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2008 White Sox Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (WISOX @ Jul 4, 2008 -> 11:13 AM)
I lost this place.

I haven't been in here since last season which sucked however, I'm still here waiting for my lifelong dream of seing us beat the Flubs in the WS in 4, 5, 6 or 7 games.




I sure wouldn't want to beat them in 8 games.

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With Konerko coming back Tuesday, Gonzalez writes that Swish, will of course, go back to CF.


With the way we have played since Kong went to the DL, it enforces that fact that Thome is clogging the line up. I like the platoon of BA and Wise in CF. I'd like Swisher to RF and DH Dye, personally.

Edited by Brian
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QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 4, 2008 -> 01:46 PM)
With Konerko coming back Tuesday, Gonzalez writes that Swish, will of course, go back to CF.


With the way we have played since Kong went to the DL, it enforces that fact that Thome is clogging the line up. I like the platoon of BA and Wise in CF. I'd like Swisher to RF and DH Dye, personally.


A healthy and productive Konerko can clog my bases any day of the week

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 5, 2008 -> 12:30 AM)
Paulie and Thome are big-time players.

They both need to play and both need to have great second halves if we are going to make the playoffs.



Even very good second halves would be enough. I have a feeling Paulie will turn it around and Jimmy seems to be already.

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With the combo of Wise and Anderson doing very good lately and the fact we need AT LEAST two backup infielders, I see Russell being the odd man out once Konerko returns.

Edited by BearSox
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I see Russell out as well. It's the only possible move.


Seriously folks, what is up with the Twins?? Did anybody see this coming this year? They are amazing. I thought it was possible the Royals might be the surprise this year, but the Twins? All they do of late is win.

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Its hard to believe that 2 of the toughest lefties in our division (Sabathia and Santana) are no longer in our division, and even better yet, not even in the same league anymore.

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jul 7, 2008 -> 08:59 AM)
Its hard to believe that 2 of the toughest lefties in our division (Sabathia and Santana) are no longer in our division, and even better yet, not even in the same league anymore.


Just remember, the toughest lefty is still in Chicago. :headbang

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I found this interesting. It's a video of a Carlos Quentin home run for the Diamondbacks in May of 2007. His crouch is nowhere near as deep or pronounced as it is now, and he appears 10 to 15 pounds lighter than he is this year. Maybe Walker deserves some credit for working with him, because his stance is noticeably different now.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 7, 2008 -> 09:17 PM)
I found this interesting. It's a video of a Carlos Quentin home run for the Diamondbacks in May of 2007. His crouch is nowhere near as deep or pronounced as it is now, and he appears 10 to 15 pounds lighter than he is this year. Maybe Walker deserves some credit for working with him, because his stance is noticeably different now.


the fact that Quentin is lighter (and rehabbing or about to rehab injuries) makes me want to air worries that would get me killed on these boards.


that, and his dentist-visit style interviewing.


these worries are definitely something i want lost in a Catch-All.

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Jul 8, 2008 -> 01:36 AM)
the fact that Quentin is lighter (and rehabbing or about to rehab injuries) makes me want to air worries that would get me killed on these boards.


that, and his dentist-visit style interviewing.


these worries are definitely something i want lost in a Catch-All.

Actually, I think he was saying that he was 10 to 15 pounds lighter THEN, not now.


Still, from what I have read, I think Carlos is one who is constantly messing with stances and swings anyway.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 8, 2008 -> 09:30 AM)
Actually, I think he was saying that he was 10 to 15 pounds lighter THEN, not now.


Still, from what I have read, I think Carlos is one who is constantly messing with stances and swings anyway.

yea thats how i read it too. there's still stuff we have no reliable test for..

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 9, 2008 -> 11:36 AM)
The two best expected win totals in MLB this year?


AL is the Sox at 54, NL is the Cubs at 55.


I keep trying to shake it off, but I keep getting a very strong feeling that the Sox and Cubs are destined to meet in the World Series this year. The hometown sweeps in the crosstown classic, the almost identical numbers in the head to head series, the way both teams are playing. It just seems like it is supposed to be this way this year.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 9, 2008 -> 01:56 PM)
Maybe kyle, but the odds are so slim of us both even making the playoffs.

Sox, Tigers and Twins will be in a war all season.

Cubs will probably win that division going away.






The Sox are at an 83% chance of making the playoffs. The Cubs are at a almost-guaranteed 93%. Together, that's a 77% chance of them both making it; that's not very slim.

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Chicago Tribune Live - enjoying listening to Kaplan for once, who said Kenny did an amazing job this offseason (says one columnist in town keeps on constantly taking shots at the organization).


Kaplan also said Dye should be in the all-star game and Fukudome being a starter is a joke.

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