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Holloway case solved?


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QUOTE(bmags @ Jan 31, 2008 -> 07:07 PM)
I don't know, I don't feel like juries follow that 'beyond a reasonable doubt' thing anymore.

Ya, I just mean that its pretty crazy that they never found the body or had enough evidence to keep anyone detained. Even though its completely unlikely, for all anyone knows she could be alive and living in another country.

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The announcement came shortly after Dutch television aired a program in which Van der Sloot told a man he considered to be his friend that he was with the 18-year-old on a beach near her hotel when she died, and that he arranged for a friend to take her body to sea and dump it.


"He went out to sea and then he threw her out, like an old rag," he told Aruban businessman Patrick van der Eem on January 16.


Van der Eem recorded their conversations on hidden cameras installed in the Range Rover he was driving, according to the report that aired Sunday night.......


On the program, van der Sloot tells the informant that Holloway and her friends had begged him to go out with them the night of May 29, 2005. So the Dutch student said he and two friends -- brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe -- met the women at a bar in Oranjestad. When they arrived, he said, the women appeared to have been drinking heavily and some of them were taking cocaine.


Holloway was on the island with about 100 classmates celebrating their graduation from Mountain Brook High School in suburban Birmingham, Alabama.


After declining an invitation from Holloway to dance on stage with her, he accepted an invitation from her to drink a shot of liquor from her navel as she lay on the bar, he said.


About 1 a.m. on May 30, he said, she agreed to leave the bar with him and the Kalpoe brothers, telling her friends that she would meet them back at the Marriott Hotel prior to their planned return flight the next day to the United States, he said.


She never arrived.


The three men had previously told authorities that they then drove to the beach with Holloway, leaving her there when she told them she wanted to stay.


But Van der Sloot gave a different account in the hidden-camera footage. He said he wanted to have sex with Holloway, but she told him she did not want to go to her hotel. Instead, she said, she wanted to see sharks, he told the informant.


The two brothers then used their car to drive Van der Sloot and Holloway to the beach by the hotel and left them, Van der Sloot said.


He and Holloway then had sex, he said. But as they were caressing each other, she started shaking, then said nothing, he said.


"All of a sudden, what she did was like in a movie," he said. "She was shaking, it was awful ... I prodded her, there was nothing."


He said he panicked and, when she did not appear to be alive, shook her but was unable to resuscitate her. He said he carried her body to a stand of trees, walked to a pay phone near the pool of the hotel and, instead of using his cell phone, called a friend who owned a boat that was tied up at a nearby dock.


Upon the friend's arrival, the two men carried Holloway's body to the boat, and the friend told Van der Sloot to go home, he said. The student then walked back to his house, where his father was asleep when he arrived about 15 minutes later, he recounted. He estimated the time at 2:30 a.m. or 3 a.m.


Van der Sloot said his friend showed up at his house later in the morning and told him he had carried the body out less than a mile from land and dumped it overboard.


He added that the incident with Holloway, whom he knew for only about two hours, has not bothered him.


I "didn't lose a minute of sleep over it," he said.


I think this kid has gotten away with it. I really have a hard time believing that the Dutch government will step up and nail this kid to the ground

Edited by kyyle23
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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 07:44 AM)

I think this kid has gotten away with it. I really have a hard time believing that the Dutch government will step up and nail this kid to the ground


I agree with you. The sad thing is, he didn't do anything wrong until the disposing of the body. If she goes into the seizure and dies, like he thinks, he could of just called the cops or paramedics. What a lapse in judgement. Send the kid away for a long time!

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QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 08:24 AM)
I agree with you. The sad thing is, he didn't do anything wrong until the disposing of the body. If she goes into the seizure and dies, like he thinks, he could of just called the cops or paramedics. What a lapse in judgement. Send the kid away for a long time!


I think those kids were on some hard drugs at the time. I have heard a couple of different stories, involving extacy and cocaine. If he was supplying her with these drugs like has been said, he would have been up a creek without a paddle if she died the way he said she did

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
Not if they fed her to the sharks that she wanted to see so badly


Actually finding sharks is not as easy as it sounds. Perhaps that is the case, but I doubt it. Plus, and Jim can correct me, sharks would not necessarily be attracted to dead food, they prefer alive and kicking.

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Here is another log to toss onto the fire. Assuming he was probably drunk or high just like she was.... look what he said - that he poked her and she didn't move. Its possible she wasn't dead - she may have had a seizure and become clonic. They may have dumped in the sea while she was still alive. That makes it homicide.


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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 10:01 AM)
Here is another log to toss onto the fire. Assuming he was probably drunk or high just like she was.... look what he said - that he poked her and she didn't move. Its possible she wasn't dead - she may have had a seizure and become clonic. They may have dumped in the sea while she was still alive. That makes it homicide.


Anyway you look at it, adult supervision was sorely lacking. I can not think of a good reason for that many high schools kids to be in that environment. I bewlieve foreign travel is great for kids, but in smaller groups, and better supervision.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 12:28 PM)
Boy this kid doesn't paint himself as a very simpathetic figure does he. Lying or not, you just want to punch the guy in the face after reading his comments.

I'm with you. My cop career would end as soon as I faced someone like that.

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