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2008 White Sox Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 30, 2008 -> 11:06 AM)
The question is whether its the Brewers (could you imagine if it were the case, considering Selig's general closeness to the franchise) or Braves as those are the two organizations that Wilder was in the longest (IIRC).


Greg Pratt is on his way to fight you.

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Iguchi really looked like he had slowed down. Defensively he had lost a few steps and offensively his bat looked slow. Not to mention the Sox had a guy in Danny Richar that they liked a lot (and to an extent still do).


Also, the guy is only hitting .258 on the season, which is about as productive as he was with the Sox last year (he hit .251 with the Sox in 07). However, he did have a nice tenure with the Phils (.300 with an .803 OPS). Bottom line the guy is clearly on the decline.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 30, 2008 -> 10:31 AM)
Iguchi really looked like he had slowed down. Defensively he had lost a few steps and offensively his bat looked slow. Not to mention the Sox had a guy in Danny Richar that they liked a lot (and to an extent still do).


Also, the guy is only hitting .258 on the season, which is about as productive as he was with the Sox last year (he hit .251 with the Sox in 07). However, he did have a nice tenure with the Phils (.300 with an .803 OPS). Bottom line the guy is clearly on the decline.

He was also a pending free agent and due to a stipulation in his contract the Sox would not have received any compensatory draft picks had he walked in free agency. Since the Sox were completely out of it at the time they had absolutely nothing to lose when trading iguchi, if Richar fell flat on his face in his short time in the bigs and the Sox felt Iguchi would still be a productive major league ballplayer they could have just re-signed him over the offseason when he filed for free agency. Somehow I doubt Iguchi's current .657 OPS and deteriorating defense would make this team a whole hell of a lot better.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ May 30, 2008 -> 11:35 AM)
1.The Sox were terrible in 2007.

2.Iguchi was a veteran and was on the last year of his deal.

3.The Sox wanted to see what they had in Richar

4.If they felt Richar wasn't cutting it, they could have signed Iguchi in the off-season



I think those four are good enough


To add on to this, he also would not net draft picks for the Sox due to international free agency rules which basically state that you can't offer arbitration to them within their first 6 years of service time. Getting something for him was better than getting nothing.


I also imagine that it was a bit of a favor to Gillick by KW for the Freddy trade because Freddy was absolutely terrible for them.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 30, 2008 -> 06:45 PM)
I don't know if Nick Swisher is capable of not sucking at baseball.

Man, he has been soo bad.

At some point, don't the Sox need to Billy Butler-ize Swish??

I was just thinking about the Anderson/Mack mess back in 06. For the first 3 months of the season, we had Anderson struggling mightily with the bat, more so than swisher is now, but not by all that much. But even before Anderson got the chance to start sucking, Mackowiak was platooning with him in CF, starting on day 2 of the season. And we were so adamant about this that we kept doing it even after Mack's defense cost us game after game out there, and even after Mack's bat cooled off. Swisher's no where near the glove Anderson is, and yet we keep putting him out there every single day.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ May 31, 2008 -> 01:06 AM)
Ryan Sweeney was placed on the DL with a toe contusion.


I blame it on his inability to hit inside pitches with any power






Edited by witesoxfan
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Can you believe KC has lost 12 in a row?

Shows what can happen to a season.

A team's season can go in the tank in 2 weeks.

KC is not that bad, but at this time the team looks like it

will never win another game.

Billy Butler is in minors after hitting 1 home run ... one.

Let's hope he stays down there. He and Guillen are about the only

2 Royals who will threaten our staff.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 31, 2008 -> 02:22 AM)
Can you believe KC has lost 12 in a row?

Shows what can happen to a season.

A team's season can go in the tank in 2 weeks.

KC is not that bad, but at this time the team looks like it

will never win another game.

Billy Butler is in minors after hitting 1 home run ... one.

Let's hope he stays down there. He and Guillen are about the only

2 Royals who will threaten our staff.


KC has virtually no power at all within that lineup. Fans that are sick of the homer really should look at KC to see what can happen when you can't hit the homer at all and your offense goes cold. Quite frankly, it's not pretty.


Anyways, Alex Gordon is good.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 01:42 AM)
I really don't want to stir things up, but ... Aaron Rowand really is a heckuva

baseball player.


Than why post in White Sox Catch All when there is an MLB catch all thread?

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I want Swisher back at the 1 slot, feeling he can draw walks again. Even if OC is catching fire a bit, these are things he can do from the 2 hole.


Just b/c Swish doesnt have experience in the leadoff spot doesnt mean its an absolute bad thing for him.






Although, if that cant happen i would agree to get Swisher on the pine to make room for BA.


Let me also add that getting Alexei in the 2 slot may seem like suicide, but if hitting in front of Carlos can get him some more fastballs, i'm all for it. No one on this team is going to be Gooch-05 version in the 2 hole anyway.

Edited by Princess Dye
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Than why post in White Sox Catch All when there is an MLB catch all thread?


I guess because he's an ex White Sox and ever since he's left we've had at least one hole in the outfield.

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The feeling is mutual, Ozzie. We are sick and tired of you. When you're in last place, you're miserable. When you're in first place, you're miserable. When you go out for a beer, you say you're miserable because you're afraid the guy next to you will yap that he got drunk with Ozzie, as you said last month. You are trapped inside this creepy character you've created. Whatever charm that may have been attached to the Blizzard three years ago, when the Sox somehow won a World Series, has been replaced by a reality that glory isn't worth the price of dealing with a madman.


--How the Sox somehow won a WS? The Sox played great in the postseason that year.

I'd like to see the coverage of that which was all flowery.

The Sun Times columnist should write the same column every day the rest of his life.

Fire Ozzie. Just write it and write it some more.

I like the Trib's coverage of Ozzie better.

Ozzie is Ozzie. He's a nut. Case closed.

It's better than having some boring clown like Bevington.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 11:14 PM)
--How the Sox somehow won a WS? The Sox played great in the postseason that year.

I'd like to see the coverage of that which was all flowery.

The Sun Times columnist should write the same column every day the rest of his life.

Fire Ozzie. Just write it and write it some more.

I like the Trib's coverage of Ozzie better.

Ozzie is Ozzie. He's a nut. Case closed.

It's better than having some boring clown like Bevington.

Say, what's Cito Gaston up to these days?

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