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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 08:30 PM)
Looks like we're the soxtalk Diet Team. Let's start the diet riot now, yeah my rhyme sucked, but I had to "try it." lol sorry but this is a cool thread.

That reminds me... I've been tempted to do what Mr. Eye did, and put a goal, regimen and updated results in my sig, as a motivator.


Anyone else willing to do that?


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Started around 245, dropped to 235, but I have been working out alot and added a few pounds to that. Trying to slim down to 225 by the March/April time for my season, as I am carrying around way too much weight, and I really dont want to waste my senior year and possibly last real time of baseball for me. Ive always been a big kid, family history of diabetes/horrid metabolism but really just staying away from the sweets is the biggest thing for me. Plus my knees have already started to really hurt somedays, right in the joints, and I hope that losing wight plus adding muscle to the leg areas (even though I am fairly strong now) will improve that condition and hopefully atleast prevent more pain from occuring in the future.


Does anybody know if diet pop is bad for you? I know it doesnt have any calories but I think I heard that it gets ya in another way.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 08:31 PM)
Alpha Dog, if it makes you feel better, I hit my high weight last year and it was a little more than your 255. I'm 6'3", and I topped out at 263. Yikes. Dropped to 241 by the fall, then had an ankle injury AND started travelling for work all the time. Weight jumped back to 255-ish, which is where I'm at now.


I usually can get some good workouts going without a problem, and drop weight pretty fast that way. My problem is diet - I need a bit more self-discipline in that area. I could get down to my goal weight range of 200-210 by the end of 2008, if I could have a halfway decent diet and workout a few days a week. I just need to get motivated and do it.


Which is why, much as I love Chicago, I hate living here in winter. I don't know about all the rest of you, but, when the weather is decent (doesn't even have to be great), I get outside a walk, run, bike, play sports, and generally stay in better shape. I think I need to move to Phoenix or something.

Yeah, I lose a little more in the summer, alot just because I sweat! But I am also outside with my kids, and there is always yardwork to do.


As for the not eating late, for me it is that if I am eating after 9pm, it is because I am sitting in fron t of the TV or computer, and before I know it, whatever Iwas eating is gone, like, the whole bag/box/package of whatever it was. So i just stop tempting myself at night. If I can keep up the self discipline to stay away from fast food and stuff for another month, then I will go on to more substitutions and exercise. I am only 6ft tall, but have always been a bigger guy. I played my sports fine at 200 lbs, and was even pretty good when I was as high as 220. No goal yet, but it will be close to that last number.

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I dropped nearly 40 pounds the year the Sox won the WS. Due to some family and work situations, in 2006, I slowed down going to the gym and was eating out more. I put it all back on. I am trying again and down 10 since New Years. I actually enjoy working out. It's the eating that is hard. Mon - Thurs, no problems. The weekends are killers. Then before you know it, there are birthdays, baptisms, and everything else to throw you off. The other night it took me 2-1/2 hours to get to work and the same to get home. I woke up at 4:30 to snowblow the driveway before that and had to do it again when I got home. No excuses, but cooking a light meal was not going to happen that night. Oh well, I am trying.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 04:34 PM)
I'm the complete opposite, I need to put weight on. My family's always been pretty small though.


So I'm trying to eat a lot more protein, and hoping that makes a bit of a difference.

same here, i'm a stick and don't have a big appetite, so it's been a struggle.

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No s***.... anyone that has mentioned in this thread that they need to gain weight should be locked out!


I have no clue how to do a sig, but if enough people will commit I will do so too. I weigh myself every Friday morning. I am the large guy in the group so I need the most help.


For the record, I am 5'9 and 349. I carry it as well as you can as no one would guess I am that heavy. Most guess 250-275. As I said, my sophomore year in college I was pitching somewhere between 180-190. The lowest I can actually recall weighing is 181. I just recently bought a scale with enough capacity to know how much I weigh. It has been a long time since even a doctor's office scale went high enough to tell me. I have no clue what my highest weight has been, but I'd guess it was near 375. On Jan 5th I started at 362.8.


All at the same time, one big collective.......... wow

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 4, 2008 -> 11:18 PM)
5'9", 130 +/- 5 since high school...certain times during the summer I've actually got down to between 120 and 125 due to sweat loss while umping baseball.


On a more serious note, good luck to all in here, I think helping each other out is a good way to stay motivated.



Yes, we're all in this together. Doesn't matter if you want to lose 5 lbs or 505 lbs, we should help each other be motivated.

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I'm on a college diet. Basically, I've been eating ridiculously healthy for a while now but since I got back to school alcohol has been seriously added to that, but oh well, that's how it has to be.


I'm in decent shape but I'm trying to get into really good shape so I can get back to playing basketball at a high level(sounds lame but it's the truth). Anyone got recommendations on good dinner foods besides fish and chicken? Because I'm really starting to get tired of fish and chicken.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 5, 2008 -> 12:03 AM)
I'm on a college diet. Basically, I've been eating ridiculously healthy for a while now but since I got back to school alcohol has been seriously added to that, but oh well, that's how it has to be.


I'm in decent shape but I'm trying to get into really good shape so I can get back to playing basketball at a high level(sounds lame but it's the truth). Anyone got recommendations on good dinner foods besides fish and chicken? Because I'm really starting to get tired of fish and chicken.


Have you tried said foods in nugget form? ;)

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6'6, 225. Dec. 2006, I was at 199 and in great baseball shape. I'd love to get back down under 200 and be that lean pitching machine again. Unfortunately, eating right in college is kinda tough. I've been going to the gym pretty regularly of late, but haven't been eating to healthy...and alcohol doesn't help anything.

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OK, I've got my numbers in my sig now. I need to lose 48 pounds this year - and since there are about 47 weeks left in the year, that's almost exactly a pound a week. Or alternately, its a 3000 calorie deficit each week. If I do this by diet change AND working out, it should be healthy weight loss.


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I just try and eat decent. I won't eat in such a way that will keep me from enjoying life. I like soda, a lot. So I limit myself to 1 can a day and many days I don't have any. But I won't keep myself from enjoying it. I LOVE popcorn, so I do popcorn once a week. REAL popcorn, not that microwave crap, or movie theater or bagged popcorn. REAL stuff. I also won't eat at McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, whatever. If I need fast food, or must resort to it, I go to a local joint (Tommy's for a Gyro last night).


In the end, I am in pretty good health (my cholesterol is outstanding according to my doc). Just don't be a pig is my rule to myself, and try and keep moving to some degree.

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The funny thing is when you are fat its really not that difficult to drop 20 pounds.I just have to not eat like a freaking pig but still being able to eat good food.Its difficult when you drop some weight and you want to drop more for a really lean and cut look is whats hard.

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Posting from my blackberry on the road so I can't add too much but here is a quick tip that I use a lot for curbing eating. When you make or purchase a meal somewhere, hopefully a decently healthy one, eat HALF of it and save the other half for your next meal or split it in to two snacks. Most portions nowadays are ridiculously huge, bagels have even doubled in size. If you spread out the meals, and reduce the size your metabolism with still stay high, and your calorie intake will not increase. This also curbs binging.


For travelers like myself who eat out a lot, this is a good technique, or if you feel too lazy to bring your lunch. Ill do this with a subway sandiwch or a jimmy johns sandwich. Ill eat half for lunch, save the second half for dinner and add a small salad or some fruit.

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