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QUOTE (jphat007 @ May 19, 2010 -> 03:58 AM)
And I don't think it really matters why she was or wasn't. She wasn't going to be the one to take over.


It just seems like for a show that cared so much about little details, saying "it's just chalk" makes me think there was a change of plans.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 19, 2010 -> 04:03 AM)
They explained why he took her off the list pretty clearly. Everyone on the list was a loaner struggling with a lot of issues. Kate became a mother, so Jacob took her off the list.


That's right, I forgot that. I just remembered the chalk line, and saw other sites ripping on that.

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Of course they could be setting up Kate as the wild card in the showdown. Flocke thinks she was crossed off the list cause she wasn't a candidate. She was a candidate since Jacob offered the job as well. That is orginally what i thought they were going to do though i can't stand the character and would hate to see her play the piviotal role in the finale.


I was glad to see the ad for the finale. I wouldn't have known it was going on Sunday night. i would have been pissed to miss it. good thing i don't have anything going on that evening

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 18, 2010 -> 07:42 PM)
I wonder how big Ben was supposed to be when this show started? I can't imagine this program without him.

On the Simmons podcast, Cuse says that it was originally for a few episodes. Cuse went on to say that if Ben wasn't so good, they would have just made him an Other that was captured by the survivors, but Ben was so good that they made him the leader of the Others. Also, Mr. Echo was supposed to have a bigger role, but the actor playing him didn't like Hawaii, so they let him go. His screen time was basically replaced with more Ben.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 19, 2010 -> 05:34 AM)
If we have learned anything from the show/Jacob, it's about believing in free will, and everyone has a choice or a chance. If Jacob picked a candidate, and forced him/her to take over his role, it would be going against every thing the character believes in.


I don't think the complaint was that the winner was a volunteer rather than someone chosen by Jacob, but that all the huge buildup of candidates led to a super short scene where one guy quickly volunteered and the other three sat there.


Also, thanks SO MUCH, Jack, for not bothering to ask questions of Jacob about what the job actually entails or why you're doing it. I guess the skeptical man-of-science to unquestioning, gullible, man-of-faith change is complete.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 19, 2010 -> 03:03 AM)
They explained why he took her off the list pretty clearly. Everyone on the list was a loaner struggling with a lot of issues. Kate became a mother, so Jacob took her off the list.


But Kate was not crossed out in the Lighthouse (Jacob's) list, only the Cave (Smokey's) list. Or did Jacob use the cave too?


Also, Sun/Jin as loners? Jacob touched/recruited them when they got married.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 19, 2010 -> 12:47 AM)
But Kate was not crossed out in the Lighthouse (Jacob's) list, only the Cave (Smokey's) list. Or did Jacob use the cave too?


I thought that cave was Jacob's?


Also, Sun/Jin as loners? Jacob touched/recruited them when they got married.


You're right, that doesn't make sense for them, but that's the explanation he gave. Maybe he was expecting Jin to be alone on the flight?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 18, 2010 -> 10:03 PM)
They explained why he took her off the list pretty clearly. Everyone on the list was a loaner struggling with a lot of issues. Kate became a mother, so Jacob took her off the list.


But if the list didn't matter and was "just chalk", why was Flocke so determined to get all the canidates together and kill them saying numerous times that was his ticket off the island?


If it was "just chalk" couldn't Jacob have just erased the line going through someone else's name and made them the canidate?


Afterall Flocke did tell Claire not to get on the sub, and she at one time was a canidate (I believe), so he would have found a way for her to die as well.


This portion of the story is weak at best.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 19, 2010 -> 05:01 AM)
I guess I'm in the minority, but I really enjoyed this weeks episode. Answered some questions and I can see this thing having an ending.


Reading through the message boards I think the majority of lost fans loved this episode. But there are some people that want all the questions answered and all the details explained and if they can't have that, they'll be dissapointed. I think they need to be ready for some dissapointment because the creators just weren't interested in doing that to the level that those people wanted


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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 19, 2010 -> 05:01 AM)
I guess I'm in the minority, but I really enjoyed this weeks episode. Answered some questions and I can see this thing having an ending.

I too liked it. And I hope for many it made last weeks episode far less lame.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 18, 2010 -> 10:13 PM)
I think the general point of them focusing on minutia for abut 4 1/2 seasons and now just hand-waving it all away with BS is spot on.


This is one of my biggest gripes with the show. Either Sepinwall's or the AV Club's reviewer touched on this idea, basically saying that the show is so great because of the tense, mysterious moments they create. It builds and builds to a point where the expectations of the reveal/answer isn't realistic. That's the price they pay for keeping us interested in the show for 6 seasons. But I think that the end of the day we'll get enough to be satisfied, even if it's not exactly what we wanted. The candidate stuff is a good example. Lots of build-up, and then at the end the reveal is that the whole process isn't that special and Jack can just volunteer for it. I'm still not entirely convinced that Jack being the candidate is going to work out though. I see someone like Sawyer or Desmond being a more likely candidate.


As to the Jin/Sun angle not working, I disagree. Neither were happy. Jin was forced into being a muscle man and treated his wife like s***. Sun was unhappy and cheated on her husband. We don't know which Kwon was the candidate (assuming Jin), but I think either works on an individual level.

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QUOTE (GREEDY @ May 19, 2010 -> 07:25 AM)
But if the list didn't matter and was "just chalk", why was Flocke so determined to get all the canidates together and kill them saying numerous times that was his ticket off the island?


If it was "just chalk" couldn't Jacob have just erased the line going through someone else's name and made them the canidate?


Afterall Flocke did tell Claire not to get on the sub, and she at one time was a canidate (I believe), so he would have found a way for her to die as well.


This portion of the story is weak at best.


I think the idea is that NotLocke removed the protector of the island, and now he has to remove any potential protector of the island before he can leave. And by leave, I bet he has to go back to the light/water source. He can't kill them directly though, just like he couldn't kill Jacob directly. He uses people (Sayid, Ben, Claire, even Sawyer) to do the killing.


An interesting point that I read this morning - how does all of the time travel stuff fit in? Was it even necessary?


As for the episode itself, I thought it was fine, but man I hate the Widmore ending. Talk about another completely overblown, hyped-up angle on the show. And what was the pay off? Ben killing him so he can't save his daughter. Yank yank. They created this whole thing where Widmore was this evil guy and wanted all the Oceanic surviors dead and blah blah. And we STILL don't know WHY he came back (Jacob tells him...ok, is that ever going to be explained, or are we just left to assume that he's doing it to protect the island?) or HOW he got back. Ugh. I could have a used a 5 min convo between Widmore and NotLocke, not 5 words.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 19, 2010 -> 09:15 AM)
Ben also doesn't care about Jacob anymore and appears to be, at least in some way, shape or form, completely over any rules.

I would agree. The "rules" may have been Jacob simply telling ben that he couldnt hurt Widmore. And since Ben is a lillte pissed at Jacob, he doesnt care anymore.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ May 19, 2010 -> 03:18 PM)
I would agree. The "rules" may have been Jacob simply telling ben that he couldnt hurt Widmore. And since Ben is a lillte pissed at Jacob, he doesnt care anymore.


I thought the rules were supposed to be more concrete than just suggestions. Like, they have some kind of magical enforcement. Why else was Smokey still following the "you can't kill candidates" rule (though still trying to with a ridiculously lame loophole)?

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 19, 2010 -> 09:56 AM)
I thought the rules were supposed to be more concrete than just suggestions. Like, they have some kind of magical enforcement. Why else was Smokey still following the "you can't kill candidates" rule (though still trying to with a ridiculously lame loophole)?

It could be a combination of both... it's a "rule" I am not allowed to drive faster than 65 on an expressway, but if i choose to go faster I could face consequences.

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