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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 04:47 PM)
It's been a hell of a first week for me so far. I've never eaten so healthy before in my life. I'm on these cookies n cream meal-replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch (I only eat fruit in between the shakes). My dinner basically consists of any combination of tuna, fish, baked chicken, multiple veggies, vegetable soup and plenty of salad. I've consumed more water in the last week than any other human being on earth.


I've been doing high-intensity cardio every day for a week. I've worked out at Bally's a combined 16 hours in the last 3 days. I'm tired and sore as hell. But I haven't felt this good in a while. I'm sure I've lost 5 pounds or so (atleast I feel like I have). But like I said earlier, I don't plan on checking until New Years day.


Please tell me you're exaggerating. That probably working out too much. You risk over-training or burning out working out that much. But it seems like you have found a good diet plan. But if you feel you can work out that much and not have negative effects, then continue.


Also, another good snack food is cottage cheese. There are fat free types, but in my experience they taste horrible, so I have like 1% cottage cheese, there is some fat, but it's very small. It's a great snack with lots of protein for helping in those workouts.

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QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 10:01 PM)
Please tell me you're exaggerating. That probably working out too much. You risk over-training or burning out working out that much. But it seems like you have found a good diet plan. But if you feel you can work out that much and not have negative effects, then continue.


Also, another good snack food is cottage cheese. There are fat free types, but in my experience they taste horrible, so I have like 1% cottage cheese, there is some fat, but it's very small. It's a great snack with lots of protein for helping in those workouts.


Not at all. 9-3 on Wednesday. 8:30-1:30 yesterday and today. I'm pretty much obsessed right now. I want to get this s*** off asap. I've got another big time motivation in that I have a HS reunion coming up in May. I want to dominate. Cottage cheese? I'm open to pretty much anything. But yuck!


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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 10:43 PM)
Not at all. 9-3 on Wednesday. 8:30-1:30 yesterday and today. I'm pretty much obsessed right now. I want to get this s*** off asap. I've got another big time motivation in that I have a HS reunion coming up in May. I want to dominate. Cottage cheese? I'm open to pretty much anything. But yuck!

More power too ya, haha. Yeah cottage cheese! I think it's pretty much tasteless, and sort of like skim milk the bad taste can go away after a few servings. Try it!

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QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 11:37 PM)
More power too ya, haha. Yeah cottage cheese! I think it's pretty much tasteless, and sort of like skim milk the bad taste can go away after a few servings. Try it!


I think I'm gonna take your advice. I'll do whatever it takes to get this crap off.


Anyway, another 5 hours put in today. I don't know how I'm doing this. I feel really good right now. I just hope it lasts. I'm tempted to take a peak at the scale. But I'll be pissed off if I haven't lost at least 5 pounds.


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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 15, 2008 -> 03:47 PM)
I think I'm gonna take your advice. I'll do whatever it takes to get this crap off.


Anyway, another 5 hours put in today. I don't know how I'm doing this. I feel really good right now. I just hope it lasts. I'm tempted to take a peak at the scale. But I'll be pissed off if I haven't lost at least 5 pounds.


First of all, what the hell are you doing at the gym for that amount of time? What are your workouts consisting of?


Second, i'd definitely recommend you weighing yourself, but doing so no more than once a week, preferrably in the morning. I choose Friday mornings because I am most likely to splurge with fattening foods on the weekend and stay disciplined. Your weight will fluctuate during the week, so don't be tempeted. But you don't want to wait until New Year's. Celebrate your successes, but don't get your panties in a wad if you gain a pound or two in a particular week. Consistency and the long term is what you are trying to accomplish.


Lastly, plan on cheating on said diet. Mix in a high calorie meal that you are craving at least once a week, preferrably the day or the day after you weigh in. A high calorie meal will keep your metabolism honest, and keep it from adapting to what you are doing. Your metabolism will adapt to the food you put into your body.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 16, 2008 -> 10:48 AM)
First of all, what the hell are you doing at the gym for that amount of time? What are your workouts consisting of?


Extreme cardio. I start out with 200 jumping jacks, followed by about 10 minutes of intense stretching. I then hit up the stair master, stationary bike and some machine called the precor for 35 minutes each. Then I head over to the treadmill for 2 hours and 10 minutes. Then I run stairs and do quite a bit of lap swimming. Add in about 20 minutes of sauna time and you have about 5 hours. I know it's a lot. But I seem to be able to handle it.


It's funny, the guy at the front desk says I won't be recognizable in about 2 months if I keep this pace up.


Second, i'd definitely recommend you weighing yourself, but doing so no more than once a week, preferrably in the morning. I choose Friday mornings because I am most likely to splurge with fattening foods on the weekend and stay disciplined. Your weight will fluctuate during the week, so don't be tempeted. But you don't want to wait until New Year's. Celebrate your successes, but don't get your panties in a wad if you gain a pound or two in a particular week. Consistency and the long term is what you are trying to accomplish.


I'm not like you, Rex. I'm REAL sensitive right now. If I were to lose let's say 5 pounds in a week only to gain 3 back the next week, I'd go crazy. I'd probably get discouraged and give up. lol. I'm that fragile right now. I've never been over 200 pounds until I started drinking every day. So this is new for me. That's why I ain't doin' no cheat days. I'll feel too guilty.


Lastly, plan on cheating on said diet. Mix in a high calorie meal that you are craving at least once a week, preferrably the day or the day after you weigh in. A high calorie meal will keep your metabolism honest, and keep it from adapting to what you are doing. Your metabolism will adapt to the food you put into your body.


Again, I'm extremely fragile right now. I'm getting by with what I'm eating now. So I'm gonna stick with it at least until maybe Christmas. That would be the earliest I would cheat. Thanks again for your input.

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Jordan, just remember that while doing an extreme plan may work, it will increase the likelihood the weight will come back once your lifestyle changes. I understand where you are coming from, I would just warn you to mix in a little normalcy so that you can better transition to be able to maintain your new weight. Aside from that, keep up the good work. I hope you get where you want to be.


As far as me, I've been stuck right at 100 lbs for about two weeks and it has frustrated me. Nonetheless, I weighed myself this morning expecting to see the same and was surprised that I had lost 6 pounds this week to get down to 256, making the total loss 106 pounds. I'm hoping I can lose 2-3 this week before Thanksgiving so I can be close to the 110 lb goal I set.

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Jordan, here is a little thing I picked off a website I get daily tidbits from. I would definitely make sure you are getting enough calories (I think sometimes I am (guilty of not getting enough) and this is the exact reason I suggest cheat meals periodiccally. You have to make sure you don't allow your metabolism to adapt to what you are doing. I'm not sure how heavy you are, but I would suggest a minimum of 1500-1700 calories a day. With the workouts you are doing, in all honesty you probably need 2000-2250/day. Otherwise you are really going to eat into your lean muscle tissue and your body can break down due to fatigue, renedering your workouts much less effective.



Are You Eating Enough? I know this isn't what you're used to hearing this time of year, but it's important to make sure everyone's got it straight. You're all trying not to go over your allotted calorie amounts for the week, but how many of you aren't eating enough calories? It may seem like a bright idea to cut a hundred or so calories from your diet each day, but that's a dangerous — and incorrect — assessment of your dietary needs. It is absolutely 100 percent essential to eat enough calories! If you don't, it will destroy your metabolism. It's like telling your body that you're starving. If your body thinks it's starving, your metabolism will shut down. Not eating enough calories will also force the body to cannibalize muscle and hold on to fat. The body considers muscle to be expendable during periods of starvation, and it considers fat to be necessary to insulate your organs for survival. Finally, a deficit of daily calories will lead to a horrible cycle of yo-yo dieti

ng. You'll starve yourself and end up losing muscle, and when you begin to eat the right amount of calories, your body will pack on the pounds in anticipation of another "famine."

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 05:41 AM)
Jordan, just remember that while doing an extreme plan may work, it will increase the likelihood the weight will come back once your lifestyle changes. I understand where you are coming from, I would just warn you to mix in a little normalcy so that you can better transition to be able to maintain your new weight. Aside from that, keep up the good work. I hope you get where you want to be.


I understand that. That's why I don't really plan on changing anything once I do get all this weight off. It actually feels good to eat healthy and feel healthy. I want this to be a lifestyle thing. Not something that's temporary. I had consumed so much beer in the last year that it made me lazy and hungry all the time (I can't even count how many times I would go get Mcdonalds or Burger King at 2 in the morning, scarf, then pass out). I ain't ever goin' back to that. And thanks for the support.


As far as me, I've been stuck right at 100 lbs for about two weeks and it has frustrated me. Nonetheless, I weighed myself this morning expecting to see the same and was surprised that I had lost 6 pounds this week to get down to 256, making the total loss 106 pounds. I'm hoping I can lose 2-3 this week before Thanksgiving so I can be close to the 110 lb goal I set.


Amazing. Keep it up. What's your goal weight by the way?


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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 04:43 PM)
Jordan, here is a little thing I picked off a website I get daily tidbits from. I would definitely make sure you are getting enough calories (I think sometimes I am (guilty of not getting enough) and this is the exact reason I suggest cheat meals periodiccally. You have to make sure you don't allow your metabolism to adapt to what you are doing. I'm not sure how heavy you are, but I would suggest a minimum of 1500-1700 calories a day. With the workouts you are doing, in all honesty you probably need 2000-2250/day. Otherwise you are really going to eat into your lean muscle tissue and your body can break down due to fatigue, renedering your workouts much less effective.




Are You Eating Enough? I know this isn't what you're used to hearing this time of year, but it's important to make sure everyone's got it straight. You're all trying not to go over your allotted calorie amounts for the week, but how many of you aren't eating enough calories? It may seem like a bright idea to cut a hundred or so calories from your diet each day, but that's a dangerous — and incorrect — assessment of your dietary needs. It is absolutely 100 percent essential to eat enough calories! If you don't, it will destroy your metabolism. It's like telling your body that you're starving. If your body thinks it's starving, your metabolism will shut down. Not eating enough calories will also force the body to cannibalize muscle and hold on to fat. The body considers muscle to be expendable during periods of starvation, and it considers fat to be necessary to insulate your organs for survival. Finally, a deficit of daily calories will lead to a horrible cycle of yo-yo dieti

ng. You'll starve yourself and end up losing muscle, and when you begin to eat the right amount of calories, your body will pack on the pounds in anticipation of another "famine."


You're absolutely right@Rex. Ever since I started this extreme workout program my appetite has gone way up. I had been pretty much getting by on cereal, salad, tuna and baked chicken. I've expanded a little since then. So I'm getting just enough calories.

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Well, hell week #2 is complete. I worked out a combined 31 hours last week. I'm runnin' on fumes right now. I had planned on working out today but decided it'd be wise to take a full day off. I'm gettin' right back at it tomorrow. My diet is going really well. I've been eating plenty of salad, fruit and veggies. I think that's part of the reason I'm able to work out so much without passing out. All of my meals are very nutritious and balanced. I feel pretty damn good.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 10:45 AM)
You're absolutely right@Rex. Ever since I started this extreme workout program my appetite has gone way up. I had been pretty much getting by on cereal, salad, tuna and baked chicken. I've expanded a little since then. So I'm getting just enough calories.


Just vary your calories. Mix in a high calorie meal one day and acommodate for it the next.

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Anybody from the club go bonkers today? This is the first turkey day in years that I didn't go full blown Oprah. I had a nice serving size of turkey and mashed potatoes (added a little gravy to both). Mixed in a couple small dinner rolls with some greens (gotta eat atleast one veggie with every meal) and cranberry sauce. For dessert I had a piece of home-made blueberry pie. I had to say no to the mac n cheese and stuffing. Although I did workout from 9-2, so it probably wouldn't have been a big deal. But I was more than satisfied, and most importantly full, with what I ate.

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Everyone that's still doing this, congratulations, it's been about I year now if I remember correctly. About a week ago I started doing 20 minute runs every day to go along with my 30 minute bike ride every day. I need to lose 3 pounds still to get to my weight goal, but now my more important goal is to get to the stomach line goal. Right now I've 2 inches off still, but hopefully I'll make it.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Dec 12, 2008 -> 06:57 AM)
Going up and down right now and it is driving me nuts. Sitting at 254 today, up 2 pounds from last week. Total lost 108.


Jordan, you still going strong?


Strong like donkey kong. That was pretty lame. Anyway, I'm doing very well right now. The diet is going good (I'm getting plenty of protein and fiber), along with an abundance of veggies, fruits and salad. The workouts are going just as good. 5-6 days a week, 3-6 hours a day. People have noticed that I'm slimming down. That's a real good thing. Keeps you motivated. Dieting/working out is such a mental battle every day. There's times when I'm absolutely craving a foot long italian beef smothered in cheese, gravy and extra hot peppers. There's days when you flat don't want to go to the gym and just stay in bed and chill all day. But you've got to have that mental muscle, I guess. It'll all be worth it in the end. Only another couple weeks before my first weigh-in. I'm kinda nervous. I hope to have dropped at least 15 pounds by then.


How did you gain 2 pounds by the way? One too many cheat days? I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You've lost damn near the equivalent of two suitcases.

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QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Dec 14, 2008 -> 01:44 PM)
Everyone that's still doing this, congratulations, it's been about I year now if I remember correctly. About a week ago I started doing 20 minute runs every day to go along with my 30 minute bike ride every day. I need to lose 3 pounds still to get to my weight goal, but now my more important goal is to get to the stomach line goal. Right now I've 2 inches off still, but hopefully I'll make it.


Keep it up. Nothing sheds weight like hardcore cardio does.

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The man card is being put aside for a minute.


Anyone that watches the Biggest Loser or is wondering what losing weight can do for them, last night's finale (I DVR's and watched during breaks of the Hawks game BTW) was really cool. The chick that won actually has ended up being pretty good looking. The show actaully turned kind of soap operaish but the girl in the white hat won in the end and looked really good I actaully couldn't decide how hot she was.


Anywho, as for myself I have been stagnate for a while J4L is going a bit to an extreme but I think it will help get the motivation going. I think coming out of the gate flying and getting instant results help in building a base for the grind. I am in the grind phase but I think I am going to go to an extreme here shortly....maybe a vegan thing for month.......oh god.....

Edited by Jenks Heat
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 12:14 AM)
How did you gain 2 pounds by the way? One too many cheat days? I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. You've lost damn near the equivalent of two suitcases.


It happens. I am worrying about the scale less now (though it still pisses me off). I've only lost 13 pounds since late September when I went home to my cousins wedding, yet the jeans I bought (44 waist) to wear home are now too baggy. I just bought a couple of pair of khaki's that are 40 waist. They are a tad tight, but wearable. I am hitting the weights hard enough now that I am redistributing weight more so than losing it. I can still feel my clothes fitting differently despite not losing as many pounds as before.


That said, I have not given up the cardio. I did 5 miles outside Saturday and ran 4.25 of them. I did 8.5 miles Tuesday and ran 4.5. I'm running another 5k Saturday and want to run it beginning to end. Only once have I run 3 consecutive miles and that was on a treadmill, so it's not a given. My next challenge at this point looks to be the Country Music 1/2 marathon in Nashville, April 26. Not 100% sure, but I am beginning to think I can do it. I'm going to start a training program after the new year and see how it goes. If I can stay consistent with the training, I am going to go for it!


Keep up the good work and remember, if you are doing a lot of strength training, you may not see the drastic reduction in pounds. But you should feel the difference and feel your body changing. That is as important as the pounds on the scale.

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QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Dec 17, 2008 -> 09:57 AM)
The man card is being put aside for a minute.


Anyone that watches the Biggest Loser or is wondering what losing weight can do for them, last night's finale (I DVR's and watched during breaks of the Hawks game BTW) was really cool. The chick that won actually has ended up being pretty good looking. The show actaully turned kind of soap operaish but the girl in the white hat won in the end and looked really good I actaully couldn't decide how hot she was.


Anywho, as for myself I have been stagnate for a while J4L is going a bit to an extreme but I think it will help get the motivation going. I think coming out of the gate flying and getting instant results help in building a base for the grind. I am in the grind phase but I think I am going to go to an extreme here shortly....maybe a vegan thing for month.......oh god.....


I can't begin to describe the impact that giving up red meats has had for me. I just stick with white meat/poultry. The difference has been mammoth.



QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Dec 17, 2008 -> 11:48 PM)
It happens. I am worrying about the scale less now (though it still pisses me off). I've only lost 13 pounds since late September when I went home to my cousins wedding, yet the jeans I bought (44 waist) to wear home are now too baggy. I just bought a couple of pair of khaki's that are 40 waist. They are a tad tight, but wearable. I am hitting the weights hard enough now that I am redistributing weight more so than losing it. I can still feel my clothes fitting differently despite not losing as many pounds as before.


That said, I have not given up the cardio. I did 5 miles outside Saturday and ran 4.25 of them. I did 8.5 miles Tuesday and ran 4.5. I'm running another 5k Saturday and want to run it beginning to end. Only once have I run 3 consecutive miles and that was on a treadmill, so it's not a given. My next challenge at this point looks to be the Country Music 1/2 marathon in Nashville, April 26. Not 100% sure, but I am beginning to think I can do it. I'm going to start a training program after the new year and see how it goes. If I can stay consistent with the training, I am going to go for it!


Keep up the good work and remember, if you are doing a lot of strength training, you may not see the drastic reduction in pounds. But you should feel the difference and feel your body changing. That is as important as the pounds on the scale.


I'm not even thinking about strength training until February, at the earliest. Although I do plan on starting an Abdominal training program January 1st. I'm all about shedding pounds right now. Rex, may I ask what your goal weight is? As in the final number you plan on stopping at.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 12:03 AM)
I'm not even thinking about strength training until February, at the earliest. Although I do plan on starting an Abdominal training program January 1st. I'm all about shedding pounds right now. Rex, may I ask what your goal weight is? As in the final number you plan on stopping at.


Don't have one. While the scale is frustrating me lately, I can still feel my body changing so there is no panic. When it feels right I will work to maintain, but ultimately the number on the scale won't matter as much as how I look and feel. For example, I think there are 50 more pounds to lose. But if I lose 30-35 and gain 15-20 pounds of muscle and feel/look good, then that's okay too. I'm at a 40 waist now. Not sure I would ever go lower than a 36 (have very thick thighs). Would be shocked to see myself in anything smaller than an XL consistently (have wide shoulders and a broad chest). I'm at an XL now in some clothes and a XXL in some. So I don't see my overall size changing much more, but there is definitely some strengthening, tweaking and redistributing still happening.



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