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2008 White Sox Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (G&T @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 05:21 PM)
Goes to Chicago and orders corn. OK.

And doesn't like Best Kosher? First, I think Best Kosher is better, second, can't you get Vienna at the Cell?

I believe it's Ball Park.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 03:24 AM)
Can anyone verify this. Up until recently, Quentin was setup right on home plate. About a week or so ago they moved him back a bit from the plate.

I don't know who did it, but Greg Walker shouldn't be allowed near Quentin, that is for sure.

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I've been to Safeco, Tropicana, Angel, Comerica, Metrodome, PNC, Wrigley, Miller, Oakland, Kauffman, and then Qualocomm, and no food has been better than The Cell.


The food at PNC is cheap- I think a pretzel with a cheese cup was an even $2, and the pretzels at Kauffman are delicious- about $5 including a cheese cup but that's because they are about the size of 2 grown man hands put together.

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On PTI today, Kornheiser and Wilbon spend 5 minutes with Steve Stone talking about the White Sox... I mean, the first 3:30. The remaining 1:30 of the White Sox segment was Wilbon asking Stone about the Cubs' chance to make the World Series.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 10:51 PM)
On PTI today, Kornheiser and Wilbon spend 5 minutes with Steve Stone talking about the White Sox... I mean, the first 3:30. The remaining 1:30 of the White Sox segment was Wilbon asking Stone about the Cubs' chance to make the World Series.

I really like Wilbon. He knows his stuff, but it's hilarious when Kornheiser rags him about the Cubs ineptitude to win a WS.

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I know, but it just strikes me as ballsy that he has the gall to use a whole section of the White Sox topic on a crosstown rival, simply because he's a fan.


They wouldn't take 2 minutes out of a 5 minute Yankee topic to ask about the Mets.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 10:22 PM)
I know, but it just strikes me as ballsy that he has the gall to use a whole section of the White Sox topic on a crosstown rival, simply because he's a fan.


They wouldn't take 2 minutes out of a 5 minute Yankee topic to ask about the Mets.


To be fair, the guy worked in the Cubs organization for a really long time. Its not like he is asking Hawk about the Cubs chances.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:21 AM)
To be fair, the guy worked in the Cubs organization for a really long time. Its not like he is asking Hawk about the Cubs chances.

So, he'd ask Willie Randolph about the Yankees, then?



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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 01:56 AM)
.212/.316/.455/.770 in June

Ya know, I'm a proponent of Walker being shown the door, but in this specific case, let's not make any assumptions just yet. Its entirely possible, maybe even likely, that Quentin has made changes himself without Walker. Just sayin', we don't know. All hitters get into funks. If Carlos' "funk" is a .770 OPS, I'm not overly concerned. Just give him a day off here and there, until he gets back swinging.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 07:46 AM)
Ya know, I'm a proponent of Walker being shown the door, but in this specific case, let's not make any assumptions just yet. Its entirely possible, maybe even likely, that Quentin has made changes himself without Walker. Just sayin', we don't know. All hitters get into funks. If Carlos' "funk" is a .770 OPS, I'm not overly concerned. Just give him a day off here and there, until he gets back swinging.

Agreed. It was inevitable that the guy was going to go into a slump. He'll work his way out of it but he's just scuffling right now.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 06:46 AM)
Ya know, I'm a proponent of Walker being shown the door, but in this specific case, let's not make any assumptions just yet. Its entirely possible, maybe even likely, that Quentin has made changes himself without Walker. Just sayin', we don't know. All hitters get into funks. If Carlos' "funk" is a .770 OPS, I'm not overly concerned. Just give him a day off here and there, until he gets back swinging.


Lets say that Q changed it himself. Wouldnt someone say, hey Q you have started to struggle since you moved away from the plate. Maybe you should move closer to the plate. His early success was the ability to cover the plate, his hands are quick enough to get around on pitches inside. Now it seems that he can't get solid wood on away pitching. Which is odd, because throughout the minors he was known as a good away hitter who takes a lot of pitches. In fact Kenny himself said that you can tell when Carlos was healthy because he would start to drive the ball to right field with authority. Also it seems he is not taking as many pitches, and is putting earlier pitches into play. These two changes are large enough. His early success was all about working the count to a hitters count, and then using plate coverage to put the ball in play. Over the last week I see a guy pulling off the ball, and swinging early in the count.


It doesnt matter who made the change, its time that they rectify it by getting him back to what he was doing with early success. Tinkering with success is stupid.

Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE (G&T @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 04:21 PM)
Goes to Chicago and orders corn. OK.

And doesn't like Best Kosher? First, I think Best Kosher is better, second, can't you get Vienna at the Cell?

Its actually elotes, and its one of the best dishes in the park.


And Best Kosher are better than the skinny Viennas they serve in the hot dog shops, not to mention the fantastic polishes.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 07:23 AM)
Lets say that Q changed it himself. Wouldnt someone say, hey Q you have started to struggle since you moved away from the plate. Maybe you should move closer to the plate. His early success was the ability to cover the plate, his hands are quick enough to get around on pitches inside. Now it seems that he can't get solid wood on away pitching. Which is odd, because throughout the minors he was known as a good away hitter who takes a lot of pitches. In fact Kenny himself said that you can tell when Carlos was healthy because he would start to drive the ball to right field with authority. Also it seems he is not taking as many pitches, and is putting earlier pitches into play. These two changes are large enough. His early success was all about working the count to a hitters count, and then using plate coverage to put the ball in play. Over the last week I see a guy pulling off the ball, and swinging early in the count.


It doesnt matter who made the change, its time that they rectify it by getting him back to what he was doing with early success. Tinkering with success is stupid.


Who has said that the team DIDN'T tell him that?

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 05:10 AM)
Agreed. It was inevitable that the guy was going to go into a slump. He'll work his way out of it but he's just scuffling right now.

And considering he decided to go in to a funk as everyone else was heating up, he actually picked a decent time to do it. If he'd gone in to a funk earlier in the year...we might have lost 15 games in a row.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 06:35 AM)
Who has said that the team DIDN'T tell him that?

But on the other hand...how do we know it won't work for him long-term? If he was struggling with some particular type of pitch, this little change might help him get that, but it might just take him a little while longer to adapt to the new positioning.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 10:18 AM)
But on the other hand...how do we know it won't work for him long-term? If he was struggling with some particular type of pitch, this little change might help him get that, but it might just take him a little while longer to adapt to the new positioning.


If they did. Fine. If they didn't, that's fine too. The silly idea that keeps getting repeated here that Greg Walker is telling these guys to hit like this is insane. If you ever listen to Walk talk, all he talks about is up the middle and the other way. I have yet to see a single player or Walker ever come out and say that they are told to "lift and pull" or any variation there of. The assumption that the Sox staff is a bunch of idiots whose fans are smarter than they are is ridiculous. There is a reason they get paid what they do, and we watch the games on TV.

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I like to play arm-chair GM a lot, and I was thinking about next year. I personally feel one of Konerko or Dye will be gone, and if it's Konerko, Dye will be moved to 1B. Then, I'd shift my attention to Andre Ethier. IMO, he'd be a perfect fit for us. The only problem is getting him from LA. He might be expandable due to the fact LA is loaded with talent and they have Jones and Pierre locked into tough to move contracts. I don't know how realistic my idea is, but one can hope.


With Ethier, I'd have the outfield as (from left-right) Ethier, Swisher, Quentin. Vs. tough lefties, I'd sub in Anderson for Ethier and have him swap positions with Swisher. When on the road in big outfields, I'd have Anderson replace one of Konerko/Dye, Swisher, or Thome (if it is one of Dye/Konerko/Thome being replaced, move Swish to 1B).



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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 01:03 PM)
I like to play arm-chair GM a lot, and I was thinking about next year. I personally feel one of Konerko or Dye will be gone, and if it's Konerko, Dye will be moved to 1B. Then, I'd shift my attention to Andre Ethier. IMO, he'd be a perfect fit for us. The only problem is getting him from LA. He might be expandable due to the fact LA is loaded with talent and they have Jones and Pierre locked into tough to move contracts. I don't know how realistic my idea is, but one can hope.


With Ethier, I'd have the outfield as (from left-right) Ethier, Swisher, Quentin. Vs. tough lefties, I'd sub in Anderson for Ethier and have him swap positions with Swisher. When on the road in big outfields, I'd have Anderson replace one of Konerko/Dye, Swisher, or Thome (if it is one of Dye/Konerko/Thome being replaced, move Swish to 1B).




I don't think either Konerko or Dye will be gone. I think the plan is for Thome, Konerko, and Dye to remain in the lineup, and then one by one the Sox will leave the Sox organization...Thome I imagine will retire either this offseason or next (I could also see him sticking around the league and being a platoon player for a team like Oakland or Cleveland, but retiring seems most logical to me), Dye will be let go to free agency after 2010, and Konerko could quite possibly be gone after 2010 too, although I could see them attempting to resign him to a 2-3 year deal at the end of this contract, depending upon what type of shape his body's in and how he's been playing.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:16 PM)
I don't think either Konerko or Dye will be gone. I think the plan is for Thome, Konerko, and Dye to remain in the lineup, and then one by one the Sox will leave the Sox organization...Thome I imagine will retire either this offseason or next (I could also see him sticking around the league and being a platoon player for a team like Oakland or Cleveland, but retiring seems most logical to me), Dye will be let go to free agency after 2010, and Konerko could quite possibly be gone after 2010 too, although I could see them attempting to resign him to a 2-3 year deal at the end of this contract, depending upon what type of shape his body's in and how he's been playing.

I don't know. Do we really want to go through another year with those 3 base cloggers in the middle of the order? All have them have seen their best years go by (Konerko might still have hope to have a few more All-Star years as he isn't THAT old for a ballplayer). Thome loves baseball and I have a hard time seeing him leaving the Sox as for one his option will likely become guaranteed, and two, the org. loves him (IMO).


So, IMO, Thome is a lock for next year. With the emergence of Quentin, Swisher likely not being as bad as he was this year, Konerko still having hope for some good seasons, and having a good stick at 3B with either Crede or Fields, I think Dye will be definitely available (or even Konerko). I just can't see us going into next year with three 1B/DH types (at this stage in their careers at least) clogging the basepaths when they get on.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 07:16 PM)
I don't think either Konerko or Dye will be gone. I think the plan is for Thome, Konerko, and Dye to remain in the lineup, and then one by one the Sox will leave the Sox organization...Thome I imagine will retire either this offseason or next (I could also see him sticking around the league and being a platoon player for a team like Oakland or Cleveland, but retiring seems most logical to me), Dye will be let go to free agency after 2010, and Konerko could quite possibly be gone after 2010 too, although I could see them attempting to resign him to a 2-3 year deal at the end of this contract, depending upon what type of shape his body's in and how he's been playing.

after the parade or before?

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 13, 2008 -> 06:29 PM)
I know Thome has made a s*** load of money in his career, but I don't see him walking away from 13 million next year.(It might be more)


I assume you believe his option will vest, which I'd agree with, and I agree that I think he'll play again. I still wouldn't completely rule out the possibility that he does retire though.


I'm not entirely sure where he lives in the offseason, but if he continues struggling as he has this year into next year, I'd be surprised if he signed a contract in a place other than say Chicago or Cleveland following his current deal. As I recall, one of the reasons he accepted the trade to Chicago is because it's near where he grew up - Peoria - even if he was a Cubs fan (again, as I recall) as a child.

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