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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 07:13 AM)
One main revelation in the alternate reality is that Sawyer is a completely different person. He made a choice earlier in his life to be good and not evil...way before the day the flight was supposed to crash. There has to be some significance to that.


Plenty of things last night which I thought were good.


Anthony Cooper is still a con man but Locke and he are friends now and it sets up a Sawyer Locke confrontation at some point.


Sawyer/Kate; Jin/Sayid; Hugo/Jack/Locke are now connected.


The MIB told us he has a back story which may not be as old as Jacob's.


I think it has been slow but as long as it moves along I am cool.


Next week should be good.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Mar 16, 2010 -> 09:33 PM)
Tonight's ending was weak. "We're taking the sub... LOST." Are you kidding me? That wasn't dramatic at all. They usually at least have really good endings making me excited for the next week, but this week's episode didn't do that at all. I did like Sawyer as a badass cop, though.

agreed 100%....Lost has just had horrible endings all season IMO. The one where the Asian guy says "it happened to your sister"....well no s*** claire is "infected"...we all knew that


The show got too ridiculous that it lost the element of surprise....they keep throwing curve balls at you and now its no longer a shock...we expect something really weird and unbelievable to happen, and when something surprising does happen (like Sawyer being a Cop) we tend to just shrug our shoulders and say "meh." Lost cried wolf one too many times for me to have the "OMG" response anymore .


QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 16, 2010 -> 09:47 PM)
Red heads are sexy. just sayin.

Definitely looked like Charlotte 1.) lost weight and 2.) had some major surgery done

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QUOTE (SnB @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 09:06 AM)


I thought it was quite lame.


The bar isn't set really high, but it's a Sawyer episode. To me he's one of the better characters. Unlike Kate or Sayid, for some reason I'm actually rooting for Sawyer. Maybe it's because he's got the balls to the wall, no fear, attitude with not-Locke, or maybe because he's the only one smart enough to manipulate the manipulators. Or maybe because, despite all the bad he's done, he's really gotten screwed over a lot in life.


Yeah the sideways stuff was pretty meh (though more Miles, who again is one of the better secondary characters), but the on island stuff was interesting at least. Good not-Locke conversations, the Claire/Kate fight, with Sayid in the back looking as if he didn't care at all, was pretty cool.


My fiance made a good point to me last night, since i've been b****ing about how slow/uninteresting this season has been. Basically her point was that the show has always been about the characters - their history, their personalities, their world views, what they do in certain situations, etc. All of the action or island history has been secondary. So as much as we all want to know the deal behind Jacob/not-Locke, or the history of the Dharma Initiative, or whatever, in reality those issues are secondary to the story arc of each character. That seems to be their main focus so far this season.


That said, I can't wait to watch next week's episode about Richard.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 07:13 AM)
One main revelation in the alternate reality is that Sawyer is a completely different person. He made a choice earlier in his life to be good and not evil...way before the day the flight was supposed to crash. There has to be some significance to that.

Like maybe Jacob didn't touch him in the ALT.

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Ive liked this season. You cant argue taste.


I think they are giving us more insight into the characters and what has brought them to where they are, and why they make the decisions they do.


I believe that it will all lead up to each of them having to make a decision that will affect the outcome, and that in the end perhaps job of the Candidate is to prevent smokey from leaving the island and killing humanity.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 04:44 PM)
With the island under water, Jacob doesn't exist.

Yep, so Jacob never touched them which means their lives never changed to bring them to the island. The differences in the ALT could be explained by Jacob not touching them.

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something i think is important from last nights episode......


Sawyer just assumes that Widmore and Flocke are looking to fight each other. When he meets with both of them, he is the one who comes up with the idea that one can fight the other. Neither one really asked sawyer to manipulate the other. Also I think this is important because 1.) Jacob is clearly enemies with Flocke and 2.) Linus (working for Jacob) was enemies with Widmore....so isn't the underlying assumption that Flocke and Widmore are "on the same team?"

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 07:27 PM)
something i think is important from last nights episode......


Sawyer just assumes that Widmore and Flocke are looking to fight each other. When he meets with both of them, he is the one who comes up with the idea that one can fight the other. Neither one really asked sawyer to manipulate the other. Also I think this is important because 1.) Jacob is clearly enemies with Flocke and 2.) Linus (working for Jacob) was enemies with Widmore....so isn't the underlying assumption that Flocke and Widmore are "on the same team?"


I don't think Widmore vs. the Smoke has ever been talked about. It's always been Widmore vs. Ben. I think Sawyer is just trying to start something to get them distracted so he can steal the sub, like he said.


Widmore has his own sonar fence on the sub so I'm assuming he and Smoke are not on good terms or he is just protecting himself in case.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 08:26 PM)
I don't think Widmore vs. the Smoke has ever been talked about. It's always been Widmore vs. Ben. I think Sawyer is just trying to start something to get them distracted so he can steal the sub, like he said.


Widmore has his own sonar fence on the sub so I'm assuming he and Smoke are not on good terms or he is just protecting himself in case.


Yeah I gotta believe that Widmore and the MIB have some sort of history from his time on the island.


I still think it's a little too convenient that Widmore spends the 2nd half of his life trying to get back to the island, and then suddenly he appears out of the blue in a sub. What about all that Eloise Hawking stuff when she said the island was hidden and there were specific points in time/space necessary to find it (her explanation to the 6 going back on the Ajira flight)?


And where is Desmond? Has he been shown this season at all yet?

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 18, 2010 -> 03:47 PM)
I still think it's a little too convenient that Widmore spends the 2nd half of his life trying to get back to the island, and then suddenly he appears out of the blue in a sub. What about all that Eloise Hawking stuff when she said the island was hidden and there were specific points in time/space necessary to find it (her explanation to the 6 going back on the Ajira flight)?


Yeah, that whole "moving the island" thing didn't turn out to be very effective.


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 02:51 PM)
This "Temple" and the good vs evil stuff makes all the others tension throughout the series worthless. Those people essentially have zero roles at this point, and their evil leader is now a scared nothing in the big picture. So we basically wasted a few seasons focusing on their lives and their struggle? And the time skipping had basically zero meaning as well as the constant? WTF.

I couldn't agree more. My wife and I are very much turned off by this season. THIS is how Lost is ending? Random s***? I guess it fits.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 02:50 PM)
"For now, I'm sticking with my theory that the flash-sideways are an epilogue in advance - that this is where and when the characters all wound up in the aftermath of the war between Smokey and Jacob's forces. "

That turd must have been reading my initial posts on this board when they started.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 18, 2010 -> 12:15 PM)
I hope they introduce at least two more sets of brand new characters.


Even I thought it would be a mistake with Sawyer running the ladt down, but since it turned out to be Widmore's employees, it's not really a big deal. I'm sure Smokey will wipe em out at some point and they aren't important.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 18, 2010 -> 12:10 PM)
I couldn't agree more. My wife and I are very much turned off by this season. THIS is how Lost is ending? Random s***? I guess it fits.

There isnt a clear direction IMO. Throwing random s*** against the wall which is discounting alot of stuff in previous seasons that were all so important.

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I can't stand to read through Doc Jensen anymore, but I thought this point from last week's recap was VERY interesting:


(about the NotLocke/Kate convo from last week)


''My mother was crazy. Long time ago before I looked like this, I had a mother just like everyone. She was a very disturbed woman. And as a result of that, I had some growing pains. Problems that I'm still trying to work my way through. Problems that could have been avoided if things had been different.''


Kate wanted to know: Why was FLocke telling her this?


. ''Because Aaron has a crazy mother, too.''


We were left to wonder what exactly Kate was supposed to make of that story, and what she actually took away from it. To me, it sounded like FLocke was trying to convince Kate that Claire was an unfit mother. To me, it sounded like he wanted Kate to move off the dream of reuniting Clair and Aaron. To me, it sounded like he wanted Kate to think about saving Aaron from Claire lest he become a scary super-monster like FLocke. To me, it sounded like FLocke was… setting Kate up to murder Claire.


Time will tell what really happened in that moment. If I'm right, though, let's hope that she resists the manipulation, just like Sawyer resisted Fake Locke bid to Brig him. By ''Brig,'' I mean ''The Brig,'' the season 3 episode where con man Sawyer was conned by John Locke to follow him to another iconic Island prison locale, the Black Rock, and do what he couldn't do himself: murder his father, Anthony Cooper, the con man that Sawyer had vowed to kill. This was the real re-con of ''Recon'' — Fake Locke's bid to get Sawyer to commit patricide one more time by killing Charles Widmore. Which is all to say, meet the Man Behind The (Smokey) Mask:


Daniel Faraday.


Not the Daniel Faraday who was shot and killed by his crazy mother in 1977. And not the fetal Daniel Faraday who was growing inside his pregnant mother when she shot and killed adult Daniel Faraday back in 1977. I’m saying: It’s a freaky fusion of both, a disembodied mutant hybrid soul, essentially left behind on the Island as a consequence of the Jughead time reboot that also rebooted pregnant Eloise Hawking. It’s possible that this entity may have been grafted onto an eternal supernatural being that has lived on the Island performing some great spiritual function that it has now tired of. Or it could just be a feral supernatural force that’s been left to develop and grow haphazardly on its own, possessed by the dream of one day becoming a real human being again. Either way, Smokey Faraday is all kinds of wrong — and I think that’s why his father, Charles Widmore, has come to the Island. To take responsibility for his own Abominable Faux Son, and put it/him out of its/his misery. What does Charles have locked up in his submarine? A secret weapon. A weapon more powerful than the dream of vengeance that possessed Sawyer and Claire for so long: It’s the toxic brew of guilt and love, damnation and redemption. Her name was Theresa Spencer. She’s the woman that Daniel Faraday once loved, but whose mind he broke as a result of his time travel experiments that his psycho mom spurred him toward, a woman that Charles Widmore kept alive on his own dime for years, just so he could use her for this very moment.


I’m thinking Sawyer called it: Son of a b****.


But I could be wrong.

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