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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 12:55 PM)
Knowing that the KKK and other wack-job groups use that book to justify their extreme hatred, I don't think its very ignorant. I think that book is dangerous. And this coming from someone who went to catholic grade school, high school, and a jesuit university and got an A in an Islam class. I think my years of experience in life and school give me plenty of background to make such a statement.


And I'm a big fan of Seventeen. Good stuff.


That's akin to saying all White Sox fans are coked out whack jobs because Ligue attacked an umpire.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 01:35 PM)
I was asking for your personal definition. If you can't define a word, maybe you shouldn't claim to understand it. Because, clearly, you have no idea what respect is.


(oo) What you want

(oo) Baby, I got

(oo) What you need

(oo) Do you know I got it?

(oo) All I'm askin'

(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)

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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 12:55 PM)
Knowing that the KKK and other wack-job groups use that book to justify their extreme hatred, I don't think its very ignorant. I think that book is dangerous. And this coming from someone who went to catholic grade school, high school, and a jesuit university and got an A in an Islam class. I think my years of experience in life and school give me plenty of background to make such a statement.


And I'm a big fan of Seventeen. Good stuff.


Take away the Bible and the KKK would just find something else to justify their extreme hatred. They would just move on to Darwinism and say that Darwin proved that whites were more evolved than blacks or something equally ridiculous.


Rock, Heavy Metal, Rap and many other types of music have all been blamed for some pretty bad things too, would we be better off without music as well? Soxtalk has probably caused some people to justify their extreme hatred for the cubs, cub fans and Jay Marrioti, Maybe it should be shut down.

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For you, no difference at all. It would be difficult for some to understand why In God We Trust is on our currency and not In Seventeen We Trust. It would probably be difficult for some to understand why we formally used a Bible to swear in witnesses in court, instead of an issue of Seventeen Magazine. Perhaps centuries from now, Seventeen will have the same impact on history that the Bible has. I doubt it, but for those that can't see the difference, they probably would believe it.

'In God we Trust" on our currency, swearing on a Bible, and "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegience are mistakes based on the core of our constitution yet people like you use it as an example how we should incorporated God into our daily lives and Governments. I'll have you know I finally started taking a black sharpie to "God" on the back of each of my dollar bills and I don't respect "God Bless America" like I do with the National Anthem.


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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 12:56 PM)
'In God we Trust" on our currency, swearing on a Bible, and "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegience are mistakes based on the core of our constitution yet people like you use it as an example how we should incorporated God into our daily lives and Governments. I'll have you know I finally started taking a black sharpie to "God" on the back of each of my dollar bills and I don't respect "God Bless America" like I do with the National Anthem.



sweet, defacing US currency. The Feds are on their way.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 11:56 AM)
'In God we Trust" on our currency, swearing on a Bible, and "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegience are mistakes based on the core of our constitution yet people like you use it as an example how we should incorporated God into our daily lives and Governments. I'll have you know I finally started taking a black sharpie to "God" on the back of each of my dollar bills and I don't respect "God Bless America" like I do with the National Anthem.

No, I was using it as an example to show that the Bible is different then Seventeen Magazine.


All that work? And you comment on religious people? Keep marking them bills. :lolhitting

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sweet, defacing US currency. The Feds are on their way.



Would you have a problem if they released an "In Allah we Trust" version for our Muslim citizens?


At the height of the Cold War, when the U.S. faced the threat of atheistic communism, the phrase made its way onto paper currency, appearing first on Oct. 1, 1957. The move came one year after a joint resolution passed by the 84th Congress declared "In God We Trust" the national motto of the United States.

Wasn't that around the same time they added "Under God" to the POA?

Edited by santo=dorf
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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 12:33 PM)


Would you have a problem if they released an "In Allah we Trust" version for our Muslim citizens?

Defacement of Currency


Defacement of currency is a violation of Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code. Under this provision, currency defacement is generally defined as follows: Whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, Federal Reserve Bank, or Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such item(s) unfit to be reissued, shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.


Defacement of currency in such a way that it is made unfit for circulation comes under the jurisdiction of the United States Secret Service. Their mailing address is:


United States Secret Service

950 H Street, NW

Washington, DC 20223.


The United States Secret Service web address is http://www.secretservice.gov.


Since you can continue to use the bill, what you, and wheresgeorge.com is doing is legal. Keep buying them sharpies and crossing that out. Do you use different colors or stick to a nice black? Nice hobby :lolhitting



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Since you can continue to use the bill, what you, and wheresgeorge.com is doing is legal. Keep buying them sharpies and crossing that out. Do you use different colors or stick to a nice black? Nice hobby :lolhitting

Go back and read my original post as I've indicated which color sharpie I use. I'm not paying for the sharpies, I'm not the only one doing it, and it takes me all of 5 seconds to do. That's a considerable less amount of time than having to wake up early and spend an hour at church every Sunday in one of my previous "hobbies." :lolhitting

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 12:43 PM)
Go back and read my original post as I've indicated which color sharpie I use. I'm not paying for the sharpies, I'm not the only one doing it, and it takes me all of 5 seconds to do. That's a considerable less amount of time than having to wake up early and spend an hour at church every Sunday in one of my previous "hobbies." :lolhitting


Are you taking a file to the coins also? What a giant waste of time, but if it makes you feel better. :lolhitting :wacko:


5 seconds, guess you don't have many bills. ;)

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Are you taking a file to the coins also? What a giant waste of time, but if it makes you feel better. :lolhitting :wacko:


5 seconds, guess you don't have many bills. ;)

The Coins will have to go to the grinder, but that would be a time waster as few people really look at their coins as much as their bills. People like to show of the 9/11 WTC attack on a $20 bill and "Tits of Erica" than do a silly coin trick. :P


..and since I do alot of my payments by plastic and debit cards, I have the same $20 bills sitting in my wallet for up to weeks at a time. ;)

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 12:52 PM)
The Coins will have to go to the grinder, but that would be a time waster as few people really look at their coins as much as their bills. People like to show of the 9/11 WTC attack on a $20 bill and "Tits of Erica" than do a silly coin trick. :P


..and since I do alot of my payments by plastic and debit cards, I have the same $20 bills sitting in my wallet for up to weeks at a time. ;)

Get yourself a Dremel tool. this is important.


So marking those bills do not have too much effect. Maybe you could try an additional approach.

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Get yourself a Dremel tool. this is important.


So marking those bills do not have too much effect. Maybe you could try an additional approach.

You mean be like this guy? http://quasisemi.com/wp/about/in-god-we-trust/ (Interesting read)


I imagine the ACLU has already been involved with this as in that other link they mentioned how they were fighting the state of Indiana for putting "in God we trust" on the license plates.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 12:33 PM)
Wasn't that around the same time they added "Under God" to the POA?


The pledge wasn't written until the 20th century, during the 10's or 20's IIRC. "Under God" was added during the "Red Scare" to help seperate Americans from the Godless commies.


This country has a motto - E Pluribus Unum

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 13, 2008 -> 01:58 PM)
You mean be like this guy? http://quasisemi.com/wp/about/in-god-we-trust/ (Interesting read)


I imagine the ACLU has already been involved with this as in that other link they mentioned how they were fighting the state of Indiana for putting "in God we trust" on the license plates.



an uneducated read too. Zzzzzzzzzz


Jefferson wrote the "seperation of church and state" in a private letter, not a public document, to a church (Moravians, I believe) to assure them that no ONE church would be the state church, as was the case in most foreign countries. (the reason why people came to America).



Whatever your "God" is...I know you trust in him. Whether your God is the one true God, Money, or as it seems in your case, your ego, We all trust in something or some concept larger than ourselves.


If you want to impress your clearly awesome friends with your clearly awesome dollar defacing abilities, more power to you.

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If you want to impress your clearly awesome friends with your clearly awesome dollar defacing abilities, more power to you.

That's not the motivation behind.


Why are you so stubborn and arrogant when it comes to this kind of stuff? I realize a comment was made earlier comparing the Bible to Seventeen magazine, but I don't think your snarky comments comments would be appreciated by the heavenly father.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 12:09 PM)
That's not the motivation behind.


Why are you so stubborn and arrogant when it comes to this kind of stuff? I realize a comment was made earlier comparing the Bible to Seventeen magazine, but I don't think your snarky comments comments would be appreciated by the heavenly father.



Probably not, but Grace exceeds my snarky remarks. So it's covered.


I just think taking a black marker to a bill and celebrating this with friends is a childish endevour at best. Unless you truly believe that someone is going to look at a bill and go...."wait...this black mark on this bill has really got me thinking...maybe we as a nation really DON'T trust in God....maybe I don't believe in God at all....yeah, that's right, I'm an atheist now because of this black mark over "In God We Trust"....phew, thanks random leftist currency graffiti guy...the blinders have been removed because of your bold move!"


please. It's an exercise to show your "superior intellect" and "prove a point".



and since I manage a bank branch, I think I'm going to enact a rule today that everyone at the branch has to sit and underline "God" on all the bills.


I win. :usa

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Just witness where we go and what we say when tragedy strikes. We are a nation of faith. It may not be all the same and we may worship different higher powers, but we do have faith. That transcends some markings on a dollar bill, actually it transcends those words even when we can read it.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 14, 2008 -> 12:55 PM)
Just witness where we go and what we say when tragedy strikes. We are a nation of faith. It may not be all the same and we may worship different higher powers, but we do have faith. That transcends some markings on a dollar bill, actually it transcends those words even when we can read it.


Right, "Trust" or faith rather, is why we as a nation oppose waterboarding and cruel actions that other countries do not. It's why we have the Superbowl and NASCAR. ok, I couldn't think of anything else... just kidding about NASCAR.

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