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2008 White Sox Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (earthshiner @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 04:46 PM)
I don't think we will have the same output but we will be more productive and a better overall team.




I understand better overall team - I disagree with it, but that's not the point. How can you get less output and have more production? That does not logically make sense.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 12:18 AM)
So in 34 games this season, you have seen him pitch in 3 games? Because thats how many games he has given up a HR. If thats the case, you really have to room to comment.


he's given up 3 homeruns in his last 5 outings.


but yeah, that's good.


oh, and those games of the last 5 that he's given up the longball, he's given up our lead WITH those homeruns.

Edited by joesaiditstrue
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think about this, the sox expected win-loss sits at 46-27 right now. this statistic is primarily derived from run differential. why do you think we are 5 games worse than expected? it has to be attributed to the inconsistent offense. we really need more pure hitters. OPS, slugging, etc. are all great stats but we need guys that can consistently hit for average and get HITS. i think that is the biggest flaw on this team. we don't see any consistency from our hitters. god, what i would do for a hitter like mauer. just an absolute hitting machine, not for power but just a solid line drive hitter, gotta love those kind of guys. are there any out there available before the trading deadline? about the best fit i could see for this team (at a reasonable price) would be a randy winn. hit .300 last year and is hitting .303 this year. would be a very nice 4th outfielder and a guy you can plug into CF if you need to as well

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He's going from crap in the early innings to slightly above mediocre in the late innings. Since this is still a noticable difference, he's is branded as one of the most CLUTCH!!! players in Sox history. :rolly:


That lazy, unclutch third baseman of the Cubs sur had a great game yesterday.

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I know it's been only 3 starts, but I still feel we should trade Contreras while he still has value. While he pitched great for most of the 1st half so far, I still don't see anything special with him. I think taking a chance with Broadway/Massett in the rotation would be worth selling high on Contreras.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 03:04 PM)
I know it's been only 3 starts, but I still feel we should trade Contreras while he still has value. While he pitched great for most of the 1st half so far, I still don't see anything special with him. I think taking a chance with Broadway/Massett in the rotation would be worth selling high on Contreras.

Too late now.


The "Bronze God" has shown that he's human once again.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 01:04 PM)
I know it's been only 3 starts, but I still feel we should trade Contreras while he still has value. While he pitched great for most of the 1st half so far, I still don't see anything special with him. I think taking a chance with Broadway/Massett in the rotation would be worth selling high on Contreras.


I think the Sox should evaluate the team on whether or not they think they can do any damage in the playoffs. With the way the AL Central looks this year, there is still a major possibility they can win the division and sneak into the playoffs. However, do they want to go in with Joe Crede, Jose Contreras and Orlando Cabrera knowing they won't get very far? Or do they want to talk to other GM's and see what type of value they can get for these players and try to put the team in a better position to win the division next year or two years from now?


I'm for trading for the value. I don't think the White Sox are on the level of Boston or Anaheim or even Tampa Bay, Oakland or NYY. I wonder if they'd win a game in the post season. That said, I'm not sure if Crede or Cabrera will net the Sox any compensation picks in the draft (I think Cabrera does, but not Crede?), but I'd rather start building for the future with Fields at 3B, Alexei at SS, Richar at 2B, Anderson in CF and see what they can do (and let them build), and figure out how to get rid of and replace Dye, Konerko and Thome in the next few years.

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Crede could maybe net us type B comp. With the way Cabrera has been playing lately, we'd surely get type A for him. I'm all for trading Contreras whether we are in it or not. If Fields gets healthy quick and starts mashing, I'd consider Crede, but while we're in it, we should keep Crede.


If Konerko comes off of the DL mashing the ball, that might give us enough incentive to make a move involving Crede.

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QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 03:09 PM)
BS, his ERA is still under 4. a LOT of teams would take a chance with Jose right now.



Then get it done. He had a good run early in the season and is now back to being the BP pitcher he was all of last year.


I'd like to deal him for sure.

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QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 04:25 PM)
Then get it done. He had a good run early in the season and is now back to being the BP pitcher he was all of last year.


I'd like to deal him for sure.


He had a bad day throwing the fork ball and when that happens, he's bad. Let's not forget that it's Wrigley Field and the wind was blowing out. Even Dewayne Wise hit a homer.

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QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 05:38 PM)
He had a bad day throwing the fork ball and when that happens, he's bad. Let's not forget that it's Wrigley Field and the wind was blowing out. Even Dewayne Wise hit a homer.

But Dewayne Wise is the new 4th OFer for the White Sox. Didn't you hear?


I'm for trading Contreras, but I'm also for trading for Brian Roberts and making a run at it. I just don't want them to make some half assed move like trade for CoCo Crisp and limp into the playoffs with the same s*** offense we have right now and a band-aid. We've seen the Sox try that many times. Either go into buy mode or go into sell mode. Nothing inbetween.

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QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 04:25 PM)
Then get it done. He had a good run early in the season and is now back to being the BP pitcher he was all of last year.


I'd like to deal him for sure.

This is why the forums are unbearable during the Cubs/Sox series.


I mean, I'm all for bashing Contreras, but come on people, it was ONE start.

Edited by Felix
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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 01:22 AM)


I understand better overall team - I disagree with it, but that's not the point. How can you get less output and have more production? That does not logically make sense.

I'm not saying more production, I'm saying more productive. Whoever plays will be faster and probably have better at bats than Paulie. When he is cold we might as well have the pitcher hit.

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I can't stand the fact we got beat twice by the Cubs. We had plenty of chances to do some real damage especially in game 2 where we got plastered. I couldn't see how Guillen left Contreras in there for that kind of a beating. It seemed that from the start of that game he didn't have it at all. The Cubs beat us at our own game in game one with those 3 homers. Our bullpen went South just like it did in Tampa. Wed left runners in scoring position way to many times. But, I think I will hold back calling for heads to roll and players to get traded just yet.

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Amazing minor league development we have here. How does a guy like Ryan Sweeney go from not being able to adjust to inside pitching here, to poof a guy hitting .299 in another organization. I wonder what changes another team will make to Anderson when he gets run out of here. The talent is there, we just don't see that talent at the major league level.



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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 05:55 AM)
Amazing minor league development we have here. How does a guy like Ryan Sweeney go from not being able to adjust to inside pitching here, to poof a guy hitting .299 in another organization. I wonder what changes another team will make to Anderson when he gets run out of here. The talent is there, we just don't see that talent at the major league level.


Ryan Sweeney has a higher OPS than Nick Swisher....unless Sweeney was allowed to use an aluminum bat, I would have never seen this coming.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 10:55 PM)
Amazing minor league development we have here. How does a guy like Ryan Sweeney go from not being able to adjust to inside pitching here, to poof a guy hitting .299 in another organization. I wonder what changes another team will make to Anderson when he gets run out of here. The talent is there, we just don't see that talent at the major league level.


This reminds me, I have to update the Ryan Sweeney tracker.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 10:59 PM)
Funny, as you would probably see the same posts on Philly boards about Floyd, and on the Texas boards with Danks(I know he didn't pitch for them, but his AAA numbers weren't impressive in the least).


It goes both ways.

Maybe you could use that for Floyd, but Danks? Come on, the guy was either their no. 1 or 2 prospect for a couple of years and was a top 10 pick out of high school. The guy is just a good pitcher.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 22, 2008 -> 12:09 AM)
out of curiosity, anyone good with stats know our record vs. below .500 teams compared to .500 or above teams?


vs. .500 teams, they are 8-12. The rest, well, the math is pretty simple.

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QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 21, 2008 -> 11:09 PM)
Maybe I could use Floyd? Really? He has probably been Coops biggest success, outside of the Cy Loaiza season.


Danks was very mediocre in 2006 for AAA Oklahoma, and never came close to dominating anything above AA. He was always young for whatever league he was in, but he never put up eye popping numbers like a top 10 pick would be expected to.


Coop has done wonders with Floyd and Danks. The other one I forgot was Contreras. Think Yankee fans the last few years would have liked to have 2005-2006 Jose around?


I think Coop is the best in the business in fixing mechanics and turning around guys with cracked psyches.

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