreed. we just need a little more to tie it in to the world we already know. otherwise it has no significance. (right now)

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QUOTE (Stocking @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 03:19 PM)
Like jacks scar, maybe jin cannot remember that he learned english

That would be epic if he just blurted out an english sentence later in the season, and all the sudden realized he could speak it without having any idea how.

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