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It's going to be Juliet. It's too predictable not to be. She was an important part up until this year and that's because she "died" on the island. We have seen people dead on the island exist in the other universe.


Also, I don't think Ben succeeds in saving the island. Remember, the first episode, the island was sunk. It'll probably have something to do with the light. I'm guessing Locke finds the light and somehow causes it to somehow sink the island.

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I’m sure all of us have at one point made a decent guess at what the ending of LOST would be. So, let’s hear it. Mine is:

Early on, probably at the start of Season 2, I came up with the concept that the last scene of the show would be Walt and his mother walking into a comic store, Walt would open up a comic, and we’ d see the entire cast of characters in there. Jack, Kate, Hurley everyone except his Michael. Walt’s mother would turn to him and tell him it was time to go, Walt would ask if he would ever get to meet his father, and his Mom would mutter something non committal and they’d leave. Basically, the entire show would turn out to have been Walt projecting his desire to have a relationship with his father onto one of his favorite comic books. Obviously, this became less of an option once Walt’s role on the show was dramatically lessened.


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QUOTE (kev211 @ May 23, 2010 -> 12:52 AM)
The day 6 years in the making has finally come.


I'll enjoy whatever they do.


Not looking forward to all the complaining that most series finales take on.

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 23, 2010 -> 05:21 PM)
I'll get ripped, but I liked The Sopranos ending. I have no problem with a "Life goes on" conclusion.


I hated the Sopranos finale when I first saw it, but have grown to love it due to all of the little nuances. I'm not sure where the article is now, but a writer from some other show has a blog that completely breaks it down. It basically says that Tony was killed.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 23, 2010 -> 05:50 PM)
I hated the Sopranos finale when I first saw it, but have grown to love it due to all of the little nuances. I'm not sure where the article is now, but a writer from some other show has a blog that completely breaks it down. It basically says that Tony was killed.


I never bought that because all the enemies we knew of of Tony's were taken care of. He made peace with NY before having Phil killed, Paulie got promoted, Uncle Jr's money went to Janice and Bobbys kids.

Would if of been better if it faded to black?

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QUOTE (Brian @ May 23, 2010 -> 06:00 PM)
I never bought that because all the enemies we knew of of Tony's were taken care of. He made peace with NY before having Phil killed, Paulie got promoted, Uncle Jr's money went to Janice and Bobbys kids.

Would if of been better if it faded to black?


I'm not going to get too into it, as I have a tendency to go on and on for hours discussing that finale. I'll just say a couple of the points that this writer talked about.


In mafia movies (especially The Godfather Trilogy, which Chase often said was a big part of his inspiration), the color orange is associated with death. Vito Corleone had just bought a bag of oranges when he was shot, Carlo and Johnny Ola are both seen wearing orange suits and both are killed, Michael Corleone dies holding an orange in his hand, and Vito dies with the orange slice in his mouth. In the Sopranos, Tony buys a bottle of orange juice before his attempted assassination in the first season, he drinks orange juice before Junior shoots him in the sixth season, and he eats an orange in the final episode while he and his family are in their safe house.


The man who comes into the diner in the finale is wearing a Members Only jacket. The name of the episode in which Junior shot Tony was Members Only. Tony also said that his favorite part of The Godfather was when Michael shoots the guys after coming out of the bathroom. The diner in which the scene was shot has a completely different layout than in the show. The bathrooms are not actually directly to the right of Tony, so they intentionally set up the scenario of the bathroom being out of Tony's line of vision. Also, remember that dream of Christopher's where he went to Hell? He told Tony and Paulie the message of "3 o'clock," and the bathroom is at Tony's 3 o'clock. The background of that final scene has a big orange tiger painted on the wall, and this is not in the actual diner, so it was added with intent. The family is all wearing black while they're eating, too. They even eat their onion rings in a manner reminiscent of Communion wafers, all three of them. Again that suggests a Mass, or funeral. Tony even offers the onion rings to AJ saying (this might not be the exact quote) that they're the best in the city. In the Godfather, Sollozzo tells Michael at the restaurant right before he is killed to "Try the veal, it's the best in the city."


And of course there's the conversation that Tony had with Bobby on the boat in the first episode of season 6B about what happens when you're killed and how it probably "just goes black." During the week before the finale aired, HBO showed that episode, which is weird. Usually a station will air the most recent episode, not the first one of the season. David Chase also apparently wanted the blacked out silence after the episode to last for 3 minutes (the length of silence customary for a death/tragedy), but HBO didn't want it go on for that long. So, they cut it down to 30 seconds and even that had people flipping out thinking that their cable went out.


On a personal note, I feel like NY wouldn't miss the opportunity to take Tony out. Sure he got the OK to take Phil out, but Tony's mafia family was a shambles. The crew was wrecked. Carlo (another similarity to the Godfather, by the way, in that the betrayers have the same name) was turned by the Feds, Bobby was killed, Silvio is in a coma from which he'll never get out, and Tony himself killed Christopher. That leaves only two made men in Paulie and Patsy. We all know that neither one of them would be able to step up and take the reigns if Tony were to be killed, and NY knew that as well. They discussed taking Paulie out when they agreed to go after Tony, Silvio, and Bobby, but they decided that Paulie was an afterthought at this point. Paulie was just a guy that would follow whoever had the power, a disloyal coward (remember when he was ratting to Johnny Sack to improve his standing with NY?) And then Patsy, well he's no better than Paulie. It seems Patsy never even made his bones. Hell, he knew Tony killed his twin brother and he didn't even have the balls to shoot him when he had a clear shot. All he did was take a leak in Tony's pool. The only other members of that entire crew that had more than one line of dialogue in the series were Benny and Little Paulie, and neither of them were even made. Take into account the obvious personal vendetta that Butch (who would clearly be in line as the next Boss in NY) had against NJ and specifically Tony. It would just be too good of a payoff to take Tony out and take over NJ, and it'd be easy.


I know I said I'd keep it short, and sorry to muddy up the Lost thread with Sopranos talk, but this really is a short post. I could write a book about the Sopranos.

Edited by Milkman delivers
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QUOTE (Brian @ May 23, 2010 -> 06:55 PM)
Good points, Milkman. I think Chase got what he wanted out of the finale. Constant discussion.


I actually may go back and watch my Sopranos DVDs after I finish The Wire.


Yes, he certainly got that. I don't think he meant for the ending to be one of those "it's up to you" scenarios. When asked about the final scene, he said that "it's all there to figure it out." Of course, that's not the exact quote, but that is the gist of what he said. It's also interesting to note that Chase only directed two of the episodes in the entire series, the pilot and the finale. He was meticulous about it, so you know that every detail in the episode was meant to be there. Even the tiniest of details were put there with intent. When the writer I mentioned before slowed the final scene down frame by frame, he noted that the line "Livin' in the lonely world" played exactly at the first frame of Carmela stepping into the diner. That's just another thing that popped into my head.

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