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Hooray, lost 5 lbs this week!


After doing horribly and gaining a pound last week I tried really hard to have a good week. Of course, the big local annual seafood festival is this Sunday, so that's going to be trouble. Then my wedding anniversary the following weekend is going to be a tough hurdle as well, so I better lose what I can while I can.


Good luck everybody else on your weigh-ins! :headbang

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Feb 22, 2008 -> 07:43 AM)
Nothing this week. Zip. Nada. However, that is better than a gain.


Which is exactly what I did this week. Gained freakin two+ pounds!


Some days I am just weak, I admit it.

Edited by Rex Hudler
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Okay I didn't do much this week but it begins today. I lost one pound this week. Sorry about the sob story but keep in mind that I am really very optimistic.


The next month is going to be hell for me. I am going to push myself to the limit, but hopefully avoid injury. I am f***ing miserable right now. I dumped my wemuns for being too flirtatious with other guys. She had like 5 guys try to kiss her and couldn't keep her stories straight, long story short I'm better off without her and wish her the best. Its her own fault for making us exclusive, I didn't want that.


On to my day.


Woke up at 2 am, couldn't sleep. Had crazy dreams, so f***ing vivid I would wake up and still think I was in them.


Ate a round steak. No salt, no spice. Just plain steak. It was nasty but I'm no longer eating for flavor, just to keep a high metabolism. Ate a bunch of raw spinach like a horse as per my usual routine. That actually tasted better than the steak to be honest.


15 minutes ago(30 upon edit, this s*** took a while to write) I took my ECA stack. 24 mg of ephedrine, a 200 mg pill of caffeine, 324 mg of aspirin. I take 4 baby aspirin because supposedly it makes its way into the intestine before the aspirin is exposed to the stomach due to the coating, therefore avoiding damage to the stomach lining.


At 5:00 am I will walk my dog for half an hour briskly.


At 5:30 am I will run on the elliptical while listening to a book on tape called getting unstuck by Pema Chödrön, an American bhikshuni. I wish I could actually read while running. I just can't focus plus I use my finger to help me read faster.


At 7:00 am I will hit the heavy bag for an hour.


8:00 am its time strengthen my core, how do I do that? Pilates. I'm telling you guys Pilates is f***ing awesome. I feel like a new man after a 30 minute workout. I imagine its how a person feels after getting an adjustment at the chiropractor, though I've never been.


At 8:30 am its time for another dog walk, a quick one 15 minutes. Then its time for a meal and shower. Probably a chicken breast and broccoli.


At 9:00 am its time to meditate on my day thus far and my future schedule for the coming two months while I do laundry and tidy up a bit.


That should take up most of the day, so you may find me on here posting posts between laundry loads.


I need major changes in my life. They start today. On a good note, my friend, this girl who I almost got with is moving back from cali on wednesday. I've never done anything more than make out with her, because she always had a boyfriend or I had a girlfriend, and she is kind of a slut, but hey, I think that might be what I need right now. Something purely physical and without stress.


So the short version is I lost a pound. Probably more than you wanted to know but I think its interesting enough to post. I'm dropping the goal weight 5 more lbs too.


Start weight: 210

Current weight: 209

Goal weight: 170


Weight to lose 39 lbs

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I am almost guaranteeing a 2 lb loss today. I ate extremely healthy, no simple carbs. Just lean meat and the greenest of veggies st 2.5 hour intervals in small portions. I took whole food vitamins, krill oil, flax seed oil, and an ECM stack, all metabolism boosters. I ate very little salt so I will retain less water. I did 72 minutes of intense cardio and took the dog for an hour walk through the forest preserve. I'm tempted to work out a bit more, but I think I'll change my mind and rest so I can do something similar tomorrow.

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I thought I'd post my supplements for those curious. I do feel weird taking literally handfuls of pills a day, though most of them are natural, rather common items and have a purpose. I'll preface this by saying I am a former boxer and have worked with a few dietitians in the past but I have no accreditations myself and this should be taken for what its worth. So on to the long list:

  • 3 pills of 8 mg Ephedrine- Can be terribly abused, but is a good weight lost aid when taken with care. People have died from taking it, causing an FDA ban on its use when specifically marketed as a dietary supplement. Its still available as a bronchial dilator. Most of the people who died were idiots about their use. They either took literally 10 times as much as I do per dose, or had pre existing heart problems. Ephedrine is proven to help aid weight loss, unlike drugs that used to have ephedrine in them but now don't, like Xenadrine for example.
  • 1 pill of 200 mg caffeine- Works with the ephedrine to increase metabolism. I'm not a fan of coffee.
  • 4 pills of 82 mg baby aspirin- Makes the effects of the caffeine and ephedrine longer lasting. The combination of the three supplements is known as an ECA stack and is basically what the FDA banned when combined together.
  • 3 pills of whole food vitamins- Supposedly the only effectively absorbed vitamins, according to the sources I've read are whole food vitamins. Unfortunately they are quite expensive, usually $40 for a months worth. You're still quite literally pissing most of your money away and need to get your vitamins from actual food.
  • 2 pills of krill oil- The benefits of omega 3 fatty acids are numerous. More common than the krill oil I take, is fish oil. Both are great for increasing your metabolism, likely about 400 calories a day, promoting healthy brain function, and aiding joint health. I prefer the krill oil, though its more expensive, again, because the body absorbs it more easily
  • 2 pills of flax seed oil- Another source of omega 3s. Not even really sure why I take different kinds, I read about it once and it seemed like a good idea, so I went with it. Can't seem to recall why its good to get some of it from a non fish source as well. In fact, I'm just going from memory in this post and probably left out numerous benefits of many of the supplements.
  • 2 pills of apple cider vinegar- Most people just drink it, I think that's nasty so I take the pills. The main benefit here is muscle recovery. Your muscles are able to transport waste and thereby recover faster by taking it post work out. Its also an antioxidant.
  • 2 pills of milk thistle- Just promotes healthy liver function. I used to drink too much alcohol. That's how I got fat.

So I take 19 pills a day. Kind of a pain in the ass really but it lets me do a lot of damage to my body day after day without injury. On a good week I can lose 10 pounds, though I realize that it isn't very healthy. These are just what I take when the goal is to lose fat. When I am trying to gain strength, I take a few more supplements as muscle fatigue and recovery becomes even more important. I, of course, drop the ECA stack during those times.

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QUOTE(max power @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 04:00 PM)
[*]3 pills of 8 mg Ephedrine- Can be terribly abused, but is a good weight lost aid when taken with care. People have died from taking it, causing an FDA ban on its use when specifically marketed as a dietary supplement. Its still available as a bronchial dilator. Most of the people who died were idiots about their use. They either took literally 10 times as much as I do per dose, or had pre existing heart problems. Ephedrine is proven to help aid weight loss, unlike drugs that used to have ephedrine in them but now don't, like Xenadrine for example.

[*]1 pill of 200 mg caffeine- Works with the ephedrine to increase metabolism. I'm not a fan of coffee.


I take the same ephedrine/caffeine combo as well


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QUOTE(Shadows @ Feb 23, 2008 -> 04:02 PM)
I take the same ephedrine/caffeine combo as well

A lot of people I keep in touch with take only those two, skipping the aspirin. They aren't really looking to lose that much weight though; they just like the energy it gives them during their workouts. Those who are really after weight loss should probably, imo, take baby aspirin with it. People seem to shy away from the aspirin because of the stomach bleeding it causes. I was skeptical at first that simple coating on it would prevent it from severely upsetting my stomach, but it does. The coating on the baby aspirin keeps it from being absorbed until it reaches the intestines. As to what harm it does to the intestines, that's another story. Personally my experience has been nothing but good in the past. This isn't the first time I've used an ECA stack to lose weight, obviously. I lost 30 lbs about 6 months ago but gained it all back.

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Depends. Do you already drink coffee? If so you might not notice much of a difference, you'll just feel a little hotter/sweatier for about 6 hours.


I don't drink coffee hardly ever, so it makes me a little uncomfortable at times. Really, just a little jittery like I had two cups of joe. One I can handle easily. Two is a little too much for me. I wouldn't want to give a speech while on it or take a test but for a normal day, it doesn't make much of a difference to me. I still feel a little warmer all day too.

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Sometimes it hits me real hard too. I like to take it with a small breakfast, then wait two hours before working out. That seems to keep the jitters down to a tolerable level. If you take that s*** on an empty stomach you will be very anxious. Unfortunately that means waking up at 2 am for me, that way I can be ready to work out at 4 and get ready for work at 7 am. So basically meditating, working out, and work are my entire life. I lost 2 lbs yesterday. If all goes well I'll only have to do it for a month and a half, or I can relax when I get down to 180, and just do the cardio, and drop the ECA stack.

Edited by max power
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The simplest effective advice I can give is:


Habit 1: Eat every 2-3 hours.


Habit 2: Eat complete, lean protein with each feeding opportunity.


Habit 3: Eat vegetables with each feeding opportunity.


Habit 4: Eat veggies/fruits with any meal. Eat "other carbs" only after exercise.


Habit 5: Eat healthy fats daily.


Habit 6: Don't drink beverages (soda, beer, etc.) with more than 0 calories. Drink water. Lots of it. Even when you aren't thirsty.


Habit 7: Eat whole foods whenever possible.

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Going to be an uphill battle to have a good weigh-in this week, seeing as I pigged out as expected at the seafood festival yesterday.


Big Fatty had himself:


• 3 deviled crabs (basically crab cakes)

• clams and linguini in butter and garlic

• fried calamari

• fried scallops

• grilled shrimp

• fried oysters

• New England clam chowder

• steamed clams with butter

• 4 fest-sized 32 oz draft amber ales from the local brewery


:crying :crying


Oh, wait. I also had a diet Coke in there somewhere, so that should offset all of that, right?



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I lost another 2 lbs yesterday. Seems like the first fifteen just fall off me in about 10 days, then I give up, satisfied. I have to try not to do that this time.


Going out to breakfast with my ex. Restaurants kill me. Hopefully I'll have some restraint.

Edited by max power
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